Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 453: The Power Of Demon Refining, Bodhisattva Is Shocked (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 453: The power of demon refining, the Bodhisattva is shocked (Wish you good health!)

Zixia's figure stood in the void, motionless for a long time.

Ever since she saw the so-called truth Zhou Chen showed her, she hasn't made a move for a long time.

Now her black hair is disheveled, her eyes are purple and blue, blazing with flames, full of enchanting beauty.

This is the Great Sage who Travels through Heaven, the only female warrior in the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Demons.

In the eyes of the black bear spirit, Fairy Zixia's heroic appearance is no worse than that of the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattava.

"I see, it seems that Fairy Zixia is really planning to stop me from taking this black bear away."

She held the jade purification bottle in one hand, put her palm on her chest with the other, and spoke compassionately.

"The black bear only knows killing in its life. If you come back to the mountain with me and become a mountain god, you can naturally let go of your obsession and take this opportunity to climb the Grand Dao..."

A trace of pure breath spreads.

The solemn words of Guanyin Bodhisattva tell how perfectly justified this matter is.

And the black bear spirit who chose to refuse was so ignorant.

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, you said it nicely, but it didn't destroy my will!"

With the appearance of Fairy Zixia, the black bear regained its courage and roared loudly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva ignored the black bear, his eyes were still locked on the demon refining pot and Zixia, and she recited the scriptures alone.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and can survive all hardships."

The scriptures sounded.

Immeasurable light emerged from her side and headed directly towards the demon refining pot.

This immeasurable light was conceived by her in the body of a Bodhisattva. It is neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, nor increases nor decreases. It even represents the law of emptiness and can dissolve evil spirits and evil spirits.

Monsters like the black bear spirit can be completely dissolved if she is willing to do so.

The overbearing essence that purifies everything.

"Relics, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is color.

To ensure nothing goes wrong.

Bodhisattva Guanyin chanted sutras again to protect him.

Those who accept this sutra are no longer limited by body and space.

Guanyin Bodhisattva stood still, looking down at Fairy Zixia.

Regarding the unknown existence, what is needed is a quick victory without giving her any chance to breathe.

Bodhisattva formed a full-scale suppression of Zixia with thunderous momentum.

No matter what it is, the Great Sage who Travels through Heaven or Fairy Zixia will not have any reaction time, and even the shadow should not be visible.

Guanyin Bodhisattava was not wrong.

The previous Zixia would naturally not be able to face such an attack.

But that was her before traveling around with Zhou Chen.

Zixia's eyes captured the immeasurable light that should have been traceless.

Her purple and green swords also released a dazzling brilliance in an instant, pointing out the infinite light at the moment when it was about to come over.

The direction the sword was pointing was not Guanyin Bodhisattava.

She understood that she was not a match for this powerful person now.

All she has to do is guide.

This attack was nothing but a cover.

The real purpose is to guide the movement of the Demon Refining Pot and the Infinite Light.

Finally, the sword light condensed into a beam of light and was thrown into the demon refining pot. The effect was that the lid of the demon refining pot was instantly lifted open.

Guanyin Bodhisattava's eyelids twitched suddenly.

An inexplicable hole opened up with the demon refining pot as the center.

Her infinite light was sucked into the hole in the blink of an eye, without even a reaction.

The opposite of.

In the demon refining pot, the immeasurable Qi movement was intensively turbulent, and fire smoke appeared in the blink of an eye.

This situation was naturally very shocking in the eyes of Bodhisattva Guanyin.

She is neither alive nor dead, neither dirty nor pure, and her infinite light, which neither increases nor decreases, was actually refined into ashes in this demon refining pot.

How can this be?

Guanyin Bodhisattva's sharp eyes glowed, Buddha's light shone all over his body, and he began to recite mantras from his mouth.

"Therefore, we know that Prajna Paramita is a great divine mantra, a great enlightenment mantra, a supreme mantra, an infinite mantra, and so on. It can eliminate all suffering and is true and true."

"So the Prajnaparamita mantra is said to be: uncover the secret, uncover the secret, Pāluāṇī uncover the secret, Bodhisattva..."

The Supreme Mantra was transformed from the mouth of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This is the fundamental mantra she practiced after becoming a Bodhisattva, and it has supreme power.

Even though the Demon Refining Pot can swallow immeasurable light, its ability has its upper limit.

And the Supreme Mantra contains immeasurable magic power.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to break this limit!

If it were changed before.

Zixia will indeed lose at this point.

·…Please give me flowers…

When she was sweeping Beiju Luzhou, she used the Demon Refining Pot which was fashionable and somewhat difficult.

But now.

Zixia only felt that her spiritual thoughts were extremely lively, and her mind was even more like Mingyue Xuanzhao.

Whether it is the infinite light of Guanyin Bodhisattva or the supreme mantra, it is a power that Zixia was once completely beyond the reach of.

However these.

Compared to the golden power she had seen with her own eyes in Chang'an City, it was like an ant.

Those powers, those insights are all manifested in the Grand Dao and are integrated into the sound of demon refining.

Zixia can be sure that there are such mysterious and monster-like powers in heaven and earth that have never been seen in the past and present, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva in front of her definitely does not belong to them.


Zixia was determined in her heart, and some of the mysteries of the Demon Refining Pot were like bright lights that explained various mysteries to her.

With a slight shock, the demon refining pot contained endless treasures and unfathomable depths, and the inner fire ignited.

The supreme mantra is accompanied by the substantial dissipation of immeasurable magic power, turning into smoke and mist, and becoming dense and self-generating.

And these dense energy just flashed, and then merged into Zixia's form and spirit, turning into her own power.

Zixia could only feel the acupoints all over her body responding, and the demonic energy resonating, transforming into a supreme demon, as if ascending to heaven and earth, omnipotent!

The thoughts don’t stop.

All kinds of strange phenomena appeared around her.

The surrounding fairyland is self-generating, with sweet rain falling from the sky, goddesses scattering flowers, and jade liquid like springs.

In Zixia's eyes, she seemed to see the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, and all kinds of creatures.

Guanyin Bodhisattva welcomes the glow and soars high in the sky.

Zixia's performance at this time clearly showed that she had gained great insights from the battle with her.

The source of these insights seems to be the fundamental supreme curse she just transformed.

Guanyin Bodhisattva observes the world at ease, and condenses all phenomena to condense the fundamental mantra, but Lianmei has managed to decompose the fundamental mantra and turn it into nourishing purple in front of her eyes, and now consolidates her own fundamental sister essence.

Guanyin Bodhisattva could not help but be shocked by such a feature.


He was already very sure of one thing.

That is, Fairy Zixia, whom she originally looked down upon at all, must have strong support behind her.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to withstand her attacks at the legal level?

All of a sudden.

She was in trouble again... Nai.

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