Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 74 The Semiconductor Strategy Is About To Be Completed, And The Panic In The United States

Time flies, and the Spring Festival of 2022 has come and passed quietly.

Huaguo is regretting the end of the holiday, but Americans are still busy and even anxious.

It took an untold amount of effort to successfully insert a dozen spies, but all of them were found out in the end!

This shocked and disbelieved all the top officials in the United States.

But the facts are right in front of them, and there is nothing they can do. As for putting pressure on the Huaguo government, that is to say, it is impossible for Huaguo to listen to them.

The spy matter can only be counted on the one hand, on the other hand, the shock brought to them by the lithium-air battery is not small at all.

After so many days, no matter how much they do not believe in this matter, the various data released by the Zhiqi Research Institute continue to prove that this matter is true.

Zhiqi is very likely to realize this technology!

And they tried their best to get this technology, such as the three new materials mentioned by Zhiqi Research Institute, but they couldn't even hack into Ye Cheng's mobile phone, let alone this kind of thing.

Unless they dare to kidnap Liang Feiyun from the Modu Research Institute.

But as long as they dare to go to Huaguo to kidnap Liang Feiyun, Huaguo will dare to kidnap their technological talents.

See who has more scientific and technological talents, and in the end it can only be them who feel distressed.

At that time, the two sides will be impatient, and I am afraid that a war will start, and it is even more impossible to start a war.

So it is impossible for them to use this method.

And the lithium-air battery is fine, and now they have investigated another thing.

Huaguo has the top semiconductor material production technology!

At the beginning, what they called the adjustment of the semiconductor industry chain was basically an upgrade of the semiconductor industry chain!

This made them even more shocked and unbelievable.

The premonition at the beginning came true. In the chip industry, the fish on the chopping board actually jumped up now!

The top management of the United States is very clear about how terrifying it is to let Huaguo control the entire semiconductor industry chain.

That is the world's largest industrial country!

Therefore, this simply made the high-level officials of the United States feel unbelievable. They wanted to investigate whether the technology had leaked like crazy. However, no matter how they investigated, they could not find the result. None of the 19 kinds of materials had any history. Technology leaks.

It's like it was researched by the people of Huaguo themselves.

"How is this possible!" The president didn't even doze off, and looked at the report in his hand with disbelief: "This is unbelievable! It's really shocking!"

The Secretary of State also had a look of disbelief: "I was shocked."

The director of the NSA Bureau standing next to him did the same: "I was also shocked."

At this time, the directors of the FBI and CIA also knocked on the door and ran in, "Mr. President, I am so shocked..."

The president looked at the two men and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Look, the two gentlemen are here. I don't know that you two, as the most famous intelligence organization in the United States, usually attend banquets and vacations? You didn't get the news until now. !"

"Silicon wafers, photoresists, masks, CMP polishing materials... When did the people of Huaguo master these technologies, and you have no news at all!"

The faces of the two directors turned blue and red, and finally they looked at the director of the NSA together and said, "This is the responsibility of the NSA, and they have also neglected their duties."

The director of the NSA suddenly said: "What does this have to do with us! Don't spit blood!"

"Didn't your NSA set up radio interception and positioning stations all over the world? Why can't you even find out this kind of news?!" The director of the CIA said in a strange way.

"Fart, do you think Huaguo's information is so easy to obtain? Especially once they implement secrecy measures, if you say so, can we even have a complete grasp of Huaguo's movements?"

"Why not? It's not that you are useless!" the FBI director also said.


The three bosses of the largest intelligence organization in the United States quarreled in front of the president, shirking each other's responsibilities.

"That's enough, shut up all of you!" the president said angrily, "Think about it now, how to deal with it!"

He turned to look at the Secretary of State: "You said, what are we going to do? Chips, lithium-air batteries, are we going to lose?!"

The Secretary of State is also frowning: "I... I... I can't think of a way for the time being, I... I am still in shock."


However, powerlessness is the idea they share at this time.

People in Huaguo already have chip technology, and even quietly built production plants. They even found out that some production plants have already started production. Wafers, photoresists, extreme ultraviolet light masks, etc. are used for The materials for the production of high-end chips are all transported to the factory in Shanghai, which has fifteen lithography machines.

They can't stop it at all.

After all, it's in Huaguo. They just let the submarine go around in other people's seas, and even bump into an 'unidentified object' or something occasionally.

Just like that, could it be possible for them to have a beachhead battle?

Life is not spicy?

It is absolutely impossible to start a war. It is impossible in this life. I didn’t see that when Emperor Tang was about to step down, he was making trouble in the country of Mi. People were worried that he might start a war with the country of Hua, so the top general of the Mi army secretly called the military of the country of Hua. , indicating that the Mi army will not go to war.

After all, the people who control the United States are actually Wall Street. If there is a war, Wall Street may be the first batch to receive Dongfeng Express.

As a result, the group of faceless rulers of the United States who are in a stalemate can only remain silent at this time.

"Zhiqi, Zhiqi, what is the origin of this company!"


Huaguo, the headquarters of Zhiqi Technology Co., Ltd.

It's morning, it's time to go to work.

Ye Cheng walked into his office and found that Xu Xin was already inside, sitting on a chair in front of his desk, dealing with some important documents of the company.

"Good morning."

Ye Cheng said hello.

Xu Xin replied without raising her head, "Hi, boss."

Ye Cheng poured himself a glass of water and asked at the same time, "Why are you here so early?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes, "I slept soundly in the morning, but at seven o'clock, people from Nanfu Battery Company called and asked about the company's lithium-air batteries, and wanted to invest in our company, and we Cooperation, I was so angry that I scolded them, and then I didn't have time to sleep, so I came over."

Ye Cheng laughed loudly: "It's okay, just go to bed early and get up early."

Their company is rich, do they still need other people's investment and cooperation?

Let alone a foreign company.

He has to swallow the lithium-air battery whole. With this technology, the company can always maintain its dominant position in the industry.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to divide this cake.


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