Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 89 The Secretary Of State Was Fired, Supercomputing Center


"I know, Mr. Cook, don't worry, nothing will happen, okay."

After hanging up the phone, the Secretary of State rubbed his head with a headache.

After the death of Jobs, Cook, the helm of the fruit, naturally has his contact information.

And what Chu Ke said is also something that the Secretary of State has been concerned about recently.

"Mr. Secretary, the President invites you to come to his office."

At this time, a staff member of the White House came up to him and said.

"I see."

The secretary of state nodded and quickly went to the president's office.

"Mr President."

"My dear Secretary of State, look, the people of Huaguo really came up with EDA software again!" The president clicked on the report in his hand, and said angrily, "It's that Zhiqi again! Didn't you say that they couldn't make it out?" ?”

The Secretary of State said hesitantly: "I... sorry, Mr. President, Zhiqi is really... a bit weird..."

"Strange? Are you going to say that they have aliens?!" The president patted the table: "Now it's EDA software, and the next one is chip architecture. Come on, let's make a bet, I bet that Zhiqi will You can come up with a chip architecture, tell me, when will they be able to come up with it?"

Seeing the president so angry, sweat broke out on the face of the secretary of state.

The president of the United States has great power, and he can be fired directly.

He hesitated for a while, and finally said: "President... Sir, don't worry, you see, Zhiqi has just launched their EDA software, but did not immediately launch their chip architecture. I think this shows that they are in the chip architecture. They are not ready, and they will not launch a new chip architecture in the short term. In addition, our people have already passed their company's initial interview. According to the news, they all performed very well in the initial interview. They should all If we can pass the interview, then we can follow the previous plan.”

Seeing what the Secretary of State said, the President looked at him suspiciously, and finally said: "Okay, I will believe you one last time, if everything is different from what you said, you are ready to resign! Or you can take advantage of this Set up an unemployment assistance station for a while, so that you can have a place to live in the future."

The Secretary of State was in a cold sweat, and could only continue to assure: "President, just rest assured."


The president said no more.

But at this moment, the president's landline rang. He answered the call and looked directly at the Secretary of State.

"Your people have been arrested again!"

Secretary of State:"?!"


March 15.

In Xishi, an ordinary Mercedes-Benz is driving on the road.

"The Secretary of State of the United States has been fired?"

Ye Cheng was taken aback when he heard Xiaobai tell him the news.


Xiaobai: "Master, let me show you a video."

Then, a video appeared on the central control screen.

Ye Cheng happened to be waiting for a red light, so he turned his head and took a look. A luxurious-looking office appeared on the screen, and then two people stood inside.

He looked, yo, isn't this Bailari?

I haven't seen you for a few days, why don't you stop?

And who seems to be the Secretary of State of the United States?

Then he heard the conversation between the two. The president was very angry and made a bet with the Secretary of State that they would be able to launch the chip architecture next month.

He couldn't help laughing: "Prophet, the knife is gone."

Then there was the guarantee from the Secretary of State, but at this time the president suddenly received a call, and Xiao Bai also thoughtfully released the voice on the phone.

He was talking about the arrest of those spies.

Then the president got even more angry and fired the Secretary of State on the spot.

Ye Cheng laughed so hard that he could hardly breathe.

Of course he was aware of the arrest of the spy. After all, he personally reported it to the government.

So it's not good to provoke anyone, but Zhiqi who has Xiaobai.

At this time, the red light also turned green, and he restarted the vehicle and left here.

Not long after driving out, he asked again: "By the way, Xiaobai, how many 500,000 have you caught online these few days?"

A few days ago, because the United States sanctioned Huaguo's chip design industry, many chip design practitioners almost lost their jobs, so many people pretending to be "reasonable customers" appeared on the Internet, such as large-scale communication platforms such as Bibo and Zhihu. It is unwise to say that the negotiations have broken down, which is not good for the country, and it is not good to say that the government is not good, and it does not care whether others lose their jobs.

Among the obvious capitulators, there must be some guys who have received sponsorship from foreign forces.

So Ye Cheng directly asked Xiaobai to start online law enforcement, and censored all the guys who said such things to see who was collecting money for black-hearted things.

Xiaobai replied: "A dozen people have been found, and there are several specialized organizations, including foreign ones and domestic ones, and there are also ones in Bay Island Province."

"That's right, you've done a good job. We can't catch those from abroad and from the Bay Island Province. You can find a way to deal with them. For those people in China, just report them to the government."

Ye Cheng doesn't like people who do bad things secretly, especially the traitors who collect money in China and the beasts in Bay Island Province.

"Okay master!" Xiaobai responded, and then began to claim credit: "Master, look, if I hadn't reported anonymously, I would have made a lot of money for you, one person is half a million!"

"Yes yes yes." Ye Cheng smiled and said, "So now I'm taking you to see the supercomputing center?"

"Yeah! Master is the best!" Xiao Bai's tone became happy.

Now Ye Cheng's destination is the Xishi Supercomputing Center.

More than a week ago, he got in touch with the people from the Xishi Supercomputing Center, and then came to visit the strongest supercomputer in Huaguo today, and discuss cooperation with them by the way.

Without further ado, Ye Cheng drove the car and soon came to a building, which is the Xishi Supercomputing Center.

There were quite a few people standing at the door, and seeing his car approaching, the leader waved at his car.

"Xiaobai, you will be ready to transfer later, let the phone vibrate when it's done, and I'll know."

"Yes! I know!" Xiaobai replied.

Ye Cheng didn't say any more. After driving to the front of the group of people, he got out of the car and went up to meet them.

His current appearance is known all over the country. These people quickly recognized him, and the leader said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, hello, I am the director of the Supercomputing Center, Yue Ning."

Ye Cheng shook hands with the director of the center and said with a smile, "Hi, Director Yue."

Yue Ning nodded with a smile, then glanced at the back, and couldn't help asking: "Is Mr. Ye coming alone?"

As Zhiqi's boss and sole controller, Ye Cheng didn't have any bodyguards, but he ran from Shanghai to Xishi without a single follower?

This seemed unbelievable to him.

Ye Cheng waved his hand and said, "Well, I'm just here to see what our Shenwei looks like, and by the way, reach a cooperation intention with everyone, there is no need to bring so many people."

Yue Ning couldn't help feeling: "Mr. Ye, you really are a...simple person, really admirable."

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