three days later.

In the R&D department.

A bunch of R&D personnel gathered together, looking at the data displayed on a computer.

"How about it?"

someone asked.

"The test was successful. This 5G radio frequency chip is indeed feasible!"


"What about performance? How about performance?"

"It seems to be really strong, and the speed should be faster."

"Cooperating with Huawei's Balong baseband or Snapdragon baseband are good, the response should be faster, even the Intel baseband seems to be very good, the fruit side can't choose our RF chip?"


While the group of R&D personnel were discussing, three people came over from the outside, it was Ye Cheng, Zhong Xin, and Huang Mingsheng.

When Huang Mingsheng saw the people around here, he said, "What are you doing?!"

Seeing the leader coming, this group of people said one after another: "I'm looking at our RF chip!"

"Oh? How is it?"

"It's amazing! Very strong!"

Huang Mingsheng raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Zhong Xin, his face showed respect involuntarily.

Now he admires Zhong Xin to the extreme. After getting along with him for the past few days, he found that this person knows everything, and Zhong Xin can answer all his questions. As a teacher, Xin has no grievances about Zhong Xin becoming the director of the R&D department.

"Okay, let's all go back to work." Ye Cheng waved his hand at this moment.

When these people saw the boss speak, they were not afraid at all. The former owner had been with them in the R&D department all day long, and they knew each other very well.

Someone said: "Boss, let's take a look again, such an awesome thing."

Ye Cheng had no choice but to wave his hands: "Then you guys get out of the way first."

These people immediately gave them their seats in front of the computer.

The three of them stepped forward and looked at the computer.

Seeing the data displayed by the professional software on the computer, both Ye Cheng and Huang Mingsheng smiled.

"Hey, my senior brother still doesn't believe me, I'll send him this data comparison later and see what he says!"

"Don't post it later, post it now."

Ye Cheng said.

In the past three days, they have begun to contact major mobile phone manufacturers, but none of these manufacturers believe that they, a company that is about to go bankrupt, can get this kind of chip. There are only less than three domestic companies that can produce 5G RF chips. As for saying that the cost is lower, the performance is higher, and it has complete intellectual property patents, people don't even believe it.

Is there a company in Huaguo that can research this kind of thing?

Even bypassing all Western patents?

What a joke.

Ever since, their Zhiqi company was completely regarded as a liar, and Huang Mingsheng was able to chat a few words with his brother who was the chief technology officer in Warwick, but he didn't believe it at all, claiming that unless they There is evidence.

Now, isn't the proof here?

"Send it now?" Huang Mingsheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I'll post it now!"

Then he directly opened the prestige, sent a message to his brother, and sent the data in front of him.

After a while, Huang Mingsheng received a reply.

"Boss Ye, my senior brother has returned to me!"

"Back to what?"

"He said he was going to talk to Mr. Ren."


Shencheng, Longgang District, Huawei headquarters.

In a magnificent office, a man in his fifties was sitting at his desk.

His name is Xu Yun, Huawei's CTO, that is, the chief technology officer.

Being able to serve as Huawei's CTO, his own ability is naturally quite outstanding.

It's just that he, who had always remained calm before, fell into shock at this moment, and all of this came from a piece of information on the screen.

The day before yesterday, his mentor's younger brother sent a message saying that his company had developed a brand new 5G radio frequency chip, which avoided various patent blockades, and asked Huawei whether to buy it.

Of course he didn't believe it at the time, and even once thought that Huang Mingsheng's account had been hacked.

He knew very well that Huang Mingsheng's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. He had felt wronged by Huang Mingsheng before and wanted him to come to Warwick, but the junior said he was too tired and didn't want to come. He had no choice but to give up.

It's just that this kind of company can research things like 5G radio frequency chips?

Not to mention that he doesn't believe it, it is estimated that it is impossible for anyone to believe it.

It turned out that today, the other party sent a document. He saw that it was really a brand new 5G radio frequency chip, and it was even more powerful than those radio frequency chips from other companies.

He felt a little unbelievable, and thinking about what Huang Mingsheng said, their design did not use any foreign patents, and all of them were independently developed, which made him even more unbelievable.

But the facts are in front of him, he can only choose to believe.

He thought for a while, and finally sent Huang Mingsheng a message: "I'll tell Mr. Ren. 』

Then, he left the office immediately.

He clearly knows what it means to have a radio frequency chip that is not controlled by the West. Warwick can produce 5G mobile phones again!

However, the decision to buy or not to buy Zhiqi's chips still rests with their president Ren.

Soon, he came to an office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

An old man's voice came from inside.

Xu Yun opened the door and walked in.

Seeing the old man sitting on the desk, Xu Yun called out with great respect: "Mr. Ren."

There are many businessmen who can be called Mr. Ren in the country, but the only entrepreneur who can be called Mr. Ren is this old man who is almost 80 years old.

Ren Fei raised his head to look at him, and said with a smile, "Xu Yun, come sit down, what's the matter?"

Xu Yun told Ren Fei what happened just now.

Ren Fei was probably also a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Do you think what your junior brother said is true?"

Xu Yun said, "I think it's true."

Ren Fei nodded slightly: "Since you think it's true, then we have to support them. This is also our consistent strategy, but we have to be responsible for our company. We must confirm that they really have such technology to prevent them from cheating. Warwick, but at the same time, they must be responsible to their company and confirm that their technology can bypass the Western patent blockade, otherwise, Warwick is the company that harmed your friend."

Xu Yun nodded: "I understand."

"Well, you are responsible for this matter, and then contact Hayes."

Ren Fei stood up and turned his head to look out of the window. The sun was shining brightly outside the window: "I hope your friend didn't lie to you. That would be an encouragement for Huaguo Technology."

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