Only companies that have both EDA software and chip architecture can specifically adapt the two products of their own company, so that the EDA software can have such a function.

As for other EDA software, they may be willing to adapt, but the key question is whether those chip architecture companies are willing to hand over the complete technology of the chip architecture to others for adaptation.

What's more, the adaptation work is not so easy. How difficult is it to realize the auxiliary circuit design and the program of this function?

For software engineers, it is definitely a great challenge.

Now those foreign EDA software are trying to copy the self-test function of Zhiqi EDA software, but with Xiaobai's protection, they can't copy it if they want to.

If it wasn't for Zhiqi EDA software or there was no foreign language version, it is estimated that it will not take long to occupy half of the EDA software market.

While the people below were lamenting about this matter, Ye Cheng also completed everything in today's press conference.

He said with a smile: "Okay, today's press conference is over, looking forward to everyone's cooperation."

Without staying any longer, he turned and walked back to the background.

Backstage, when Xu Xin saw him coming back, she applauded him and praised him: "Excellent!"

Ye Cheng shrugged and sat down on the sofa beside him. He stood there for more than an hour and talked non-stop for more than an hour. He was quite tired. He thought that when he gave an exoskeleton press conference next time, would he Can you put on a special exoskeleton to save yourself from being so tired, and show off the exoskeleton by the way?

He picked up the water glass and took a sip, then said casually: "It's okay, it's really tiring to do this kind of thing."

"Okay, don't say you're tired, the people from Cook came over just now and said they plan to meet you at the hotel after the meeting."

"Hotel?" Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows: "I remember Chu Ke is gay, that's too dangerous."

Xu Xin chuckled, "You are the CEO of Guoguo, who speaks ill of others behind their backs."

"Who isn't a boss anymore." Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Okay, you can go with me when the time comes, be safe."

Xu Xin rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'm going to work overtime again."

Ye Cheng couldn't help laughing, he didn't bother to argue with her: "If you work overtime, you can work overtime. I'll treat you to a supper tonight."

"Okay, I'm going to eat on the Bund."

"what ever."

Ye Cheng waved his hand, got up and left here with Xu Xin.


Soon, I came to the hotel where Chu Ke stayed, not far from the Expo Center.

The room is very spacious. In the living room, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin met Chu Ke.

Chu Ke wears glasses, has a thin figure, and has neat silver-white hair, which makes him look elegant.

In the past, Chu Ke was still a big figure that Ye Cheng needed to admire, but now, he can also make fun of it at will.

Even now, Chu Ke still wants to meet him privately.

A change in strength is also a change in status.

"Mr. Ye, I'm very glad to have a formal meeting with you."

Chu Ke stood up, smiled and extended his hand to Ye Cheng, looking very kind.

As the saying goes, if you don’t reach out to a smiling person, Ye Cheng will not show his face, of course, he also smiled and reached out to shake him: "Mr. Chu Ke, I am also very happy to meet you. This is my assistant. Ms. Xu Xin."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded to Chu Ke: "Mr. Chu Ke, hello."

Because it was a private meeting, not a formal occasion, they spoke directly to Cook in English.

"Hello, Miss Xu." Chu Ke nodded to Xu Xin, and then said, "Please sit down, both of you."

Ye Cheng sat on the sofa, and Xu Xin sat beside him.

Chu Ke said: "Mr. Ye, your press conference today is very exciting. Our fruit company is very willing to reach a cooperation with you on the Taibai structure."

"It's a great honor for Zhiqi to cooperate with the fruit company." Ye Cheng laughed.

Chu Ke couldn't help slandering in his heart, if you really think so, we have already reached a cooperation, okay?

Of course, he still smiled and said: "It is also an honor for the fruit company. Of course, the Taibai structure is a new structure after all, we need to conduct research, and I hope Zhiqi can help us in this."

"Of course." Ye Cheng nodded: "Every company that uses our Taibai structure will get corresponding help."

"That's good." Chu Ke said with a smile, "Then our people will contact Zhiqi later to purchase the authorization of the new structure."

"I promise I won't disappoint you."

"Well, I also believe in Zhiqi." Chu Ke nodded, then sat up straight again, and looked at Ye Cheng, "Of course, Mr. Ye, I came to China this time not just to learn more about it." The new structure of your company is also here for another thing."

"Oh? Another thing?" Ye Cheng said, "I'm all ears."

Although he said so, he also knew exactly what Chu Ke meant.

Apparently it's a lithium-air battery problem.

This is what fruit companies are most concerned about.

But it depends on whether Ye Cheng agrees or not.

Chu Ke looked at Ye Cheng pretending not to understand, and couldn't help wondering what he meant.

But no matter what, Chu Ke still said: "I want to ask, how is the situation of your company's lithium-air battery?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Mass production will be in June at the latest."

Many people know about this matter, but what he said is more proof of the truth of this matter.

Chu Ke felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He pondered for a moment, then said: "Mr. Ye, our fruit company has been talking with your company about this for two months. Regarding the conditions proposed by your company, we sincerely hope that your company will no longer require us to buy We are willing to buy your Taichu 1 chips and batteries at a 20% price increase, and we are also willing to hand over some of our chips to Zhiqi for OEM, but we cannot buy your Taichu chips anyway. .”

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Mr. Chu Ke, we have our conditions, and you also have your demands. We want to sell better, and you also want to reduce more costs."

"However, companies including Warwick and Remy have already accepted our conditions. We can't treat them differently because of your strong demands, right?"

Chu Ke really wants to say that this is not a matter of discrimination at all, it is entirely a matter of you bullying people.

People bought your chip and can use it directly, but the fruit company bought your chip, how to use it?

The reason why the A series is powerful is that it can adapt to their IOS system, but how do you adapt to your new chip?

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