Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 387 Tripitaka Fills The River, Buddhism Is Angry (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 387 Tripitaka fills the river, Buddhism is furious (Wish you good health!)

On the bank of quicksand river.

Master Tripitaka has all six senses opened.

His eyes were sharp, and his momentum surged across the entire quicksand world.

Wherever the thought goes.

Throughout the Liusha River, Buddhist mantras slowly sounded.

Seen from the roller blinds.

At this time, both the cultivation level and the spell methods of the pilgrims are no longer the same as when they first arrived.

Wherever the Buddha's mantra passes, the laws are cut off and the laws are strict.

The destructive power Master Tripitaka can cause seems to be stronger than he imagined.

This eminent monk's magical powers and attainments on the Buddhist path seemed to be aimed at him at every turn, pointing directly at his weaknesses.

The current Master Sanzang can even use his magical powers to shake his mind.

How could he not know that Master Tripitaka was well prepared this time.

If it were an ordinary monster, facing this method would naturally be very bad, and it might even be said that it would collapse at the first touch.


He is no ordinary monster.

The roller blind slowly stretched out his right hand.

When spreading hands.

Then a cluster of light burned.

Look carefully.

The so-called light is actually the precious light of the spirit treasure.

Layers of restrictions floated in the light, intertwining Dao patterns, forming a magic-conquering staff that looked like a crescent shovel.

The body is covered with quicksand 197 and carries a treasure staff.

His figure rose again.

In the quicksand realm.

Master Sanzang clearly sensed the toughness and clear will of the monster in front of him.

No matter what you think about roller blinds now.

At this moment when the demon-conquering magic wand appears.

The void seemed to shake, as if a violent collision had occurred.

Master Tripitaka’s mantras carry the power of heaven and earth.

As a person chosen by Buddhism and Taoism.

Every move carries a unique momentum.

Although Master Tripitaka himself does not have much power.

However, the power of the Buddhist Dao Method, which uses scriptures as a bridge and leverages scriptures and Buddhist connections, can already threaten him.

Qi Luck, which is unique to Buddhism, is pouring over me every moment.

That is to say.

Roller blinds are now facing pressure on a different level.


At this moment when the demon-conquering magic wand appears.

What Master Tripitaka can see is the azure light next to the treasure staff shining, collapsing, and cycling back and forth.

With the roller blind as the center, the laws of the entire quicksand realm are changing.

One person affected the changes here.

Master Sanzang was dumbfounded.


at this point.

Master Tripitaka had expected it.

Him now.

There are also countermeasures.

Auras gradually emerged around Master Tripitaka.

The roller blind seemed to have grasped something, and naturally turned its attention to Master Tripitaka.

His heart moved.

Then he saw the seven-color treasure light shining on Master Sanzang's cassock, and transparent connecting lines surrounding him, slowly converging into a chaotic situation, which was clearly a defensive spirit treasure.

And on his hands.

The nine golden tin rings also resonate slightly and turn into pure glass Buddha light, and the Buddha's intention surges.

The Buddha's light is like a dragon, coming out horizontally and forming a roar.

Master Tripitaka felt slightly depressed.

This is the spirit treasure given by the Great Merciful Guanyin Bodhisattava to protect his safety on the way to seek Buddhist scriptures.

Now is the time to use it.

The roller blinds can be seen as far as the eye can see.

After Master Sanzang took out two spirit treasures.

The entire quicksand realm's law system really began to become chaotic.

It can be said.

The impact of these two spirit treasures can be said to be very great.


Such a result is not unimaginable.

after all.

Behind Master Tripitaka stands the entire Western Saint.

It's just that his own heels and feet alone are completely unable to fight.

Good thing.

There is someone behind him too.

Great Temple of Thundering Sounds.

Sakyamuni Muni and Guanyin Bodhisattva quietly sensed the movements of Jin Chan'zi's reincarnated body.

When two spirit treasures appeared.

They already feel very stable.

Just as they clasped their hands together.

The expression on his face changed instantly.

Quicksand realm.

A glass lamp slowly appeared on the palm of the roller blind.

The glazed gold is crystal clear, without any flaws, blooming with immeasurable light, as if it can penetrate a hundred thousand Three Realms.

Around the glass lamp, little lights jumped like fire, falling from the void.

Looking at the quality alone, it is even higher than the brocade cassock and the nine-ring tin staff.

The person in front of me actually has such a high-quality spirit treasure, and he dares to use it like this!

The thought fell.

The glass lamp in the roller's hand lights up again, brilliantly.

On the glass cup, the light flickered and swelled instantly.

Little sparks kept flickering, igniting the void.

Facing the glazed lamp.

The brocade cassock barely remained undamaged.

The brocade cassock was originally a spirit treasure refined by Bodhi to enable the seeker to survive the calamity. The defensive power was basically the same as the nine-ring tin staff, which were all separated from his Wonder Tree of Seven Treasures.

It is considered a very rare spirit treasure in Blue Star.

Master Tripitaka's heart moved.

Then he saw this monster from an infinite height looking down at him.

This time.

It seems that I also miscalculated.


On the glass cup.

The chaos of nothingness turned into a sea of ​​​​Wang Yang with lights of various colors, twisted into a spiral, and poured out from top to bottom from the glass cup.

The reincarnation of Master Tripitaka of Jin Chan'zi was once again completely buried in this mighty river and sea.

After the sound of thunder.

Only a skull appears again.

The two spirit treasures were missing again.

The roller curtain didn't care where the brocade cassock and the nine-ring tin staff went. It just put away the skull again, took back the spirit treasure, and then returned to the Liusha River as if nothing happened.

Great Temple of Thundering Sounds.

Sakyamuni Muni and Guanyin Bodhisattva had no idea that the pilgrim would once again fall by the Liusha River.

After all.

None of them could believe that a mere monster had once again blocked the path of a pilgrim.

From a Buddhist standpoint, they should even be very angry.


The appearance of Liulizhan let them know that things were not simple.

walk in their ways.

I can't count Liuli Zhan's heels.

How could a monster possess such a spirit treasure?

The two people's thoughts just started to fluctuate.

Then there was a magnificent voice.

"This glass cup is the Heavenly Court spirit treasure, it should be the item from Hao Tian!"

The two of them naturally knew that the person transmitting the message was the Ancient Buddha Bodhi.

Immediately put his hands together and chant the name of the Buddha.

The two of them felt something.

They are no strangers to Hao Tian.

One of them is a disciple of the School of Interception, and the other is a former member of the School of Enlightenment, so they naturally know who the former Emperor of Heaven was.


They didn't expect that the monsters in Liusha River were actually the work of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Hao Tian has become the Jade Emperor of Blue Star Heavenly Court, Tathagata. Please follow my decree and go to Heavenly Court to ask Jade Emperor what he thinks!"

Naturally, Bodhi himself would not go. Sakyamuni Muni Tathagata Buddha has the same status as Jade Emperor, which is just right. .

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