Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 521: Her Name Is Anna, Candidate For Royal Power (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 521: Her name is Anna, candidate for royal power (Wish you good health!)

Because the world is attuned.

As an outsider who has not yet awakened his abilities, Zhou Chen's spiritual world is quite monotonous.

On every side there were hollows of nothingness and desolation.

Only the Tao seed that will be the prototype of his ability exudes supreme brilliance like the sun, shining on reality and illusion.


A natural and pleasant children's voice sounds.

The girl opened her eyes wide. Because of the radiance of Taoism, her glass-like eyes and snow-white cheeks seemed to be jumping for joy.

Zhou Chen was slightly surprised.

He did not tell the girl's name.

Of course, he soon realized that it was the power he had just mobilized that allowed the Loli in front of him to obtain information about himself in this world.

Of course his name is among them.

"Did Chen do this?"

The girl's words were questioning, but strangely had an adult tone.

Zhou Chen naturally knew that she was referring to the brilliance in front of him, which was like a Tao seed of fiery trees and silver flowers.

"It is the most basic etiquette to state your home address when asking questions."

This was the first time Zhou Chen heard a girl speak, and it was also the first time he had a conversation with this wonderful loli.


The girl tilted her head expressionlessly. 063 “My name is Anna.

Anna silently looked directly into Zhou Chen's eyes.


Anna suddenly spoke.

"This world is very beautiful, and Chen is also very beautiful."

The corners of Zhou Chen's mouth curled up slightly. He never thought that one day he would be described as beautiful.

Anna seemed to sense Zhou Chen's disapproval and continued to add.

"What I said is true."

"Originally, I could only see red in my eyes, but the colors here and on Chen's body are as gorgeous as a kaleidoscope.

Not only that.

For the first time in a long time, Anna felt warmth from the fingertips of the man whose name she had just learned.

In her eyes.

Originally there was only a black and white world and a blood-like red that killed the sense of reality.

But now it's starting to reflect richer colors.

"In other words, you keep staring at me because you see that I have a brilliant brilliance?"

Anna nodded slightly.

Zhou Chen didn't expect that the reason he initially thought was the monitor turned out to be this.

There is no doubt that Anna in front of her has a very potential power, (bcfj) can sense a little bit of the energy overflowing from his Tao.

The fact that Anna can only see red is proof of this.

Color cognitive impairment is a side effect of being born with powerful abilities.

"Chen's power is different from that of stone slabs. It can make me feel accepted and tolerated..."


Zhou Chen's heart moved and he instantly captured this word.

The loli in front of me is indeed not a simple loli.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to discover his abnormality?

"Have you seen the slate?"

Zhou Chen spoke.

"I've seen it.

"My power is a high degree of induction. I can even sense the stone slab. As long as I can complete the connection and synchronization with the stone slab, I will be the trusted king."

"The director brought me here because he wanted me to become the Colorless King. Before that, he wanted me to become the Red King and the Blue King!"

"It's a pity that the Red Throne was occupied early, and the Blue Throne failed to seize the opportunity when it was vacant. Now the Colorless King is killed and a new King is born. The director wants to try his luck here. If the new Colorless King If the king falls, I will become the king......"

Anna raised her gaze and stared at Zhou Chen, who was overflowing with gorgeous aura.

She thought back to the time at the amusement park.

How long had it been since she had spent time happily like that without thinking at all?

Before Anna went to the center, she went on a picnic with her parents and her aunt.

The mother held the prepared lunch box, and the father carried her on his shoulders. It's spring and many flowers are blooming.

Aunt——Tell her the names of various flowers.

There were many red and silver Lotus Flowers blooming in a flower bed, and Anna took the trouble to look at the red flowers.

On the way home, everyone agreed to go to the amusement park next time.

However, the agreement was not fulfilled because Anna entered the center and her parents died.

Anna's sense of color is abnormal, and she seems to have had some strange behaviors and behaviors since she was a child.

She was treated as if she was seeing hallucinations—which were actually clairvoyance, past vision, and precognition—and she was unable to distinguish the pain of others from her own.

Anna's parents were very worried about this and took her to the hospital.

After various examinations, Anna was transferred to the center where the director was located.

The center told Anna's parents that "she has a brain disorder," but what they told Anna was: "You have special abilities."

Anna herself didn't know when the special abilities the director mentioned were acquired.

The director told Anna that her power should not be known to ordinary people, not even her parents.

Your power should be hidden, as it could put that person in danger if known.

The director said so.

At that time, Anna had not been subjected to cruel experiments like now.

But for her, being imprisoned after being with Gao Kai's parents, having to undergo inexplicable examinations, and being forced to use her powers was a very painful life.

So, when she was allowed to leave the hospital temporarily and go home, Anna grabbed her mother and said:

"I never want to go to the hospital again."

The mother showed an embarrassed expression and looked at each other with her father. Then she stroked Anna's hair and persuaded her gently: "But, Anna, although life in the hospital may be difficult...but it is also to cure your disease. "

"I'm not sick."

Anna said.

She told it all.

Anna told her parents what the director had forbidden her to say.

Compared with the director's threats, her desire to escape from there and her trust in her parents were better. She believed that her parents would find a way.

That night, her parents talked for a long time.

Then the next morning, the two told Anna that she didn't need to go there anymore.

That day was Sunday. After the two entrusted Anna to Suibo, they headed to the center.

They presumably negotiated Anna directly there.

Two people died in a car accident on their way back.

After hearing the news of her parents' death, Anna closed her eyes.

Obviously I can't see the color of the world, but I see some superfluous things.

So she closed her eyes and her mind.

Erased emotions, turned into a puppet-like existence. .

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