Ye Cheng remembered.

The dream he had back then.

That bizarre dream made him know what he was about to face.

The magical building dug out on Mars is exactly the passage with the extremely deep corridor he encountered in that dream.

And at the end of the passage is a mysterious basement.

A ghost with Bose Einstein condensate inside, and an intelligence?

Ye Cheng frowned.

Smart, this made him have to doubt whether Xiaobai would be able to work later.

Who can guarantee that Xiaobai is not the smart clone of Mars?

Also, it is really hard for him to believe that what is it that can allow this thing to exist for billions of years without any change, this is really unreasonable.

However, it has come, and I believe the answer is not far away from him.

Then, he stood up from his seat, began to put on the Martian suit, and left here.

He is the only one on the spaceship, so there is no need to wait for others.

The hatch opened, and he walked out, and then saw the seven team members on Mars standing outside.

"Mr. Ye."


"Chairman Ye."

The players greeted each other.

Ye Cheng nodded slightly at them, then turned his head and looked to the other side. The metal building, which looked like an immortal temple, spanned billions of years and completed the meeting with him.

"Let me see what you are in a moment."

After muttering in his heart, Ye Cheng entered the base with seven team members.


About two hours later, Ye Cheng stepped out of the base gate alone, and then walked towards the mysterious building.

In the base, the seven team members all looked at Ye Cheng who walked out alone, Zhang Fu couldn't help but said, "Does he really dare to go alone?"

"That's right, that's an alien building."

"Fate 8 wants to be spicy?"

"Okay, Mr. Ye has Mr. Ye's considerations, let's not worry about it."

Chief Chen said.

Davis said in a low voice: "I bet one world yuan that Mr. Ye will definitely be able to go in later."

"Isn't it true that he is an alien?"

Inov said again.

As a result, apart from Zhang Fu and Davis, the other four looked at him together.

Yinov shrank his head: "What do you see me doing, I will just talk about it."

However, the next moment, his eyes widened: "The door actually opened! Suka is not listed!"

Davis also widened his eyes: "Is he really an alien?"

Zhang Fu was also stunned: "God..."

"Shut up, you guys are enough."

Chief Chen interrupted their yelling: "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Ye is from our earth no matter how you look at it."

"But don't you find it unbelievable that the door opened when he came? Maybe he's just coming home now."

Inov said.

"Okay, don't make wild guesses."

Chief Chen said again.

"All right."

Yinov can only be obedient.

But then he thought about it, maybe Mr. Chen said that to protect them?

God knows if this alien will kill them all when he comes back.

But thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Then should we run away quickly? Will he kill us when he comes back? We even know his secret!"

"...If you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you first." Chief Chen glared at the Xiong Guoren: "Okay, don't make trouble, Mr. Ye is from Earth."

Seeing Mr. Chen denying himself again, Yinov couldn't refute. He looked at Davis and Zhang Fu, but they didn't say anything.

He could only hope in his heart that he was really wrong.


And after Ye Cheng entered the opened door, there was no surprise on his face.

He could easily guess that as long as he came, the door would open by itself.

The situation he encountered in that dream was like this, and the door would automatically open for him.

And he also looked at the thickness of the door. It was more than two meters thick. With such a thickness, God knows how long it would take to grind it slowly.

Returning to this familiar yet unfamiliar corridor, Ye Cheng walked inside step by step without stopping.

As he got deeper and deeper, he could feel the cold more and more. Although the surface of Mars itself was relatively cold, if it wasn't for the constant temperature system in their protective clothing, otherwise, it would be difficult for ordinary people to bear.

The last time he came in in a dream, he couldn't feel the temperature, but this time, he actually felt the temperature.

Suddenly, he felt something looking at him in front of him, and he said calmly, "Do you want to kill me?"

Although he couldn't see it, he could know that it was a 'ghost', a ghost in Bose Einstein's condensed matter.

The temperature of this ghost is -273.15 degrees Celsius, which is absolute zero. As long as it passes through his body, the extremely low temperature can freeze him to death instantly.

And as he spoke, he felt that the thing disappeared, probably piercing into the wall.

The Bose-Einstein condensate is superfluid and has frictionless properties, which means it can pass through anything that can accommodate an atom.

After confirming that the thing was gone, Ye Cheng smiled lightly and continued to walk down.

That wisdom made him come here, definitely not to kill him.

But it may also be wanting to control him.

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