When Ye Cheng's voice sounded, the people below stopped their superfluous thoughts and looked at him seriously.

Chinese, not English, Ye Cheng is not in the mood to take care of people who can't speak Chinese, but those foreigners naturally have simultaneous interpretation equipment, so don't worry.

"It is a great honor to invite all the elites in the chip industry to participate in this conference of Zhiqi Technology Company."

"I am the chairman of Zhiqi Technology Company, Ye Cheng."

"I won't talk to you about unnecessary nonsense, and directly enter our main topic, which is our brand-new chip architecture of Zhiqi, 'Taibai'."

"There is no meaning to this name. I just named it casually. You can contact me. What is Taibai Jinxing, or Li Taibai?"

Ye Cheng first talked about the name of this architecture. The real reason for the name made the people in the audience laugh.

In a sense, the chip architecture seems to have no name, even X86, there is no name at the beginning, just because this architecture is always called 'XXX...86', so it is called X86, and ARM is pure It is the abbreviation of the beginning of the English word.

It doesn't make sense.

"Let's not talk about meaningless things, and just start to get to our main topic."

"Reduced instruction set and complex instruction set are the two main systems of chip architecture."

"In today's world, all chip architectures are either reduced instruction sets or complex instruction sets, and these two instruction sets have their own limitations. Let's take the most familiar ARM and X86 as examples."

"Advantages of ARM..."

Next, Ye Cheng directly brought out the advantages and disadvantages of ARM and X86 and explained them to everyone. After all, these two architectures basically completely represent the simplified instruction set and the complex instruction set.

In the audience, people from Intel and ARM were all sullen, with an inexplicable premonition in their hearts.

X86 is the architecture of Intel Corporation, and ARM is naturally the architecture of ARM Corporation.

This Zhiqi boss, come up and compare the structures of the two of them?

In a way, is this trying to benchmark against their company?

This clearly shows that the visitor is not good!

As for Zhiqi's Taibai structure, whether they have the ability to compare with their structure, they don't want to admit it, but they have to be wary of this "monster" enterprise.

Zhiqi has created too many miracles, and they have to guard against them, especially recently, Zhiqi's EDA software has become popular all over the world.

The powerful circuit self-test ability makes almost every chip designer feel a sense of comfort, which greatly avoids the possibility of their mistakes and reduces the huge workload of re-checking the circuit in the future.

With this function alone, the Big Three of EDA software have been dumped somewhere, especially now that Zhiqi EDA software is quite cheap, and the price is less than half of the cheapest of the Big Three.

The only thing that makes these foreign companies scold their mothers is that Zhiqi's EDA software is only in Chinese!

Not available in any foreign language!

As a result, their engineers can only translate the functions one by one, which is very troublesome, so this kind of work can only be handed over to their chip designers recruited from China.

As for the patch that adds English?

This is even more needless to think about it. Zhiqi’s EDA software prevents any patch from being added. Once there is a change, Zhiqi’s EDA software will be invalid and you need to purchase a new authorization.

So this also caused foreign companies to complain and clamor for Zhiqi to add a foreign language version.

But Zhiqi just didn't respond, and continued to use all Chinese without hesitation.

Of course, Zhiqi's EDA software also allows all companies to see the power of Zhiqi.

It is well known that the design of EDA software is difficult, but Zhiqi can come up with such a powerful one. It seems that it is not a problem for them to really design a chip architecture?

People from Intel and ARM became more and more worried.

Ye Cheng on the stage also finished talking about the advantages and disadvantages of ARM and X86 at this time. To a larger point, it is the advantages and disadvantages of the simplified instruction set and the complex instruction set.

"So, these two instruction sets have their own advantages and disadvantages. Why don't we think about it and synthesize them?"

"Combining the advantages of the two, are they considered to be a structure that is one step closer to perfection?"

When the people below heard his words, they couldn't help but widen their eyes, or sit up straight, especially the people from the ARM company, they couldn't believe it.

"Impossible... Could it be that they really figured it out?"

The people in ARM company are very clear that the reason why ARM cannot occupy the desktop chip market is because the reduced instruction set is not up to the task of the complex instruction set. They are very clear that if they want to change this dilemma, they must continue to develop the reduced instruction set. Let it realize the function of complex instructions.

And what Ye Cheng said, does it mean that their new architecture has achieved this?

Combining two instruction sets together? !

And Ye Cheng's next words confirmed this point.

"The developers of our company have taken this into consideration and worked hard to overcome this. In the end, we have achieved our new instruction set today."

"Or, in some respects, it can also be called a brand new instruction set architecture."

"We call it: Adaptive Instruction Set!"

All the people in the audience who knew what Ye Cheng was talking about couldn't hide the shock on their faces at this moment. If this was true, it would be nothing short of a revolution in the architectural world.

"The adaptive instruction set itself can actually be called an ultra-reduced instruction set. Ultra-reduced instructions can run some basic programs, and when it encounters a program that requires reduced instructions to run, it will automatically adapt as Simplify the instruction set to ensure that the program can run perfectly, and in the same way, when it encounters a program that requires complex instructions to run, it will adapt to a complex instruction set.”

"The three instruction sets are alternately replaced to ensure that the transistors and circuit components in the chip can operate more efficiently, reduce those ineffective consumption, and achieve stronger performance."

"This is our Taibai structure."

"And the complexity encountered in the development also made us delay until so late to bring our domestic architecture to everyone."

"But fortunately, it did not live up to the expectations of our countrymen, and we still brought it to us."

The audience applauded resoundingly, and the Chinese people all sent their congratulations.

At the seat of the fruit company, Chu Ke couldn't help sighing: "It's too scary for a populist to be the boss of such a company."


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