"Labour is available in the system mall."

Ye Cheng was taken aback when he heard the system's words.

Labor available in the mall?

"System, why didn't you say it in advance?" He asked depressedly, which made him worry for a long time.

System: "The host did not enable the system mall permission before."

Ye Cheng has no choice but to act as if I didn't say it.

"Open the system mall."

Just take a look, what's in the mall.

Soon a panel appeared in front of Ye Cheng, seeing the dazzling array of products inside, his eyes straightened.

Not to mention quantum computer technology, nuclear fusion technology, etc., he even saw a spaceship.

He couldn't help being shocked in his heart, good guy, is this thing so awesome?

However, seeing the corresponding point price, he chose the dog leash.

A quantum computer requires 100 million points.

Nuclear fusion technology also costs 100 million.

As for the spacecraft, there are many grades. The lowest grade, which can freely travel to and from the blue star and the moon, and can be reused, costs 200 million.

He still hasn't obtained points through normal channels yet.

Don't look at it, it hurts him to see these things.

"How many points does labor cost?"

"Labor force: You only need one training, you can engage in any production activities, and there will be no mistakes, it can be used for 50 years, you need to provide food as energy, the energy is sufficient, and you can add 1,000 calories of energy each time, and you can work continuously for three days. No need to rest. Price: 10 points/piece."

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up, only needing to provide food can he continue to work?

The system is simply a good guy!

And it only needs to be trained once, which saves a lot of time. In this way, there is no need to waste the time of the clock core!

He turned his head and asked Zhong Xin: "How many workshop workers does our factory need?"

"There are 15 production lines, and each production line needs at least 10 people to ensure that there is no problem."

"What if it's a worker who doesn't make mistakes?"

"Then you only need six people per line."

In other words, ninety people are needed for fifteen production lines.

Ye Cheng said to the system: "Buy ninety labors."

"The purchase was successful. Do you have any requirements for name, appearance, gender, etc.?"

"Randomly generated, appearance, as long as it doesn't look too ugly."

"Okay, the labor force will come to the workplace in an hour. Please prepare the required food in advance, otherwise the labor force will fall into a dormant state when its energy is exhausted. After falling into dormancy, it will take one point to wake up again."


For the time being, the kitchen has not been repaired here, so we can only rely on takeaway.

As for the repair of the kitchen, because he has not planned to tell the company yet, it is impossible to get money from the company, so he can only pay for it himself. Ye Cheng thought about it, turned on his phone, and checked his bank card balance.

As the son of the landlord's family, he is of course rich, with a total of more than seven million. This is because the original owner had a conflict with his father, and a large amount of the balance was frozen.

"Then take 2 million to build a cafeteria next to this." Ye Cheng quickly made a decision in his mind.

However, such an important place needs security anyway, right?

"System, is there security?"

"Type I guards, 20 points each."

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up, sure enough!

He just happened to have 100 points left.

"Buy five, the appearance, the kind that looks oppressive."

"The purchase was successful and will arrive at the scene in an hour."

Ye Cheng felt relieved now.

In this way, everything is ready. After these labors complete the training, Zhong Xin gives the manufacturing process, and then purchases the raw materials for production, and then the order can be accepted.

Domestic chips will be born from him!

In an instant, infinite pride arose in his heart.

Next, all that is needed is time.

After waiting for another hour in the workshop, ninety laborers and five security guards came over, arranged them separately, and then ordered the food that ninety-five people needed for the next three days from the nearest restaurant.

The only pity is that for these three days, these laborers have nothing to do. It is because Ye Cheng was a little excited when he learned that he could buy labor directly, and forgot about it.

But it was just paying for a little meal, and he didn't feel bad at all.

After finishing all this, he and Zhong Xin returned to the company, waiting for the people from Huawei to arrive tomorrow.


The next day, noon.

The people from Warwick arrived as scheduled.

The matter on the chip is mainly related to Huawei Hayes, so Huawei only has a CTO, Xu Yun, and the others are from Hayes Semiconductor.

At the gate of Zhiqi Company, Ye Cheng and the company's leaders were already waiting here. When they saw a group of people approaching, Ye Cheng smiled on his face and stepped forward: "Welcome everyone from Huawei and Hayes."

Huang Mingsheng also greeted his senior brother: "Senior Brother Xu!"

Xu Yun nodded towards Huang Mingsheng, then stepped forward with the leader of Hayes, and shook hands with Ye Cheng respectively.

"Your company really surprised us." The leader of Hayes said with a smile. He is the senior president of Hayes, named Chen Weiwen.

"Not to mention 5G radio frequency chip technology, foreign countries have considerable dominance in anything involving chips, but I didn't expect that there would be a company in our country that bypassed all foreign patents and developed a chip completely independently. The technology, it's amazing."

"Hehe, I believe there will be more surprises for you in the future." Ye Cheng said with a smile and waved his hand.

"Then we'll wait and see." Chen Weiwen nodded and said with a smile, "Then, can we take a look at the products you want to sell to us?"

"Of course no problem, everyone, please come in." Ye Cheng made a gesture of invitation and welcomed them in.

A group of people entered Zhiqi Company and saw some outdated decorations inside. The people from Warwick Hays had smiles on their faces, but they couldn't help looking at each other at this moment.

This company...

Is it really possible to develop that kind of technology?

They have invested billions of dollars in research and development of 5G radio frequency chips this year. This company looks so poor, I am afraid it will not be able to spend 100 million.

Do they have R&D costs?

However, seeing Chen Weiwen didn't say anything, so the others naturally wouldn't say anything either.

Xu Yun and Huang Mingsheng walked together, seeing the situation of the company, couldn't help asking Huang Mingsheng in a low voice: "Are you working here now?"


"You really figured out that technology?"

"Otherwise, I can still trick you all the way here?"

"You guys..." Xu Yun didn't know what to say, he felt that his office alone was more expensive than all the offices of this company combined.

Huang Mingsheng knew what Xu Yun meant, so he said, "Brother, don't think our office is bad, it's because the decoration money was spent on our R&D department, and our R&D department is good."


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