Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 126 Taking Charge Of Earthly Dao, Choosing Again (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 126 Taking charge of Earthly Dao, choosing again (please subscribe!)

Not Beiyin Great Emperor Fengdu.

But the Netherworld Emperor.

The Great Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin is just the emperor who controls part of the power in the Netherworld.

Zhou Chen is now.

He is a real Netherworld Emperor.

It stands to reason.

This status should originally be the same status as Emperor of Heaven Emperor Jun.

However, there is Heavenly Dao above the Emperor of Heaven, and there is also the existence of Saint.

Although the Emperor of Heaven is actually on par with the Saint in terms of status, he cannot be treated as a Saint.


The position of Emperor Zhou Chen Youming is different.


The entire Earthly Dao.

Now there is only him, the Netherworld Emperor.


Now he has ascended to the throne of Netherworld Emperor without borrowing the Purple Qi of Grandmist.

Go one step further.

He controls the entire existence of Earthly Dao.

No matter what his current strength is.

In terms of identity.

He is already on the same level as Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

Even more because Earthly Dao is completely unconscious.

So Zhou Chen doesn't even need to be in harmony.

His identity as the Nether Emperor is Earthly Dao himself.

Heavenly Dao Earthly Dao has the same personality.

Zhou Chen now establishes Samsara, builds passages, and establishes order in the supreme position of Emperor Netherworld.

This is what he should do.

Naturally, Heavenly Dao will not be idle and give Zhou Chenli Samsara back to Karmic Merit.

And now.

Zhou Chen already controls Earthly Dao.

His aura is about to break through the Golden Immortal of Primordial Chaos with the blessing of Earthly Dao.

Zhou Chen understood.

Earthly Dao is indeed unconscious now.


Now he still wants to entrust his primordial spirit to Earthly Dao.

Completely become the controller of Earthly Dao.

[Ding, the current situation of the host is detected and the god-level choice is triggered, please make a choice]

[Option 1: Entrust primordial spirit to Earthly Dao and completely control Earthly Dao

Reward: 30% understanding of all relevant laws of Earthly Dao!】

[Option 2: Law prove the Dao Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos

Reward: Star Origin, which can improve the quality of Birth Companion Spirit Treasure!】

at this moment.

In Zhou Chen's mind.

Once again, there are two god-level choices.


This is a complete no brainer.

"I choose two!"


He has no intention of entrusting his primordial spirit to Earthly Dao now.

Although in his calculation.

Earthly Dao does not have any consciousness.

Now, if your primordial spirit is placed on Earthly Dao, you can become a more free-spirited saint than Hongjun.


Zhou Chen's goal has always been clear.

Earthly Dao is indeed powerful.

After taking charge of Earthly Dao, he instantly realized that Earthly Dao's 30% rule would inevitably accelerate the development of Earthly Dao.

Maybe you can catch up with Heavenly Dao in a short time.

Even so.

so what?

Even the Samsara Law, which ranks among the top ten among Three Thousand Grand Dao.

They have all been absorbed by Zhou Chen using the law of stars to become "Star Lock Samsara."

And helms Earthly Dao.

For Zhou Chen, they are just means.

rather than the result.

He plans the purpose of Earthly Dao.

It is to completely control your own destiny.

But the ultimate goal is just to rely on the law to prove the Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos!

Even the entire Earthly Dao.

It will eventually be integrated into Zhou Chen's own Grand Dao.

This is Zhou Chen's ambition.

So he chose the second option very simply.

He started from the beginning.

The determined strategy is to rely on the law of the stars, and the law proves the Dao.

this goal.

never change.

So he took the initiative to suppress the temptation to become a Saint.

Even if it is unethical.

He is the only Nether Emperor.

The de facto controller of Earthly Dao.

He still has full control over Earthly Dao.

So no need to worry at all.


It is indeed wishful thinking to want to take charge of Earthly Dao as soon as the Golden Immortal of Primordial Chaos is introduced.


Starlight flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes.

at this time.

It is also the time for his Star Law to prove the Dao Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos.

This is his ultimate goal in planning to become the Emperor of the Netherworld!

In fact.

So many Primordial Epochs.

Zhou Chen has a secret method such as the "Star Tribulation Method".

The perception of the endless stars was his perception.

His understanding of the Law of Stars can break through to the last level at any time.

And that time.

If he breaks through.

Heavenly Dao will inevitably take action to expel him from the Great Primordial land, and in the end he can only live in exile in chaos like Yang Mei.


Not the result he wanted.

There are so many beautiful and wonderful girls in the Great Primordial.


Don't want to miss it.

And now.

His identity is finally equal to that of Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

Breaking through the Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos is a matter of course!

"The ultimate goal of all these deductions is to prove the Dao Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos. I don't know who is capable of this."

Zhou Chen smiled slightly, sighed, and restrained all the remaining magic power.

And fell into the eyes of many Saints who were watching.

At this time, Zhou Chen's aura similar to that of Dao Ancestor Hongjun had dissipated.

And right now.

They saw Zhou Chen's primordial spirit suddenly standing above his head again.

In this primordial spirit.

There are clearly countless stars rising and dying.

What on earth is this Heavenly Emperor Ziwei going to do?

What happened today was like one wave after another.

Even these Saints of Heavenly Dao.

I already had a somewhat dizzying feeling.

And Heavenly Emperor Ziwei, Netherworld Emperor, Lord of the Divine Court Zhou Chen.

He clearly didn't want them to take a break.

There’s a wave again!

And when Zhou Chen's star primordial spirit appeared.

An illusory long river slowly appeared beside Zhou Chen!

"."This is the river of destiny!"

The hearts of the six Saints were shaken again.

After they became Saint of Heavenly Dao, they could accidentally see this long river of destiny hidden between heaven and earth.

And now.

Zhou Chen's primordial spirit condensed mana.

did not expect.

The long river of destiny actually appeared without any warning!

The emergence of the river of destiny.

The eyes of many innate demon gods were instantly attracted.

To know when the other six are Sanctified.

There is no such grand scene.

And now.

This long river of destiny.

Now, it seems to be filled with countless stars.

Every star is telling the supreme, immortal and supreme artistic conception.

Zhou Chen's three flowers gathered at the top, and the five qi were facing the yuan. On top of each huge Lotus Flower of the twelfth grade, there was starlight spreading all over the sky.


This does not count as a breakthrough.

"The origin of the stars, hold the chart of stars in the sky!"

The Zhoutian Star Chart has always served as Zhou Chen’s Birth Companion Spirit Treasure to witness Zhou Chen’s understanding of the laws of the stars.

It can be said.

This is his prove the Dao treasure!

And at this moment.

Under the blessing of the source of stars.

The originally forty-eight innate divine prohibitions condensed into one again in an instant.

Forty-nine innate divine prohibitions!

Innate treasure!

at this moment.

At the moment when Zhou Chen was about to transcend.

The Zhoutian Star Chart finally became an innate treasure.

It contains not only countless laws of stars, but also many insights from Zhou Chen.

And at the moment when it completely evolved into an innate treasure.

It turned into a picture scroll.

He also broke into the long river of destiny.


In the long river of destiny.

Countless Zhou Chen's star projections were attracted by this prove the Dao treasure.

One by one they are condensed on the Zhoutian star chart.

next moment.

The river of destiny is churning.

All the stars disappeared.

The stars of the past, the stars of the present, and the stars of the future are all transcendent of the long river of destiny.

at this moment,

Zhou Chen was born in the Mingwu Team.


Prove the Dao Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos through the Star Law.


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