"Oh, by the way, in terms of funds, you will contact Wang Shen, the director of the company's financial department, and go to Beijing in a few days to help negotiate a loan with the bank. You should know how to negotiate, right?"

"Understood." Dian Chi nodded and responded.

Ye Cheng nodded, and then said: "That's fine, I will let Wang Shen talk to you about the negotiation items at that time."

"As for the second thing, that's it."

Ye Cheng pointed to his computer screen.

Dian Chi walked up, looked at the plan above, and nodded quickly: "I understand."

"This matter is the focus of your current work. Negotiate cooperation with those companies as soon as possible, and then start production earlier."

"Good boss."

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded, and then called Wang Shen, introduced Dianchi to him, gave him instructions, and let the two of them go down.

Just after they left, Xiaobai's voice rang again: "Master! The three mobile phone manufacturers who were going to sue you at the beginning are going to withdraw their lawsuit!"

Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment: "Preparing to withdraw the lawsuit? How do you know?"

"Because I monitor them!"

Ye Cheng: "..."


[The lawsuit was withdrawn again! These three mobile phone companies have thrown in the towel! 】

[Another victory for Zhiqi Technology Company! 】

[This is Zhiqi's deterrent power! 】


The three mobile phone companies withdrew the lawsuit quietly, but in the face of overwhelming media, no matter how silently they were, the spread of news could not be avoided.

All of a sudden, there were some people who gloated and ridiculed. After Zhiqi became the first chip manufacturer in Huaguo, it automatically became fans of countless netizens, especially those who pay attention to electronic technology. For these three companies The mobile phone manufacturers who wanted to cheat Zhiqi before basically didn't like it.

"It deserves it, when I wanted to sue Zhiqi back then, I obviously took advantage of others' danger." 』

"Fortunately, Zhiqi survived at the beginning"

"I heard that they were going to have a trial in two weeks, so that's all right, I'll just admit it. 』

"Yesterday, the mayor of Shanghai visited Zhiqi Technology's company. Today they withdrew the lawsuit. They were obviously afraid of getting troubled. I laughed to death, happy to hear it."

"Anyway, I won't buy mobile phones from these three companies in the future. 』

"+1 also didn't buy it"



"Didn't Huawei already place an order for Qilin9K from Zhiqi? And I heard that there is no more Qilin9KE, all Qilin9K, take off directly, ready to place an order』

"take off take off"

"By the way, will Zhiqi design a chip in the future? 』

"That's not necessarily the case, Zhiqi is a foundry, not a chip design company, but it doesn't rule out that they have this idea. 』

"I heard that Zhiqi can produce 3nm chips. If it can design 3nm chips, wouldn't it be invincible?" 』

"Zhi Qi, forever dripping God"


Basically, all netizens expressed their delight at the withdrawal of the lawsuits of the three mobile phone companies.

Their failure, in the eyes of everyone, is an inevitable result, and some people even began to care about whether Zhiqi Technology Company can design 3nm chips.

And this matter, of course, was soon known by everyone in Zhiqi, and all the people in the company were filled with joy.

Wang Shen came to Ye Cheng's office with a happy look on his face.

He asked: "Boss, those three companies called and asked if we can continue to complete the original order?"

Ye Cheng smiled and nodded: "It's done, of course we must continue to complete it, this is the money that should be earned, of course we must continue to earn."

Of course, it's only for this time. As for the future, these three companies don't even think about buying anything from them.

"Okay!" Wang Shen nodded, and when he was about to turn around and leave the office, he suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Cheng, "By the way, boss, I see that many netizens on the Internet are asking if our company can design chips with a 3nm process." , can we do this?"

Ye Cheng laughed and scolded: "You are eating what is in the bowl, and you start thinking about what is in the pot? Do you think 3nm chips are so easy to design?"

Wang Shen chuckled and said, "Didn't I just want to ask?"

Ye Cheng saw him like this, pondered for a moment, and then said: "All right, let me tell you, in fact...we have already designed it."

The smile on Wang Shen's face froze for a moment, and then he became unbelievable, and quickly asked, "Boss, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. Well, it's our business secret... By the way, you can just pretend to accidentally leak the news."

Wang Shen's expression couldn't help becoming strange: "Should we also disclose business secrets?"

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Don't those companies like to do this? This is a trade secret that can be leaked."

Wang Shen nodded thoughtfully, and then made an OK gesture: "I understand, I'm going to leak the secret right now."

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "Go, oh yes, this is not called leaking secrets, this is called accidentally leaking secrets."

Wang Shen laughed: "I understand."

Watching him turn and leave the office, Ye Cheng snorted.

Isn't secrets meant to be revealed?

What's more, leaking this information can also attract a lot of attention. Although their company is not a listed company, these attentions cannot increase the company's stock price, but as long as there is attention, it must be useful.

Shaking his head, Ye Cheng stopped meddling, looked at the time, it was time to get off work.

In the morning, his father called back and asked him to go home tonight, probably to talk about something.

However, this is also the first time he has returned home after time travelling.

Thinking of his parents in this life, he had a strange feeling in his heart, and finally shook his head, what are you thinking about so much, go back early, maybe you can still catch up with a meal?


United States, Xiaotong.

"The three companies withdrew the lawsuit?"

"Yes, President."

"Huaguo people are just unreliable." Christian snorted coldly: "Isn't it just a matter of holding on for a while, and the fact is true, it's not like they can't win the lawsuit."

Looking at the president, the secretary felt that the three companies were wronged.

That company called Zhiqi Technology now even has a lithography machine. Do those three companies dare to continue to provoke them?

Of course, it is impossible for the secretary to say this.

"Then boss, what are you going to do?"

"What can I do, we Xiaotong can't control it." Christian waved his hand: "The main thing is to see what our shareholders can do. Recently, the FBI should investigate Asmail to see if they are It’s not that they secretly sold the lithography machine to Hua Guo.”

"After that, it depends on how the masters of Congress plan to deal with this matter."

His gaze became playful: "Anyway, even if Huaguo has a lithography machine and a production process, if there is no raw material for production, they will still be birds with broken wings.

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