Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 532: Great Improvement, Fight With The Red King (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 532: Great improvement, Red King fights (Wish you good health!)

"These are the members of the Red Clan who are involved."

"They colluded with other forces, used the power of the king to do whatever they wanted, and discredited our reputation as Barbarians.

The staff of the Chi clan reported the previous situation to Zhou Fangzun.

Zhou Fangzun nodded and gestured towards Zhou Chen.

"These are all handled by you."

What Zhou Fangzun said at this time was the explanation given to Zhou Chen.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Zhou Chen stepped out slowly, and an extremely arrogant aura suddenly appeared on his body.

The eyes of those watching here, including the Red King Zhou Fangzun, changed at this time.

I saw Zhou Chen stretched out one hand and grabbed the void, and Yuandian was caught far away with a radiant light.

Everyone present watching Zhou Chen's movements now fully understood the meaning of Zhou Chen's movements.

They have already heard Zhou Chen's own explanation of abilities.

I had seen Zhou Chen's actions in the bar before.


Even though they were mentally prepared, they were still shocked by what they saw in front of them.

At this time, Zhou Chen's actions were explaining the effectiveness of his abilities.



"I didn't believe it before when I heard that outsiders couldn't become kings, but now, I think it does make some sense.

"It's really a terrible ability, but I don't know what the limiting conditions are."

The staff officer of the Akazhi clan couldn't help but sigh.

"Chen's power is not scary, it is warm and beautiful..."

Hearing Anna's rebuttal, everyone including Zhou Fangzun was in a daze.

They didn't think Anna's words were nonsense.

The little girl who almost became the Blue King has a high degree of sensory ability.

It is said that he can even sense the existence of the Dresden Stone, which only the king can sense.

Although still young.

But his words and deeds are enough for everyone not to underestimate him.

"Anna, who do you think will win in the battle between Wang and Zhou Chen?"

Without looking at the scene in his eyes, which was as powerful as prison, the staff officer asked Anna a question.


They did not gather here to see how Zhou Chen could plunder the power of others. Their focus was always on the upcoming battle between Zhou Chen and Zhou Fangzun.

Anna's expression was startled and she shook her head slightly.

"Although I looked, I couldn't see anything."

"But I believe in Chen, and I don't feel like he failed.


They felt the sight of the Red King and stopped talking.

Anna looked towards Zhou Chen with eyes that gradually became colored.

In her eyes, the auras that had been taken away were faintly condensed into an even more inexplicable aura. This aura was definitely not destruction, nor was it violence.

"Let's do it. Thanks to your kindness, I have already received a huge improvement."

Zhou Chen smiled.

"Is that so?"

Zhou Fangzun took a puff of cigarette slowly, and the cigarette butt burned slowly.

He blew out a puff of smoke, dropped the cigarette with his fingers, and then released Calendar.

So in Zhou Chen's eyes.

At this time, the Red King was surrounded by flames.

The swirling pillars of fire dried out the heat, and every cell in his body showed an indescribable sense of liberation.

With a crackling sound, the ground began to melt, beginning to melt in a wave of red heat.

Flames and rumbling sounds ravaged the ground, spreading out in a radial pattern, forming a sea of ​​fire.

The temperature of the flame was immediately raised to the highest point by Zhou Fangzun.

Flames swept across and the sea of ​​fire roared!

"The king is so serious."

At a very long distance.

The staff officer sighed with emotion, which attracted the approval of all his companions.

The flame of the Red King is the fire that burns the sky.

Once released, it is a power that can destroy heaven and earth.

"Even among the seven kings, Zhou Fangzun's power is the most destructive."

"Zun has been suppressing his own power, and he doesn't know whether releasing it like this is good or bad.

As the most core member of the Red Clan.

They have always known how powerful Zhou Fangzun is, and his own power even makes the Sword of Damocles, a red crystal representing his power, incomplete.

However, Zhou Fangzun now clearly liberates his power at will.

And they can only watch the development of the situation.

"No matter what, we must avoid the worst outcome of the king's power getting out of control and the king's power breaking out.

"If it happens, we might all die in an instant."

…please give me flowers…0

Zhou Fangzun's blood boiled to the point where his body ached.

His strength hates restraint and longs for freedom.

Zhou Chen quietly looked at the Red King in front of him.

"He is also a fighting maniac."

At this time, the Red King had turned into a flaming bullet and rushed towards him.

This is a crazy power.

Even the King of Blue, who is also the king of power, did not dare to accept it forcefully.

King Zhou Fang was very much looking forward to what kind of reaction the man in front of him would make.

The light of the flame spread suddenly, occupying the surrounding area.

This "king" aura is called the holy realm.

The released force hits the air and compresses into shape.

As the power of the king is released, a giant sword will appear in the sky.


This sword-shaped energy body is a symbol of royal power.

Now Zhou Fangzun has the red Sword of Damocles on his head.

The Sword of Damocles hanging in the sky is the symbol of the king, the symbol of the clan, and the source of strength.

All the members of the Barbarians who saw the Sword of Damocles started cheering wildly.

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with light.

The power of fire or destruction is naturally nothing to him.

What he is interested in is the Sword of Royal Power. The red Sword of Damocles has been recognized by this world and the world, and has absolute effects.

"Is this some of the original power caused by the Dresden Slate? It's really interesting..."

"If Zhou Chen is also a powerful person, I think it is indeed possible to block Zun's attack, but after all, he is just an outsider, and Zun is exaggerating.

The battle captain of the Red Clan complained to his staff officer.

The physical pressure of the sanctuary already made it difficult for them to approach, and he really couldn't think of a reason why the Red King would lose.

Even if the other party is a powerful outsider with many abilities.

"Do you think the king is the kind of person who likes to kill his opponents?"

"The appearance of the Sword of Damocles means that the king believes that Zhou Chen has abilities comparable to his."

The cold voice of the staff officer poured cold water on the battle captain's head.

"how come!!!""

The battle captain stopped talking and just looked at the turbulent flames in the air quietly, falling into doubt. .

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