Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 525: Ability Takes Shape And Its Name Is Plunder (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 525: The ability takes shape, and its name is plunder (Wish you good health!)

The leader of the Golden Clan closed his eyes and accepted his feelings after a while.

The director was still smiling as usual, as if this was his usual expressionless look, and the anxiety he felt just now was just an appearance.

This is a gamble.

If the man in front of me is really the one who killed the Colorless King.

So today.

Today, none of the superpowers under his command are here.

What he faced was undoubtedly devastating destruction.


He thinks the odds of winning this gamble are 91%.

His side's probability of winning is 91%, while the strange man named Zhou Chen's side [Song Neng] has less than 9%.

After all.

How could someone show up in the territory of the Seven Kings without changing their expression after killing the king?

Despite the risks.

He truly believed that his risk was not great.

The man in front of me was just bluffing.

There was a 9% chance that he reluctantly gave it because Anna was standing next to the man.

"If you really killed the Colorless King, it goes without saying that we are not Tokiyuan. You will encounter the group of people in blue clothes first. You can never be the instigator."

The non-Tokiyuan mentioned by the director is the collective name for the members of the Golden Clan.

And the people in blue clothes he was talking about were members of the Qingzhi clan.

On the bright side.

They hold the status of a public agency from the Fourth Branch of the Family Registration Section of the Legal Affairs Bureau.

In fact, it is an organization that specializes in coordinating and managing superpowers with command authority.

If Zhou Chen really committed such a thing and took the initiative to expose it, then he would be involved in more than just a person with royal power.

The man in front of him could never be such a big shot.

Zhou Chen smiled contemptuously.

The golden tribesman in front of him really didn't need him to worry too much.

He just used a few simple words to completely provoke the other party's seemingly tenacious but very fragile nerves.

His series of pale reasons are just adding empty weight to his gamble.

On the scale of victory.

He didn't even dare to put all his life and destruction into it.

For such a person, Zhou Chen didn't even want to say any more nonsense.

"Since you don't believe it, I'll show it to you."

Zhou Chen's tone was cold.

"To sanction the king's clan members, corresponding procedures are required...

The director's temples twitched slightly and he lowered his voice and shouted.

By now, he had already thought about turning around and leaving.

"Anna, look, this is the true side of the director you are afraid of. He can't even act righteously in broad daylight."

At this time, Anna had already gotten off Zhou Chen's arms and was just holding his hand.

"Such a person can still show off his power when he has the ability, but if he loses his ability, he is nothing more than a rotten fish."

Zhou Chen sighed in disappointment.

"What do you think, we make his ability disappear?"

Anna quietly leaned her body towards Zhou Chen.

At this time, what appeared on Anna's face was no longer the usual stiff expression like a doll that built a high wall with others, but a real expression like a child.

Even the director was a little doubtful that Anna could express her feelings like this.

"real or fake?!!"

Zhou Chen nodded without hesitation and touched the girl's head with his right hand.


Anna turned her glazed eyes and spoke.

Her voice was very soft, but it seemed to carry her own determination.

"Then do this, Chen, I believe you."

Zhou Chen's words, which made her eyes sparkle, were like oracles. She could feel their weight without using her eyes.

"Anna, are you crazy too? I want you to become a king and someone who can show your power openly...Are you going to betray me?"

"Don't you care about your aunt's safety anymore?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill her if you do this?"

The director still has an ace up his sleeve.

Now that Anna has joined forces with this man named Zhou Chen, no matter how powerful Zhou Chen is, it is impossible to ignore the lives of Anna's relatives and attack him.

"It's really ugly. You're already so hysterical even though I haven't even started doing anything."

"If it was really a threat, why wouldn't you take action?"

Zhou Chen sneered.

"It's an honor, you are the first person to see how fat I can be."

Zhou Chen put his index finger in front of his mouth and said in a joking tone.


Zhou Chen reached forward slightly, as if asking for something from the director.

The director had a gloomy face while Anna stared at Zhou Chen's hands.

A trace of waves flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes [The illusory force began to slowly form.

Anna held her breath.

"This is Chen's power."

It's not like she hasn't seen Zhou Chen's power before. The warm power in her body that was attuned to her has been engraved into her soul.

But now.

The power hovering in Zhou Chen's hand was not as gentle as before.

On the contrary, it gave her an extremely domineering feeling.

It's not unusual for Anna to feel this way.

Zhou Chen used the original power of Tao seeds to relieve her pain and convulsions.

But now he is using the power formed from the Tao seed.

The moment he met the director, Zhou Chen had already begun to analyze his golden history.

And during the short conversation.

He had already seen through the essence of the so-called golden power.


He does not need the qualities of golden power.

What he needs is the guidance of this world.

As an outsider, his Taoism is the prototype.

As long as there is a way for this world to guide his ability, he will naturally guide his ability out.


This guidance method is also very simple.

next moment.

Anna opened her eyes wide.

She is originally a highly sensitive person with super powers and can see things that others cannot.


In a trance.

She could see a huge vortex appearing above Zhou Chen's head.

Above the sky, there seems to be immortal light shining down, forming the momentum of empowerment.



Anna could feel the fresh air that made her very comfortable (so good) overflowing.

Such a scene.

It's not like she hasn't seen it before.

The huge Sword of Damocles, which is suspended in the sky and represents the crystallization of the power of the king, has such an attitude.

She once saw the huge red sun-like existence above the head of the Red King Zhou Fangzun.


Even the posture shown by the Red King could not replace the scene she saw today.


He is now transforming his power into the same form as the King of Power's Sword of Damocles to leverage his ability to take full shape.


Because of the limitation of ability at this time.

This state is just maintaining the prototype of the whirlpool.


But it was enough for him to channel his abilities and become a veritable outsider.

He has only one awakened ability now.

That is the ability that the Tao seed itself carries and is now fully manifested.

Its name - plunder!.

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