"My God, what is that!"

Following the explosion of the Luminous Sky, Davis couldn't help but exclaimed, pointing at the light from the explosion in the sky.

What happened?

And several other people also saw the situation in the sky, and the fire light seemed to ignite sparks.

After a while, the fire still hadn't dissipated, and even began to fall towards Mars, like a meteorite.

Looking at this scene, Davis and the others had guesses in their hearts. The one that exploded was the spacecraft that had just taken off.

They couldn't believe it. That seemingly expensive spaceship just exploded like this?

But seeing Ye Cheng's expressionless face, they didn't dare to ask any questions.

Although Ye Cheng can't move a hand or a leg, they still feel that the richest man in the world has a terrible oppressive force, and they even feel that even if they have been subjected to various killing techniques in the army, they are not this person opponent.

They don't know where this feeling comes from, but they just have this feeling, and what makes them feel very strange is that Chief Chen and the three people who came later seem to obey Ye Cheng's words, and they obey almost unconditionally Its order, which made them all feel puzzled, shouldn't Ye Cheng and their countries all have equal status?

But no matter what, they are not easy to ask.

For Ye Cheng, the self-destruction of the Luntian was something he had already decided on.

Let that Martian intelligence leave safely?

There's no way he'll allow it.

The self-destruction program of the Luopian can completely ignite all the fuel inside, causing it to explode directly. Its instantaneous temperature can even reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, and the resulting brightness is enough for them on Mars to see.

And with this level of explosion, he didn't believe that Tupa could continue to exist in the world.

But, is 'that Tupa' really Tupa?

He even suspected that Tupa had already guessed that he would blow up the Luaotian, but he still went up.

Of course, Tupa could have used the system to monitor Ye Cheng's thoughts, but Ye Cheng used psychological suggestion to let himself set up a self-destruct program on Xuantian without being completely unconscious.

Unconsciously, he didn't know what he did, and he didn't think about what he was going to do. So, in this way, he set up a self-destruct program on the Xutian, and he didn't let him do these things. Xiaobai helped himself, because he also couldn't trust Xiaobai.

At this time, he can only rely on himself. ъiqugetv

"Back to base."

Not paying attention to the fireball falling from the sky, Ye Cheng waved his hand and turned away.

In this way, he returned to the base.

In the base, there are all kinds of things that he can bring up from that underground base.

His eyes inspected these things, and he began to think.

Seeing Ye Cheng's appearance, several other people were puzzled again, what are they going to do now?

Zhang Fu thought that he was also from Hua, so he asked, "Mr. Ye, what are you thinking about now?"

"I was thinking, what else should I pay attention to."

Ye Cheng said calmly.

He squinted his eyes, stepped forward, and stroked the things from the underground base with his right hand.

Now, according to the information he can grasp, if Tupa is still alive, that is to say, its "host" sent by Ye Cheng is not its real "host", then there is a high probability that the equipment it exists Among these things in front of you.

However, just looking at it this way, Ye Cheng couldn't tell the difference.

"So, I can't touch the quantum phone with these things, otherwise, it is very likely to let it complete the transfer."

After a short thought, Ye Cheng suddenly said to Chief Chen: "Temporarily disconnect all connections with the earth, all."

He emphasized everything, and Chief Chen responded immediately.

"All" means that besides the electromagnetic wave connection, it also includes quantum communication.

The four people belonging to Zhiqi naturally wouldn't say anything, but Zhang Fu and the others were puzzled and cut off the connection with the earth?

What about the other side of the earth?

"Mr. Ye, why is this?!"

"Mr. Ye, do you want to think again?"

Hearing their questions, Ye Cheng thought for a while, yes, don't be in such a hurry.

The spaceship that came to pick them up had already set off for a month, and it would take another five months to reach Mars. If he started to try now, if an accident happened, it would be very dangerous.

So, it's better to wait until the rocket arrives, or when it is about to arrive, to test it.

So Ye Cheng nodded: "Okay, let's talk about it later."

Then, he stopped talking and went to rest first.


Time passed quickly, and in the following time, Ye Cheng did not have nothing to do. He found a laptop and removed all the devices that would be connected to the signal in the laptop, such as Bluetooth, wifi and other components. , only the basic components were kept, and then he returned to the underground base with the components brought up from the underground base.

The underground base is a natural Faraday cage,

Then use this laptop to try to contact these things, but unfortunately, it doesn't work.

After all, his notebook was brought from the earth, and these things are things on Mars. Obviously, it is impossible to abide by the protocols on the earth, such as (ieee802.11) protocol technology, which is what can be passed between various devices on the earth. A universal standard for interconnecting wireless LANs.

As for these devices from Ebony Ozic, it is obviously impossible to have this same agreement.

"So, that means I have to use something from Mars to make the connection?"

"But the quantum notebook has been thrown into the universe, and I don't know where it is now, and the quantum phone cannot be used for adventure..."

If one is not careful and let that intelligence get in, it will be bad.

Ye Cheng thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered the information state quantum computer that now exists in his mind, which is what he once considered a system.

He suddenly had a guess.

Squinting his eyes, Ye Cheng began to use the information state quantum computer in his mind to try to communicate with the things in these underground bases.

That Tupa has always been able to communicate with him through this 'system', but it still wants to let itself help it. Does this mean that it cannot transfer its own body to the quantum computer of the 'system'.

Besides, is the 'system' that can talk to him the same as Tupa?

After all, with Tupa on the original Mars base, there should be no need for a second intelligence.

That being the case, then...

Does it mean that the Tupa exists in the information state quantum computer?

It's just... Now that it already exists in the system, what exactly does it want to do?

A faint light flickered in Ye Cheng's eyes.

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