The sudden news did not surprise Ye Cheng too much, and it was expected.

The United States finally made a move.

After the last trial, Christian's aggressive posture, he had already expected that this day would be very close.

Obviously, Christian's original threat was to give him an ultimatum.

Tell him to either honestly support the entry of U.S. capital and become a U.S. company, and the U.S. will naturally support him.

Or, if he doesn't cooperate, then Zhiqi is finished.

Now, the United States is clearly planning to kill Zhiqi.

However, Ye Cheng didn't care much about this.

Will Zhiqi be finished?

He is very clear in his heart that the layout of the national chip industry chain now makes him fearless, and the upcoming lithium-air battery also gives him the confidence to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The only question that remains is when the U.S. Department of Commerce plans to start doing it.

If Zhiqi is sanctioned tomorrow and all semiconductor material suppliers are prohibited from supplying them with raw materials, Zhiqi's chip production line will have to face a 50-day shutdown.

The current inventory materials are only enough for Zhiqi to continue working for one and a half months.

And in March next year, all semiconductor factories under construction in China will be fully operational.

Of course, this also means that all the factories start working together. In fact, the final completion time of each major factory depends on the difficulty of construction, and not all of them have to be completed in March next year.

Ye Cheng squinted his eyes and estimated that the material factory that will be officially opened in March should be a special gas factory.

Because special gases are very complicated, there are as many as 110 kinds of special gases that can be applied to the semiconductor industry, of which about 30 are commonly used, accounting for as much as 14% of the demand for raw materials, second only to silicon wafers.

Therefore, the preparation of these gases is more complicated than the production of other materials, and more equipment needs to be built, which takes a long time.

However, the domestic special gas factories are actually capable of providing the special gases they need, but just like the former Modu Xinsheng Company that can produce 12-inch silicon wafers, the technology is immature and the production cost is high. Low production capacity.

Of course, being able to produce means that Ye Cheng can find these domestic factories to temporarily replace those foreign factories that provide special gases, and then wait until March next year to buy special gases from the new factory.

As for the other material factories, they will be able to start almost all of them by February next year.

Don't doubt our construction speed.

And if I remind myself again, the construction speed of those factories should be faster.

If you think about it this way, Zhiqi will stop production for at most 20 days!

Twenty days is nothing.

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes and fell into thought.

Of course, it would be best if the twenty days could also be delayed.

After all, once Zhiqi stops production, it is easy to cause a wave of public opinion or something, or the three companies at the beginning have another show operation.

However, he estimated that the current public opinion may have already boiled over.

Shaking his head, he was not in the mood to care about those public opinion issues. After thinking about it, he picked up his mobile phone, and he wanted to urge those semiconductor companies to build factories.

Besides, he also had to think about how to delay the last twenty days.


As Ye Cheng expected, public opinion has indeed boiled over.

[So shameless! The United States requires Zhiqi to send the lithography machine to the United States! 】

[The banditry is exposed, and the imperialists are not dead. 】

All kinds of news headlines can arouse the indignation of all netizens in an instant. If you click in and read the details, you will be even more angry.

Under the relevant media, a large number of comments from netizens once again poured in.

"Imperialism never dies, sanctioned Huawei yesterday, threatened Zhiqi today, and banned the development of all our technology companies tomorrow?" 』

"The West has really taken its shamelessness to the extreme, to be able to make such a request." 』

"Zhiqi is our company, not American, not a company like Sansang and Gulf Semiconductor whose shareholders are all American!" 』

"What the hell are they thinking? Why are we so confident that our company will hand over things obediently? 』

"Probably out of their wits"


Netizens scolded, no one can remain indifferent to this shameless behavior.

As for the government, not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded, but Beijing also made representations to Washington, claiming that this was an "aggression". Ignore it.

Washington, USA.

The White House, inside the Oval Office.

"Shanghai attaches great importance to it?"

The president looked at the document in his hand, which was the content of the call between the Beijing office and the White House office.

"Yes." The Secretary of State nodded: "This is also expected."

"Don't you think this kind of decision will damage the image of the United States? I'm afraid direct sanctions are better than this. Anyway, we have already sanctioned so many of their companies."

The Secretary of State showed a smile on his face: "No, this is our request to them based on our strength and status. It has nothing to do with the image of the United States. What's more, what can they say? Public opinion is under our control, and people will only know that this is the It is a decision of freedom and democracy, and we also want to safeguard Asmail's rights, so this is also a just decision."

"Then why not sanction directly?" The president pinched his brows. He was a little slow to react, and he was a little confused about the political decisions made by his subordinates.

"Well... this is to warn them not to try to have any possible developments in semiconductors." The Secretary of State said: "Semiconductors are our biggest card against them, and they are absolutely not allowed to make any breakthroughs."

"Semiconductor card?" The president nodded and asked, "Then what happened to the investigation into Asmail?"

The Secretary of State shook his head: "Nothing was found."

"Nothing was found?"

The president frowned: "How is this possible?"

The Secretary of State said helplessly: "So now we can only investigate along the part suppliers of the lithography machine, but the lithography machine is too complicated, and I am afraid that it will take a long time to investigate.

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