In Ye Cheng's office.

Ye Cheng crossed his legs, put one hand on the armrest, propped his chin, and looked out the window with a thoughtful face.

After a while, there was a 'click'.

"Alright Mr. Ye, we're done filming."

Ye Cheng then stopped his actions, stood up with a smile, and shook hands with the woman in front of him.

This woman is a reporter from Oriental Daily, named Xiao Ying.

Just now I was taking a pose for him, and I will put it on the news page later.

"Thank you, Reporter Xiao, I will thank you for your hard work."

"Hehe, it's not hard. Mr. Ye can tell us such news. It's worth our trip." Xiao Ying waved her hand and looked at Ye Cheng with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

She just learned from Ye Cheng that this company is actually able to produce chips, and it is a 5g radio frequency chip.

She doesn't know much about technology, so she doesn't understand that Zhiqi Technology's 5g radio frequency chip is a 7nm process, and she doesn't understand what it means to be able to manufacture a technology with a process below 10nm.

She simply thinks that this is a great achievement. Doesn't it mean that Zhiqi Technology can survive this RF chip battle, and it doesn't need to continue to be subject to the foundry of Bay Semiconductor? You don't have to worry about facing huge compensation because you can't deliver the goods.

However, although she thought simple, she was also correct. This is indeed a remarkable achievement.

At present, in Huaguo, there are very few companies that can produce chips. The largest company is Huaxin International, but its technology only stays on the 14nm process, so chips including 12nm and below are limited to foreign countries.

So when this news spreads, I believe anyone in the industry will understand the meaning of this news.

So Ye Cheng does not need this reporter to understand technology, as long as those who read the news understand technology.

"Then come here." Ye Cheng raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It's getting late now, reporter Xiao can go back as soon as possible."

Xiao Ying nodded and asked with a smile: "By the way, Mr. Ye, I wonder if there will be a chance in the future to visit your production site and see your... lithography machine?"

"Of course there will be a chance." Ye Cheng replied with a smile.

"That's really great." Xiao Ying's eyes lit up, "I remember Mr. Ye's words."

Ye Cheng made an OK gesture.

"Okay, then let's not bother Mr. Ye. We will write a report on today's interview on the Internet as soon as possible, and it will be published in the newspaper tomorrow. We will send you a newspaper by then."

Ye Cheng nodded: "That's the best."

Without further ado, Xiao Ying and the cameraman left the company, and then, several bosses came in from outside.

"Boss, do we have a lithography machine?"

"Boss, when will we be able to produce chips?"

Several directors were outside listening to Ye Cheng being interviewed just now, but they heard Ye Cheng say a lot of things they didn't know.


Chip production line?

Can you still independently produce 5g radio frequency chips?

They were all like curious babies, eager to know the truth of the matter.

Ye Cheng looked at these directors and stood up with a smile.

It's time for them to know about this.

"Yes, we have lithography machines, we have chip production lines, and we can even produce chips below 10nm process by ourselves!"


The news swept across the country in an instant like a hurricane landed.

A company that previously announced that it can independently produce 5g radio frequency chips suddenly claims that they have lithography machines, even EUV lithography machines, not DUV lithography machines.

What's more, they can also produce chips with a process below 10nm.

Especially this is a Huaguo company.

This piece of news could bring a lot of shocking news when it was spread out individually, but it actually appeared on a piece of news at the same time, so in less than an hour, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Even bibs, hot searches on Zhihu, including Tieba, Koukou and other social platforms, almost all started to discuss this matter.

"If this news is false, I hope it is true; if it is true, then I have a showdown, Zhiqi Technology will always be a god. 』

"Fuck, is it really an EUV lithography machine? They still have fifteen? So awesome? 』

"Let me give you some popular science: Some people may wonder what is the difference between EUV and DUV lithography machines. EUV lithography machines are currently the most advanced lithography machines, which can produce chips with a maximum of 1nm process, while DUV can only produce 7nm process at a maximum. chip.

Therefore, if the lithography machine owned by Zhiqi Technology is DUV, then I am just shocked, because Asmer originally sold DUV lithography machines to Huaguo, Huaxin International bought DUV lithography machines before, but Huaxin Core International's process technology is not good, and 7nm technology cannot be produced with DUV lithography machines. And Zhiqi can produce 7nm chips, which shows that they have developed the technology of 7nm chips. This is good news, but due to the limit of DUV, they can only produce 7nm chips, which still has a gap with foreign countries. After all, foreign countries are now able to produce 3nm chips.

However, what is said in this news is that Zhiqi Technology Company actually owns an EUV lithography machine! This is quite unbelievable. As long as the technology of 5nm process and 3nm process can be followed up in the future, my country will also be able to produce these high-end chips, especially Zhiqi Technology Company has 15 lithography machines and 15 production lines, which will be enough Supply all the needs of our Huaguo for chips below 10nm!

Therefore, I hope that Zhiqi Technology is not bragging. Of course, I am very willing to believe that this is true. After all, Zhiqi Technology has not yet been listed, and they do not need to rely on bragging to increase their stock prices like Musk. 』


Many people have expressed their support for Zhiqi Technology. The title of "Huaguo Science and Technology Light" was once again placed on Zhiqi's head, but similarly, those who hacked Zhiqi Technology on the Internet, now Shi also showed no mercy.

"It's still a lithography machine, just a little bit of bragging. 』

"Who in this world can build EUV lithography machines except Asmer?" 』

"There are too many companies in Huaguo, so Huaguo's technology has not made any progress, so they just talk empty words, but when they ask about technology, they are all dumbfounded." 』

"Win again! 』


The Internet is the Internet, and it is the companies that really pay attention to this news.

Huawei held a meeting overnight to discuss the authenticity of the news, and finally decided to stop by to see if Zhiqi really had a chip production workshop when he went to inspect the goods the day after tomorrow.

Xiaotong also heard the news, and Christian's first reaction was: "Is today April Fool's Day?"

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