Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 441: One Thought Turns Into A Demon, Demon Buddha Xuanzang (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 441: One thought becomes a demon, Demon Buddha Xuanzang (Wish you good health!)

"Are you... Demon Ancestor?"

Xuanzang instinctively called out the name of the person in front of him, but his tone was very subtle.

Demon Ancestor Rahu.

According to legend, it is the source of extraterrestrial demons.

Killing extraterrestrial demons and nipping them in the bud is also a Karmic Merit in Buddhism, and it is also something that Buddhists need to prioritize.

Xuanzang's eyes also turned evil.

He didn't know why he knew that the man in black robes in front of him was Demon Ancestor Luo Hu.

All he knew was that he needed to surrender.

Xuanzang immediately shouted loudly in his heart, and the Buddha's light in his body began to circulate on its own.

The Buddha's light accumulated in ten reincarnations was gathered together, and his body surface seemed to have ten colors of glass.

Facing the Demon Ancestor Rahu, one should see the big in the subtle, see the movement in the still, and even face the danger of degenerating into a demon.

"The six-winged golden cicada is a unique existence among the demons outside the territory. Luo Hu can indeed come up with some good things. If Xuanzang is to succeed in learning the scriptures, Luo Hu's careful plan will probably be in vain..."

Zhou Chen clicked his tongue in admiration.

Naturally, he already knew about Rahu's return as soon as he was resurrected.

Naturally, what appears in front of Xuanzang now is not the real Rahu but the phantom he constructed with the power of his mind.

Zixia looked strange: "This Master Xuanzang seems to be an enlightened monk indeed. This Buddha's light comes from the inside out, coming out of nothing. The Buddha's heart inside is as if it is motionless, and it is not like something that can give rise to demonic intentions. #7... ."

Zixia saw the huge halo on Xuanzang's body and the immeasurable meaning the halo represented.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

It can be said that Xuanzang, who has been reincarnated ten times, has a very firm belief in Buddhism and Taoism.

No confusion, no hesitation, just straight forward on the path of learning.

Zhou Chen naturally has a way.

However, Zhou Chen didn't intend to make it so complicated.

"It is true that Xuanzang does not have demonic intent, but he does have it in his body. Otherwise, how could a mere mortal monk know Demon Ancestor?"

He continued to add: "I don't need to do anything else, I just need to arouse his original evil intention~`

Zixia groaned and grinned.

The king said it simply, but Zixia already knew that the true form of the six-winged golden cicada should be in the Great Temple of Thundering Sounds in the west.

That is the stronghold of Buddhism.

How can ordinary people do such a thing?

Playing around with the whole Buddhism and clapping thing while talking and laughing?

Can a simple demon king do such a thing?

If other people relayed it, Zixia would definitely think that he had gone crazy.

After all, Zixia is also a person with a firm heart. Once she is determined, she will not be troubled by this matter. She takes a deep breath and calms down. Her eyes are like lightning, and she is also watching the current reality.

Even if he doesn't use the power of Dao Ancestor, Zhou Chen will naturally have a way.

The connection between the six-winged golden cicada's body and Xuanzang is in the ten-color glazed light. Because of this, it is actually easier for him to arouse the demonic intention.

As for the six-winged golden cicada's slough, which was extremely strong in Luo Hu's eyes and could not be discovered, it was not a problem for him.

Zhou Chen's body didn't move, but his mind moved.

Cause and effect Grand Dao traces cause and effect, time flows endlessly, space is vast, and only the mind can escape from the constraints of the world.

Even with the obstruction of Saint-level power, Zhou Chen still started his performance.

The secret of the soul can set up the path for Dao Ancestor to improve his strength in the future.

"How to do it?"

Zixia was confused and turned her perspective again.

The next moment, she noticed that the sea current was gathering under the king's feet.

This is the world she once lived in twenty years ago, but now it is overlooked by Zhou Chen from above.

This time.

In front of Zixia's eyes, the huge reach is blocked by the golden and black ocean.

Zhou Chen looked down.

The huge barrier naturally represents the existence that separates the demonic intention of the past and the Buddhist intention of the present.

After Zhou Chen's sublimation of the soul, the current sea of ​​​​soul can now manifest such incredible scenes.

If it can really be sublimated to the extreme, this will be a very important weapon for him in the future.

"Now, let me first convey the evil intention that Luo wants to hide to our Xuanzang.


In Zixia's eyes.

The huge barrier that separates the golden and black oceans is cracked inch by inch.

An inexplicable feeling arose in Zixia's heart, so much so that her steady breathing became somewhat disrupted.

The shattering of the wall was like an immortal shattering to her, giving her an immense shock.

For Zixia now, such power is completely beyond her understanding.

Just when she was about to fall into confusion.

Within her body, the lid of the demon refining pot spontaneously opened, and with the buzzing sound, countless insights were incorporated into it.

"It's still possible."

Zixia felt that after integrating these into the Demon Refining Pot, both its strength and its foundation had once again been greatly improved.

She completely understood that this was a huge opportunity for Zhou Chen to specifically target her.

In her future cultivation path, the Demon Refining Pot will become an important spirit treasure that helps her grow independently.

at this time.

Zixia felt completely at peace, and she began to pay attention to the various changes in Master Xuanzang after Zhou Chen's actions.

In fact.

Zhou Chen also paid attention to Xuanzang's mental changes in front of him.

To know.

Sun Wukong's extraordinary spiritual brilliance brought him a great improvement.

The other side.

Xuanzang's eyes shone with wisdom.

The next moment, there was surprise in his voice.

The demonic intention aroused by Zhou Chen turned into images and was transmitted without leaving any room for destruction.

In addition to the image of the demon from outside the territory.

The most important thing is the will of Demon Ancestor mentioned above.

Zhou Chen sensed all the subtle changes.

Buddha and Demon.

If it were in front of ordinary monks, it would just be a simple confrontation.

But when it comes to a Demon Ancestor like Rahu or a being like Amitabha.

This is actually a fundamental difference.

A Buddhist path with two Saints.

A demonic path with only Demon Ancestor returning.

Zhou Chen is also very curious about what Xuanzang will choose.

Is it the complete annihilation of one party or the unification of opposites between them.

No matter which one it is, the mystery generated by the confrontation between the two makes (Zhao) interesting to him.

It involves changes in the soul that allow Zhou Chen to verify his various conjectures.

The corners of Zhou Chen's mouth were slightly raised, and mysterious charms appeared in his eyes one by one.

"."Oh, is the final change actually unity? If Amitabha and Zhǔntí knew that their Saint power was comparable to that of Demon Ancestor Rahu, I don't know what their expressions would be..."

Hearing Zhou Chen's hearty laughter, Zixia knew that the result of her king's arousing the demonic intention had come out.

Naturally, she couldn't tell with her eyes: "Your Majesty, you mean Master Xuanzang"

Zhou Chen withdrew his gaze.

"Zixia, there is no Master Xuanzang in the world. From now on, there will only be Demon Buddha Xuanzang."


Now Xuanzang has fundamentally changed. He is no longer a simple Buddhist or an alien demon.

Demon Buddha Xuanzang.

Just because of this short moment.

Destiny has changed!.

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