Remarks on the launch

Dear readers!

It was December 28th.

It took a long time to almost put it on the shelves. First of all, the New Year will be here in three days, so I would like to wish you all a happy new year in advance. I wish you good health, financial resources, academic success, and find the Paper Man wife in your heart.

The authors of Feilu all have an average of ten updates per person.

I really can't compare.

plus this period of time.

A cold and year-end settlement have resulted in a significant reduction in time.

Many of the promised updates were not fulfilled.

I got down on my knees and begged for forgiveness.

I had a good idea for this Great Primordial novel.

No manuscript saved.

When will it be coded and sent out?

If everyone is afraid of eunuchs, take care of them.

But be sure to make an initial reservation!

(PS: If it is a eunuch, I will definitely write a separate chapter to explain it.)

(And thank you to the big guys who send flowers, comments, and comments every day. Take a bow and thank you!)

Originally, according to the plan, I was going to make some money by coding like crazy before the year.

It's been too long now and I don't know how many people are dying.

It’s all the author’s willfulness!

at last.

Thanks again to everyone who supports!

(The chapters on the shelves today will start with the first chapter at 12 o'clock in the evening, and then as long as I don't sleep, it will be coded until the next night, unless there is a sudden death!).

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