Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 131 Hongyun Samsara, Zhenyuan Joins (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 131 Hongyun Samsara, Zhenyuan joins (please subscribe!)

Hearing Zhou Chen's words.

Only then did Zhen Yuan'zi react.

The Great Emperor established the Six Paths of Samsara in the heavens.

This trace of immortal spirit from my friend Hongyun can also reincarnate Samsara.

This is for Hongyun Daoist Friend.

It is indeed considered a better choice.


His sleeves fluttered.

Then there was a grain of immortal spirit that was like red sand and was caught in Zhou Chen's hand.

Original words.

Naturally, Hongyun needs to go through a series of judgments before he can pass the Samsara passage and finally enter Samsara.


Passed by Zhou Chen.

Of course it doesn't have to be that troublesome.

What's more.

The current Six Paths of Samsara also requires a significant elemental spirit to test its operation.

Although Zhou Chen disdains many of Hongyun's practices.


Hongyun really didn't do anything bad.

As an innate god and demon.

In itself, Qi Luck and Fuyuan were originally very huge.

But it is impossible to go to the hell realm, Shura realm and hungry ghost realm.

That being the case.

Zhou Chen flicked it lightly.

Zhou Chen didn't make a choice, he wanted to see Hongyun's luck.

The red immortal spirit disappeared in a flash.

Flying into the "human path" in Six Paths of Samsara!

"Reincarnated as a human, ten clouds will be born in the Human Race."

Zhou Chen spoke calmly.

Earthly Dao is at the helm of Samsara.

Zhou Chen can know all the bodies that have entered Samsara in this life without using the Book of Life & Death.

With Hongyun entering Samsara.

All the living beings with cultivation in the Great Primordial finally felt the changes between heaven and earth.

This little change.

It is not obvious to the monks of Jinxian and above who have condensed a trace of immortal matter.


For monks below the Golden Immortal level.

In the dark.

They feel it.

If you don't lose your mind.

As long as there is still a soul.

Then they can enter Samsara.

There is a chance for reincarnation and rebuilding.

Although I don’t know what kind of existence I will be in the next life, I still have the opportunity to embark on the path of spiritual practice again.


However, your own Karmic Merit and karma also need to be paid attention to.


I can really feel the changes in Samsara.

It is the underlying existence in the Great Primordial!

The Six Paths of Samsara established by the Nether Emperor finally filled a missing piece between heaven and earth.

That's the cycle.

Wherever there is life, there is death, and where there is death, there is life.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the choice and gaining some insights into the Samsara Law!]

Hongyun enters Samsara.

It means that the high-end combat power between heaven and earth can also enter Samsara, and the transformation between heaven and earth has finally begun.

Zhen Yuan'zi watched his friend finally enter the world of human beings.

Although it will take another ten Primordial Epochs to manifest again in the Great Primordial.

However, he is already very satisfied.

And Zhou Chen, who helped him accomplish all this, is naturally the one he needs to thank.

Every one of the innate gods and demons is extremely arrogant.

Will not easily recognize other existences.

All actions of Heavenly Emperor Ziwei are approved by his Zhen Yuan'zi.

Zhen Yuan'zi felt that even if he gave the Book of Earth to Zhou Chen, he would not be able to repay this kindness.

He has a paradise like the Monastery of Five Manors.

There are also top ten Top Grade Innate Spirit Roots like Ginseng Fruit Tree.

There are also defensive spirit treasures like the Book of Earth.

If his friend Hongyun didn't have such a thing, he would be pretty good as a carefree god.



His mind has changed.

Zhen Yuan'zi already has a plan in mind.

No more hesitation.

He turned around and saluted Zhou Chen.

"Emperor, Zhen Yuan'zi will keep your kindness in mind, and I hope to join the emperor's army to repay it."

Zhen Yuan'zi has deep heels.

The character is also good.

It was naturally impossible for Zhou Chen to help him without any intention.

He's not Hongyun.

It is also a good thing for Zhen Yuan'zi to take this opportunity to join his staff.

Since Zhen Yuan'zi joins sincerely.

Zhou Chen can also train him.


There happens to be a shortage of manpower in the Ninth Level Underworld.

It's not impossible for Zhen Yuan'zi, who owns the Book of Earth, to become an Earthly Dao Saint.

Zhou Chen nodded.

"In that case, Zhen Yuan'zi, just like Ming He, join the Nine Nether Realm to help me solve my problems!"

Zhou Chen once again took out a Purple Qi of Grandmist from the void.

"This ray of purple energy will be given to you."

"There are currently five mountains in the Netherworld: Taozhi Mountain in the east, Jizhong Mountain in the west, Luofeng Mountain in the north, Luofu Mountain in the south, and Baodu Mountain in the center.

"There is a gate to hell on Dongfang Taozhi Mountain."

Zhou Chen paused.

"You have the Book of Earth, and I will hand over these five mountains to you to manage."

In the original trajectory, Zhen Yuan'zi had the title of Ancestor of Earth Immortals.

His Book of Earth can even consecrate the world's mountain gods.


If Zhou Chen didn't allow it, it would be absolutely impossible for him to control this mountain in the Netherworld.

"I will name you the 'Great Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin' and enter the underworld. Anyone who passes through the gate of hell will be selected by you!"


Zhou Chen planned to hand over the first pass of Guimen Pass and the five mountains to Zhen Yuan'zi.

Let's see if he has the understanding to break through and become Earthly Dao Saint with the help of Purple Qi of Grandmist.


There will naturally be many creatures that enter the netherworld.

Even Pseudo Saint will exist.

Of course, a strong person is needed to check things at the very beginning.

"."Yes, Emperor Netherworld!"

Zhen Yuan'zi never expected that he would be so cultivated as soon as he joined.

His friend finally died because of this Purple Qi of Grandmist.


Now he has purple energy but he is not panic at all.

Now he already has a backer.

There are already three Saints in this backing.

It is truly a behemoth among the Great Primordial.

With Zhou Chen's edict completed.

A seal formed from the netherworld and landed next to Zhen Yuan'zi.

This is the embodiment of the will of the Nether Emperor Earthly Dao.

It is a sign of identity.

Only with this seal.

Only Zhen Yuan'zi can use the Book of Earth to control the five mountains.

Zhen Yuan'zi slowly connected the seal and sucked the Purple Qi of Grandmist into the primordial spirit.


(It was over) He felt that the color of the world had changed.

And when Zhen Yuan'zi was granted the title of Beiyin Great Emperor Fengdu.

The remaining souls in the Great Primordial finally seemed to have found their true destination.

Originally, only a part of the soul and resentment gathered on the sea of ​​blood.

And now.

Six Paths of Samsara rotate in the heavens.

All the soulful things began to swarm towards the underworld.

Zhen Yuan'zi saw countless shadows slowly descending in his eyes, and knew that he was really busy!

Naturally, Zhou Chen does not need to do these complicated things himself.

Place these souls in exchange for a holy throne.

But there are many people who ask for it but don’t get it.


The newly emerged Netherworld was suppressed by Ming He and Zhen Yuan'zi.

Other business positions will be added slowly.

There is Zhou Chen as the Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos, Ming He as the Earthly Dao Saint, and Zhen Yuan'zi as the powerful Pseudo Saint.

The netherworld.

Even if it is just a newborn.

It is definitely not an existence that can be underestimated!

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