Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 308 [Summoning The Saints Tribulation Of Reckoning]

After Hao Tian left, Hongjun Dao Ancestor sent a message to all the saints to come to the Palace of Purple Firmament.

However, Hongjun Dao Ancestor did not send a message to Yunxiao, perhaps because she had to guard the Six Paths of Samsara, or because she was a disciple of Chu Yang.

But none of this mattered, even if Hongjun called Yunxiao, she would not come, and she could not come.

After hearing the message from Hongjun Dao Ancestor, all the saints were stunned for a moment, but soon rushed to the Palace of Purple Firmament.

After all the saints took their seats in the Palace of Purple Firmament, Hongjun Dao Ancestor appeared.

"Teacher, I wonder why you called us here this time?" The Primeval Lord of Heavens - Yuanshi was impatient and started asking questions as soon as he got angry. 20

And he had bullied Hao Tian not long ago. If Hao Tian reported him to the Hongjun ancestor and scolded him in front of the saints, how could he save his face?

Hongjun doesn't care about these little things. If everyone in the Three Realms comes to him when they are wronged, he will be very busy.

It's just that Yuanshi's actions made the Investiture of the Gods Tribulation of Reckoning come early. Just pray that all your disciples don't go to the Investiture of Gods.

"I called you here because of the Tribulation of Reckoning." Hongjun Dao Ancestor sat at the top, and there was a hint of divine power when he spoke.

Hearing this, the saints were surprised for a while, but there were two reasons: one was because of the Tribulation of Reckoning. They didn't expect that the Tribulation of Reckoning would come so quickly. It was only a million years ago. The second was that Hongjun Dao Ancestor had a hint of divine power when he spoke just now. This was something that Saints could not do. Could it be that Dao God had surpassed his relatives!?

This conjecture surprised the saints. Dao Ancestor's realm had reached an unfathomable level after they were Sanctified. They could not find out, nor did they dare to find out. They could only feel that Dao Ancestor was still in the Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos. Now Dao Ancestor had done something that Saints could not do, that is, surpassing Saints!

The reason why Hongjun wanted to reveal this news to the saints was that he felt that something very bad would happen in the Tribulation of Reckoning, and he could not figure out what it was.

But soon Lao'zi reacted, avoiding the question of Hongjun's cultivation, and asked about the Tribulation of Reckoning: "Dao Ancestor, I wonder why the Tribulation of Reckoning is opened in advance? It's only been less than ten thousand years.

Hongjun did not answer Lao'zi's words, but glanced at The Primeval Lord of Heavens - Yuanshi.

The Primeval Lord of Heavens - Yuanshi felt the gaze of Hongjun Dao Ancestor and lowered his head like a guilty thief.

The saints saw this and knew what was going on. They did not continue to ask, destroying their "friendship" and giving each other some face.

"May I ask, teacher, what is this Tribulation of Reckoning, and how to get through it?" Nuwa asked. If 530 is possible, she does not want to participate in this Tribulation of Reckoning.

"The Heavenly Court is the power that governs the Three Realms, but there are not enough people to help it maintain the order of the Three Realms. Now it needs you disciples to go to this Investiture of Gods, come and help Heavenly Court


Nuwa heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this. She had no disciples, so she didn't have to participate in the Tribulation of Reckoning.

But the others were not calm after hearing what Hongjun Dao Ancestor said. They used to think that Heavenly Court was just a low-level force and always looked down on it. But now Dao Ancestor said that his disciples should do hard labor for others.

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