The cost of one tape-out of a 3nm chip is so expensive, but it should be noted that this is only one tape-out.

For most companies that design chips from scratch, if they want to achieve mass production, they may not be able to avoid three or more tape-outs. Unless it is a company with extremely strong scientific research capabilities such as Guoguo or Warwick, it is possible to do it twice or even twice. It can be done once.

Of course, the circuit diagram designed by Zhongxin must be no problem, which ensures that their tape-out times will not be too many. Second-rate.

However, the high cost remains a major problem.

"Money is money, technology is the primary productive force, and technology is also the number one burner of money."

He sighed, and finally shook his head, no matter what, what should be produced still has to be produced.

If you don't occupy this market yourself, it means that others occupy this market.

But fortunately, the company has 2 billion left from the previous 10 billion loan, which is still enough to support the cost of two tape-outs.

"If it really doesn't work... I'm looking for a bank loan of 100 million points?" He pondered.


Zhiqi Technology's business plan is obviously confidential and will not be known to the outside world, and people's attention has also been attracted by another matter.

Because of an unprecedented movement, it was launched in the national semiconductor industry.

That is, a major adjustment of the industrial chain.

No matter how secret this matter is, the news brought about by this kind of investment totaling hundreds of billions will eventually be known to the outside world.

[Huaguo semiconductor leading companies are making big moves, what are they going to do? 】

[Build a factory, build a factory, or build a factory! The unified action of Huaguo Semiconductor Enterprises! 】

A lot of media were moved upon hearing the news, thinking that something big was about to happen, but the official media only claimed that this was just an adjustment of Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain, so don't worry about it.

Of course, there are still a lot of smart people, and soon someone linked this matter to Zhiqi Technology.

After all, now Zhiqi Technology Company has a high-end chip production line, maybe the so-called industrial chain adjustment this time is to cooperate with Zhiqi Technology Company's chip production line?


"Huaguo adjusts the semiconductor industry chain?"

Washington, USA, White House.

When Bai heard the information reported by his Secretary of State, his face showed doubts.

"Yes, Mr. President."

"What is the purpose of their adjustment?"

"According to Huaguo's official media, it is to cooperate with the future production activities of Huaguo's company that owns EUV lithography machines."

"What's the result of your investigation?"

"The results of our investigation show that it seems to be the same as their official media."

"It seems?" Someone was taken aback. He was nearly eighty years old, and the mental problems brought to him made him unable to react for a while. After a long while, he asked, "Why do you say 'seems'?"

The Secretary of State has probably gotten used to the president's state for a long time, and said, "Because we want to investigate some facts that are different from what their official media claimed, but unfortunately we haven't found it for the time being. According to the assessment, Huaguo's semiconductor technology , has been under our control, even if they adjust the industrial chain, it is impossible for their technology to develop by leaps and bounds."

"What's more, even if they adjust, as far as we know, if the company called 'Zhiqi Technology' wants to produce chips, it can only buy semiconductor materials under our control."

"So in our opinion, their adjustments are meaningless and useless. Apart from wasting money, it can only be a waste of money."

Bai someone said: "Then don't worry about it."

But the Secretary of State showed a helpless look on his face: "However, respected Mr. President, you also know that the Chinese people are very cunning, and basically any of their actions have some purpose, so we still feel that their actions this time There is some ulterior secret in the adjustment."

"Then did you investigate it?" Bai asked someone spreading his hands.

"Uh... not yet."

"Then you say so much, and you can't come up with a result, then don't worry about it. Since they are wasting money by doing this, we will let them continue to waste money until they take out all the money that can be wasted. , let’s sell them out of stock again, won’t it be fine?”

The Secretary of State showed a look of embarrassment: "But..."

Someone waved his hand and interrupted him: "Okay, if you should investigate, you should investigate. If you can't find any results, just do as I said for the time being. In addition, remind the Netherlands to investigate Asmail Move faster, I really want to know, can Huaguo know how to produce lithography machines?"

Seeing what the President said, the Secretary of State had no choice but to nod: "I see, Mr. President."

But soon, the Secretary of State added another sentence: "However, Mr. President, we will also take certain measures to limit the development of Huaguo Company when necessary."

"Okay." Bai Mou expressed his approval.


Hua Guo's big move has touched the nerves of many people.

Everyone wants to know the reason for this, is it really to cooperate with Zhiqi?

And how can the technology of domestic manufacturers in Huaguo supply materials that are comparable to those produced by foreign manufacturers?

Is it really the same as Huaguo's official claim, and has nothing to do with Zhiqi?

However, due to the intervention of the Chinese government this time, the secrecy was kept very good, and the major companies also covered their mouths tightly, and did not disclose any news.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.


Zhiqi Semiconductor Research Center.

Compared with before, there was only a 20,000-square-meter chip production workshop in an open space of more than 90,000 square meters. Now, several factories have begun to be built here.

There are photoresist production plants, as well as packaging materials, bonding wires, and mask plate production plants.

More than 90,000 square meters, which happens to include all the production plants of these materials.

After all these material production plants are completed in the future, all the semiconductor materials produced will be used to supply the chip production plant next door.

This will also make the transportation much more convenient in the future. First, you don’t have to worry too much about the freight, and second, you don’t have to worry about the shelf life. For example, the shelf life of photoresist is very short, only a few months. In case of transportation Any delays or accidents in the process will obviously affect the efficiency of chip production.

At this time, a Mercedes-Benz drove in through the gate, and five fierce-looking security guards at the gate saluted the Mercedes-Benz and then let it pass.

The driver is Ye Cheng.

He waved to the five security guards, seeing the guns they were carrying, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Due to the government's attention, his research center is now listed as a key protected area. The guards can hold guns, and even the walls are equipped with power grids.

There are even soldiers stationed all around, and a pass is required to enter and exit, which can be said to be of a very high standard.

After all, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Driving into the research center, seeing the factories being built, Ye Cheng also showed satisfaction on his face.

The current research center finally looks like a center.

Maybe, in the future, it can radiate from here to build a Silicon Valley in China?

He couldn't help but smile, he really could think about it.

Then he didn't care too much, and he drove towards the chip production workshop.

Starting today, the tape-out of 3nm chips will begin.

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