Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 117 [Prove The Dao Technique, Two Copies Given! 】

"Two books to prove the master technique?"

The Ladies of the Three Firmaments, Suiren Clan and others were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then took a breath of cold air and looked horrified.

A Demon Seed Scripture has stirred up the Great Primordial situation. Countless creatures are eager to practice, and even thousands of Golden Immortals of the Great Way have joined the Immortal Court just to be able to practice the Demon Seed Scripture.

And now Chu Yang has given them two books of exercises, each of which can be compared with the Demon Seed Sutra!

If the news got out, the Great Primordial would probably go crazy.

"Disciple, thank you Exalted Master for giving me the technique."

Yunxiao was the first to react, kneeling down to Chu Yang and thanking Chu Yang with great excitement.

"I'll thank you Exalted Master."

Qiong Xiao, Bixiao, Suiren Clan and others also reacted and thanked Chu Yang one after another.

They were in a surging mood, very excited and unable to control themselves.

It is true that proving the Dao-level skills is of great importance. Practicing just one skill is enough to surpass the same level.

Ladies of the Three Firmaments and others have practiced the prove the Dao level technique called Demon Seed Sutra.

However, due to the special nature of the Demon Seed Sutra, all Great Primordial spirits have basically practiced the Demon Seed Seed Sutra, and they have no advantage compared to others.

Now Chu Yang takes out the Nine Yang Dao Jing and the Nine Vagina Meridian, which is enough for them to re-establish their advantage, far surpassing the same level.

"Haha, there is no need to be polite. As long as you practice well and prove the Dao as soon as possible, you will be satisfied as a teacher."

Chu Yang smiled lightly: "Okay, the skills have been given to you, go down and practice."

"Remember, the Nine Yang Dao Sutra and the Nine Vagina Sutra are extremely precious and should not be exposed.

"Suiren, Youchao, and Zhenyi, the three of you are going to pass on the Demon Seed Sutra to all Human Races. I hope you can improve your cultivation as soon as possible and master the power of self-preservation in the huge Great Primordial.

"After all, even though I am the Holy Father of the Human Race, I cannot protect you all the time. In the future, the Human Race will go out of the East Sea and spread all over the Great Primordial."

"I'll understand later."

The third ancestor of the Human Race looked solemn and bowed to Chaoyang to receive his order.

Ladies of the Three Firmaments also said that they will work hard to practice the Nine Yang Dao Jing and the Nine Vagina Meridian and not expose them.

Afterwards, the six people bowed and left the Central Immortal Palace.

"By passing down the Seed Demon Scripture to Human Race, it should be considered as stealing Lao'zi's opportunity to prove the Dao, right?"

After the six people left, Chu Yang touched his chin and muttered to himself, his eyes flickering.

In the original Great Primordial trajectory, Lao'zi founded School of Humanity and occupied Human Race Qi Luck.

But Chu Yang became the Holy Father of the Human Race. He said that no one can grab the Human Race Qi Luck. Only he and Nuwa can occupy it.

Originally, Chu Yang planned to occupy all the Qi Luck of Human Race, but Nuwa created Human Race and owned the Human Race Qi Luck permanently, and he could not change it.

We can only settle for the next best thing and master most of the Human Race Qi Luck. For example, Nuwa got 20%, and he got 80%.

Except for the two of them, no one else can think of tainting Human Race Qi Luck, even if they shoot Saint.

This is the reason why Chu Yang wants to spread the Demonic Sutra in Human Race.

Lao'zi was able to establish the School of Humanity by teaching the Human Race Golden Elixir Grand Dao. Chu Yang's Demon Seed Sutra is much more powerful than the Golden Elixir Grand Dao.

Cultivating to perfection can prove the Dao, and the difficulty of cultivation is also lower.

With the Demonic Seed Sutra, Human Race does not need Lao'zi to preach. Without Human Race, Lao'zi cannot establish the School of Humanity, and Human Race Qi Luck will not be able to get involved.

Even whether it can be Sanctified is a question.

"Haha, it would be interesting if I couldn't be Sanctified when I was old."

Chu Yang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of that scene.

Chu Yang and Lao'zi are not familiar with each other, and it has nothing to do with him whether the other party is Sanctified or not. In his heart, he doesn't even want the other party to be Sanctified.

Without one Saint, Chu Yang's goal of unifying the Great Primordial is simpler.

Let us say that after the three Suiren Clan left the Central Immortal Palace with the Demon Seed Sutra, they immediately summoned the leaders of various tribes in the Human Race.

When the leaders of the Human Race tribe heard that the disciples of the Third Ancestor of the Human Race and the Holy Father of the Human Race had summoned them to discuss important matters, they all rushed there as quickly as possible.

The three of the Suiren Clan have been waiting for ten years, and the leaders of the Human Race tribes from all over the East Sea have arrived.

They don't plan to wait for those who haven't arrived yet. Anyway, with the spread of the Demon Seed Sutra, all Human Races will eventually be able to practice, but there will be a sequence.

The Suiren Clan, the Youchao Clan, and the Mianyi Clan didn't waste any time and directly handed over the Demon Seed Scripture to the Human Race tribe leaders.

When they knew that this was a demon-seeding scripture that was widely circulated in the Great Primordial, they were all overjoyed and excited.

I am so grateful to Chu Yang. I was originally very respectful and loyal because of his status as the Holy Father of the Human Race, but now my respect and loyalty are even higher.

If it was 100% before, it is 200% now..0

"This is the technique given to us by the Holy Father. He hopes that Human Race will become stronger as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Suiren Clan looked around at the many Human Race tribe leaders and said in a deep voice.

"Understood, please rest assured, Lord Renzu. After I return, I will ask everyone in the tribe to practice the Demon Planting Sutra. Anyone who dares not to practice will be directly expelled from the tribe!"

The leader of the Human Race tribe said solemnly.

At this time, the Human Race's individual strength is not strong, and they rely on collective solutions when encountering dangers. Expulsion from the tribe is definitely one of the most severe punishments, because it often means death.

With this rule, I believe that the Human Race of that tribe will value the practice of cultivating demonic scriptures more seriously than their lives.

"Haha, many people have been eager to practice. Now that the Holy Father has given me the Demon Planting Sutra, who wouldn't be willing to practice?"

Some of the Human Race tribe leaders laughed.

"Yeah yeah."

Many Human Race tribe leaders nodded and agreed.

"That's good. There's nothing going on now. You can go back and pass on the Demon Seed Sutra."

Suiren Clan nodded with satisfaction and waved his hands to let the Human Race tribe leaders leave.


Naturally, everyone had no objections and left with the Demon Planting Sutra.

The next day, the Demon Seed Sutra began to spread in Human Race, and as time went by, more and more people knew about the Seed Demon Sutra and began to practice it.

A hundred years later, the entire Human Race is basically practicing the Demon Seed Sutra. Many people have become 1.7 practitioners, and some even talented people have become True Immortal!

Human Race, after obtaining the Demon Seed Sutra, is improving its overall strength at an extremely exaggerated rate.

Chaos Palace of Empress Wa, Nuwa was preaching, and he saw flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses surging on the ground, and the sound of Grand Dao surrounded the empty palace and penetrated into the ears of the Great Primordial who listened to the sermon.

Suddenly, Lao'zi frowned and opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Why does it feel like I’m losing something important?”

Lao'zi sensed something important about herself that was quickly disappearing.

This feeling made Lao'zi panic and anxious.

If he were to know that Chu Yang was preaching in Human Race and cut off his chance to prove the Dao, his heart would explode and he would spit out several mouthfuls of blood. .

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