Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 383: General Rolling The Curtain, He Turns Into Quicksand (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 383: General Rolling the Curtain, he turns into quicksand (Wish you good health!)

Jade Emperor is very sure of this.

His current intervention is to prevent pilgrims from passing by the Liusha River.

Within the structure of the laws of heaven and earth in the Blue Star Realm.

Liusha River can be said to be a place that separates east and west.

Eight hundred quicksand realms and three thousand weak waters completely changed the laws of heaven and earth in that place.

It also starts here.

The direction of east and west and the energy of heaven and earth began to differ.


These all involve more macroscopic forces.

Failure to reach a certain level is completely out of consideration.

After understanding the legal principles, his thinking naturally became clearer.

Jade Emperor quickly sorted out his legal principles and calculations with his own cultivation.

He already knew what to do.

Have a plan in mind.

Jade Emperor finally came to his senses.

He fell into thinking before, naturally because of the importance of the candidate.

Now words.

He has thought everything through completely.


The person who was summoned was none other than General Shutter.

This curtain general is no ordinary person.

He is the one whose name was determined in Investiture of Gods during the tribulation.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun was also thrown into this world.

As far as cultivation is concerned, there is no problem.


General Roller Shutter can be regarded as his confidant, very trustworthy.

Jade Emperor wants to send his cronies to do this this time.

To know.

After coming to Blue Star, he has always been very restrained.

Even Chi You who is very opposite to him.

He also had no intention of getting involved personally.

Even though we are facing the most critical event now.

He still thinks about heaven and earth, understands the principles of law, and has the memory of the final failure of Investiture of the Gods. His vision and knowledge have been improved.

Jade Emperor's mind turned around and looked at the rolling curtain general who was slowly arriving.

His expression was full of calmness, as if everything was going well.

Just this magnanimity made him know that this confidant was worthy of trust.

"You want me to be reincarnated in Liusha River?"

Jade Emperor nodded slowly and revealed all his arrangements.


The rolling curtain general already understood the current situation.

"How to do it specifically? Do you want me to completely kill this Buddhist monk in Liusha River?"


Jade Emperor's eyes flashed brilliantly.


In order to complete the punishment, killing the current Buddhist monk is naturally part of the plan.

"That's it. Just go ahead and kill me. I'll help you figure it out. When it's over, you have to act at the right time..."

The roller blind general understands this.

At this point, he has also understood the subtext of Jade Emperor.

in his thoughts.

Buddhism will inevitably undergo further changes because of this endless killing.

And this changes.

Maybe that's what Jade Emperor wants to see.

And he acted precisely to achieve this goal.

As for the final benefit, there will definitely be one.

"He turned into quicksand. Unexpectedly, Sha Monk's appearance was the first..."

From his current perspective.

Naturally, he is very aware of any situation.

The trajectories that existed in his memory in the past were slowly changing.

Zhou Chen's heart moved.

With the reincarnation of the roller-shutter general in the lower realm.

Other worlds slowly began to derive from Sha Monk.

in his eyes.

Countless sand monks have slowly revived Sichuan with different identities. .

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