"...To sum up, we don't have to worry about our core technology being cracked. They are difficult to prepare. If we can't master our method, it is impossible to prepare them, let alone reverse engineering. That's what their gods can do." things."

Listening to his last joke, everyone present couldn't help laughing.

Although Ye Cheng's narration did not mention the confidential technology of lithium-air batteries, it also made the people present more confident.

Don't worry about being cracked by foreigners, this is the biggest guarantee.

In addition, it will be officially available for sale in June at the latest, and even if the relevant departments can shorten the approval process for listing, it may be possible in May.

Now that it has been discussed at this kind of meeting, it is almost a certainty that it will be listed in May.

Of course, the inspection process of safety performance is definitely indispensable. Even if Ye Cheng guarantees that there will be no problems, the government will not be able to skip this most important link just by listening to him.

Subsequently, the meeting discussed what conditions they could ask the United States to agree to through lithium-air batteries.

After a day of discussion, the components of the lithography machine that Ye Cheng said became an important purpose of the negotiation, which is also a necessary condition.

In addition, there are other conditions, and there are many, which can bring great benefits to Hua Guo.

Now Hua Guo has a lot of cards to play.

And until Sunday afternoon, at a meeting dedicated to discussing the reaction of the US Congress, someone raised a question: "Now, we can only be regarded as rising from the chip industry, but we are not fearless. There are other cards to play. The first is EDA software. Foreign EDA software occupies more than 95% of the market in my country, but my country’s development in this area is not good. At present, it cannot be compared with foreign EDA software. In addition, the development of my country's chip architecture is also not strong, and there is still a gap with foreign countries, which needs to be prevented."

"Once the United States takes action on this, we may suffer heavy losses in chip design."

The experts present all nodded.

This is indeed a problem.

But at this moment, Ye Cheng couldn't help but smile slightly. Of course, he didn't laugh, so as not to be heard by others.

However, the second elder, who was not far away from him, still saw his expression, and asked aloud, "Mr. Ye, what do you think about this matter?"

Ye Cheng was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands: "Not yet."

"Oh? If you don't have an opinion, it means that Mr. Ye is not worried, right?" The second elder said with a smile.

Ye Cheng touched his nose and didn't intend to say it at first, but the big guys asked, and he just said: "Actually, our company has developed a self-developed EDA software. Judging from the current situation, the function should not be weak. In three foreign companies, Synopsys, Cadence and Mentor."

"In addition, we are also developing a brand-new chip architecture, which combines the advantages of the current four major mainstream architectures, has good plasticity, and can be applied to various electronic devices, including desktop CPUs and mobile CPUs. Wait until the development is successful Finally, I believe, it can replace the role of ARM."

Everyone present widened their eyes and looked at Ye Cheng in disbelief.

What are you talking about?

When did you Zhiqi come up with such a thing again?

What are you kidding? !

Someone couldn't help saying: "Mr. Ye, are you sure? Your chip architecture really combines the advantages of those architectures?"

EDA software is nothing, chip architecture is the most important thing.

"We can say that for the time being, but we still need to see the effect after it is developed." Ye Cheng said modestly, not as deadly as he said.

Over the past few months, Zhong Xin has been working on this structure, working day and night, and it will probably be done in early April.

That architecture is relatively complicated, and if you want to realize so many advantages, it must not be complicated.

However, after Ye Cheng's words came out, everyone present couldn't help but be surprised, and even felt that Ye Cheng was lying.

Things that have been developed across the country for so long, you can get it done if you say it is done?

And not only get it done, but also better than foreign ones?

Just thinking about Zhiqi's previous achievements, they seem to think that it is not impossible?

The second elder didn't expect that he would get this kind of news from Ye Cheng by asking casually.

He said: "Mr. Ye, you mean that you have also found a solution to the chip design?"


Ye Cheng nodded: "EDA software has been developed, but since the Huaguo market is still dominated by the software of those three companies, I have no plans to take it out for the time being. In addition, in terms of chip architecture, there is no research and development yet. Completed, but we should be able to take it out in early April, and the specific functions need to be verified later.”

Ye Cheng's reaffirmation made everyone look at each other in blank amazement.

Finally, a semiconductor expert from the Chinese Academy of Sciences said: "Mr. Ye, I don't know, can our Chinese Academy of Sciences try your company's EDA software now? If we feel good after the trial, we are willing to have a long-term cooperation with your company. By the way And help spread the word."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. However, regarding this matter, I still hope that you will not spread it for the time being."


Ye Cheng said: "Let the American people think that they are still sure to handle us on this, and prepare for the recapture of the domestic market in the future."

When it comes to targeting the United States, everyone nods.

"it is good."

"We definitely support Zhiqi Company and drive out the foreign devils!"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Then thank you for your support, and please rest assured that Zhiqi will not let you down."

Everyone present nodded, and the second elder also showed a gratified smile.

In this way, they also solved the last problem in the chip link.

Let me ask, who else on earth can prevent Huaguo from becoming the overlord of semiconductors in the future?

That grand occasion is already around the corner.



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