Zhou Yuan eagerly transmitted the message again, but received shaking heads from the two of them.

"If we leave like this, no matter where we escape, they will definitely follow you and find us."

Although they have seen the magic of this talisman, it can completely erase their own aura for a long time after escaping, but even so, the special aura of Zhou Yuan as the incarnation of Grand Dao still cannot be erased, so in the end It will still be found.

Zhou Yuan also knew this, so he jumped out of Yunxiao's arms early. The meaning was obvious, he stayed here and let others go!

After all, I still have the system with me, so I can help a bunch of Yang Mei Taoists at the critical moment.

At least he won't kill himself in a short period of time, it's good if he can survive.

"I won't leave, you can just leave."

Zhou Yuan was still very moved when he heard Nuwa and Houtu, the two shit shovelers, say this, but he still spoke again very rationally.

I thought that these two people would accept it quickly, but unexpectedly, the two Saints didn't know what the cause was, and directly hugged themselves in their arms.

"No, let's go together. We will never leave the little one alone!"

This is not the time to do this!

Zhou Yuan complained crazily in his heart, but his body was extremely honest and did not send any more messages to the two of them.

I was just thinking about countermeasures, and if I tried to transmit the message, it would just be a waste of time. Well, yes, that must be the case!

But no matter how much Zhou Yuan thought, he couldn't figure out what was going on.


There was another huge aftermath. Houtu, who had regained some strength with the authority of Earthly Dao, blocked the incoming aftermath. After all, she only needed to protect three people this time. "She can still do it.

"No, the intensity of the battle between Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei Taoist is too great. We must find a way as soon as possible."

Houtu said with difficulty while maintaining the strength to block the aftermath.

As her words fell, Zhou Yuan saw that the endless Dao Rhyme around Hongjun Dao Ancestor seemed to condense to a point and gradually turned into an extremely terrifying long sword.

Is this... ready for the final blow?18

Although he doesn't know if this is the last blow, at least Hongjun Dao Ancestor's current offensive is much stronger than before!

Even Taoist Yang Mei condensed his demonic energy and turned it into a spear.

It is said that the Godslayer Spear used by Luohu was given by Taoist Yangmei. Today, it turns out that it is true. The spear condensed by Taoist Yang Mei at this time looks like the Godslayer Spear!

One sword and one spear, one white and one black.

Zhou Yuan's eyes were sharp. From the first punch to the present, the constant changes in his body and the most critical thing about the mysterious copper piece he had obtained before, he finally thought of something.

He knew where he heard the word "Immortal Emperor" from.

Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road? When you see the beginningless path, it becomes empty!

I heard these two words from the Red Hair Trilogy!

Could it be that...that tripartite world really exists?

In this way, can I avoid the "pursuit" of these two people by going to those worlds?

Are there other planes outside the "system" world?"

[Ding! One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi, each has its true meaning, and the host needs to understand it himself. 】


Although the system once again acted as the Riddler, Zhou Yuan was able to get a certain piece of information from his words.

Other worlds really exist!

"Then you should at least tell me how to go. Does it unlock some time-travel function, or does it require consuming breakthrough points?"

[Ding! When the host's strength reaches its peak, it can break the Grand Dao barrier and reach the other side. 】

It seems...you still need strength!

And when his strength reaches its peak, doesn't it mean that he has to become a being like the Grandmist Dao Ancestor in order to be able to break the Grand Dao barrier and go to other worlds?


I don’t need to be an existence like Grandmist Dao Ancestor now!

Aren't those two people in the sky fighting?

For a moment, Zhou Yuan seemed to have grasped some hope. He raised his head and looked at Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei Taoist. Their auras were condensed together. Doesn't this just meet the conditions to break down the Grand Dao barrier?!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan couldn't help but laugh. This was really effortless.

Then I will wait quietly for these two people to take action, and then take advantage of the power that these two people can break through the Grand Dao barrier to get in directly and go to other worlds to stay for a while, at least to make myself stronger. A little will do.

One gun and one sword collided with each other.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the entire Great Primordial was enveloped in white light, but Zhou Yuan stared at the scene above the sky. At least he had to wait until the so-called Grand Dao barrier appeared before making any moves.

After the vast white space ended, a horrifying hole exuding an extremely mysterious atmosphere appeared in the center. This may be the so-called "Grand Dao Barrier?" 1

Zhou Yuan's face was full of smiles. It seemed that he had really made a big mistake!

"If you don't want to be chased by these two old guys, then which cave will you take me to?"

Zhou Yuan once again transmitted the message to the two of them, and this time Nuwa and Houtu naturally did not hesitate at all. After all, the aura coming out of the big hole made both women feel a little scared.

But since the little guy said so, they no longer hesitate. What's more, after what happened just now, both Houtu and Nuwa have recovered a lot of strength, enough to take Zhou Yuan into the Grand Dao barrier. Among them.

[Ding! The appearance of the Grand Dao barrier has been detected. There are still five seconds before the Grand Dao barrier is healed. If you need to go there, please host as soon as possible! 】

The sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind, and then he calculated the distance. Zhou Yuan knew that he could not waste a moment, and immediately motioned for the two of them to lead him and rush forward.

Five seconds may seem like a long time, but it is an extremely difficult time to break through the "circle" formed by the battle between Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei Taoist.

Fortunately, Houtu's Earthly Dao authority became more complete after embracing Zhou Yuan, and he was able to forcibly carve out a path with the mighty power of Earthly Dao.


The two men and the beast rushed out at extremely fast speeds, and even Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei Taoist did not react for a moment.


Finally, at the last second, Houtu led Nuwa and Zhou Yuan to break through the Grand Dao barrier and rush into that new world!

And at this moment, Taoist Yang Mei and Hongjun Dao Ancestor both sensed the movement of the little beast!

Just for a moment, just for this moment!

But…………it’s too late.

Houtu took Nuwa and Zhou Yuan into it. The moment they entered, the Grand Dao barrier closed instantly, and the breath of the three people was no longer in the Great Primordial.

Of course, before Houtu left, he also sent a very considerate message to Di Jiang and others, and temporarily handed over the authority of Six Paths of Samsara to Xuan Ming.

After all... Earthly Dao can't be taken away by him at will.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei, who were fighting, were also completely stunned.

They really didn't expect that such a situation would happen.

They were fighting well, and then suddenly the target of their fight disappeared, even disappeared without a trace.

This left both of them a little confused, even a little unimaginable.

Where did the people go?

But instead of being in a daze here, it is better to find out. Based on the environment just now, both Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei Taoist believe that they should work together to strike again, but it is obvious.

Previously, it was only because of systematic secret operations that the power generated by these two people could be used to open the Grand Dao barrier.

But at this moment, without the slightest "traction" effect, it naturally has no effect.

Even though the two of them tried their best, it still had no effect.

So...where did these three people go!?

This huge doubt made Hongjun Dao Ancestor a little irritable, and he even forgot to start a battle with Taoist Yang Mei for a while.

Not only him, but even Taoist Yang Mei looked confused. He also stopped using the spiritual power in his hands and began to check if there was anything abnormal around him.

But the results are also obvious.


The two looked at each other again, and this pair of mortal enemies began to doubt life at the same time.

As for Houtu Nuwa and Zhou Yuan at this time, they entered a chaotic turbulence.

“This………………where is this place?”

Houtu said with some fear.

"I once read in an ancient book that what we just entered seems to be the Grand Dao barrier, and this is the passage to other worlds!"

Now that the location was confirmed, Houtu and Nuwa finally breathed a sigh of relief... What the hell!

Why are they in the passage leading to other worlds, and where are the other worlds?

This made them completely confused.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yuan fell into a deep sleep the first moment he entered here.

So now even if they have doubts, there is no one to answer them.

The only way now is to protect this little guy and take them to a new place with the turbulence of this space.

At this moment, this is the safest method.

As for the other Saints, because of Houtu's instructions, they knew that they had taken the little guy to a place where it was absolutely impossible for Taoist Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Yang Mei to find them.

Although they will not have Karmic Merit available for a long time, but... this is better than the little guy being taken away by Yang Mei Taoist or directly obliterated by Hongjun Dao Ancestor, right?

And after this time, I believe Hongjun Dao Ancestor will not take action against them.

If we really attack them, wouldn't there be no reason for Houtu and Nuwa to come back with the little guy?

If they are all killed, then Houtu and Nuwa may just take the little guy to grow slowly where he can't find it, and finally kill Hongjun Dao Ancestor in one fell swoop.

So they were completely relieved.

"Then all that's left is to wait."

The hearts of these Saints were almost filled with these words.

Presumably before the next Tribulation of Reckoning comes, the little guy and Nuwa Houtu will not come back easily, right?

But that's fine.

As for Nuwa and Houtu, they still believe that they can achieve greater strength and cultivation with their little guys.

A strange calm was reached between Saint, and even Jie Yin and Zhǔntí, who had regained their consciousness, had a tacit understanding and stopped causing trouble to them.

With all the backers behind them gone, how can they have the face to continue looking for people to "retaliate"?

All in all, after this battle, the Great Primordial world fell into a strange calm.

But everyone, even those in the Great Primordial, knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

After the calm, there must be an even more intense bloody storm!


Where is it?"

Zhou Yuan slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was not a familiar scene, not even Nuwa and Houtu.

There was a dazzling scene all around, but he couldn't sense even a trace of his familiar aura.

He wanted to stretch out his claws, but what he instinctively stretched out was an arm he had not seen for a long time!

Hold the grass!

I became a human?!

[Ding! The current state of the host has been detected - being rejected by the current world, and the system is merging and assimilating Heavenly Dao………………]

The system's voice suddenly sounded. Through its words, Zhou Yuan analyzed that he might be in his own consciousness space. As for why he couldn't wake up, it might be because of what the system had just done.

I mean, I'll be rejected by this world.

But...what kind of world is this!?

Zhou Yuan couldn't understand. At this moment, a familiar force slowly came from the outside world.

[Ding! The system is being assimilated, host, please wait patiently. 】


Are the familiar forces above systematically assimilating this world?

Is it the Heavenly Dao who has assimilated to this world, or the Grand Dao?

Zhou Yuan sighed, he didn't expect things to turn into what they are today.

Not only was Taoist Yang Mei released, he even came to a world that he was unfamiliar with.

Hmm...it must be unfamiliar, right?

Although he was a little confused, this world must be a world that he was unfamiliar with.

Bit after bit of power is constantly being converted through the system, which is what the system calls assimilation.

In this boring assimilation, Zhou Yuan didn't know how long he persisted. Anyway, he fell asleep in the end.

outside world.

Nuwa and Houtu held Zhou Yuan, who was still sleeping, and looked at the surrounding scenes with great curiosity.

This should be a small mountain village, but there is an aura in this small mountain village that makes them all a little afraid.

This kind of fear is not based on realm, but... on strength!

Maybe their realm is very high, but... they probably can't beat the source of that aura!

"Shi Hao, don't run away, right! Let's go get the eggs together!"

Several children ran up from a distance. Nuwa and Houtu were stunned for a moment, and then they used their magical powers to hide their figures.

Before determining what is going on in this world, it is better to be cautious.

If Zhou Yuan was still awake now, he would definitely scream in surprise.

All the familiar feelings before finally have the answer. It turns out that here is:

a perfect world!.

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