Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 346 [A Strand Of Hair Breaks All Ties]

A strand of hair indicates the end of friendship and nothing more to do with it from now on.

In other words, Nezha no longer recognizes them as a couple, and from now on, Nezha is no longer their son.

"Father, mother!" Nezha laughed self-deprecatingly, "The child will repay your kindness in raising me in the next life."


Yin Shiniang grabbed her heart. She felt that it was so painful that she couldn't even speak.

But Li Jing was still sneering in his heart. His idea of ​​Nezha being a monster has never changed. It is still the case now and will be the case in the future.

When Nezha chose to leave, he didn't feel sad at all, and even had a hint of joy. He didn't even see Yin Shiniang about to collapse.

When Nezha saw Yin Shiniang's painful look, he felt pain in his heart. His biological parents would have nothing to do with him in the future.

He endured the heartache and turned around to leave. He walked very slowly. His fifteen or sixteen-year-old appearance made people look very frail, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

The sun was almost setting at this time, Nezha's back was also stretched out, and there was a sense of sadness in the air.

But none of the three people broke the silence, and were silently sad.

Nezha turned around and took only two or three steps when Yin Shiniang couldn't stand and sat on the ground because of the pain in her heart.

Nezha still didn't look back. He was afraid that after seeing his mother's appearance, he couldn't help but go back, but he couldn't forgive his father for what he had done.

His mother shouldn't have to bear this pain. If she hadn't come, she might not have seen this scene and wouldn't have to watch her son leave.

Nezha's back on the beach looks very lonely. Coupled with the support of the dusk, everyone who sees this scene will feel sad in their hearts.

Time seemed to slow down very slowly at this moment, extending the pain infinitely, and it would last for thousands of years in this dusk.

Finally, as if a century had passed, Nezha's back disappeared on the beach, and Yin Shiniang passed out soon after sitting on the ground.

After Nezha left, Li Jing looked at Yin Shiniang, sighed, picked her up, and returned to her house.


From then on, there was no Nezha in Chengtang Pass. Many people came to ask where Nezha had gone, and many children came to play with Nezha.

Every time someone came to inquire, Li Jing felt very angry. She was just a traitor, but after she left, so many people still came to greet her [Why didn’t so many people come to visit me when I was injured while trying to marry a girl in town?


So he hated Nezha even more. He never thought that his idea was wrong.

After Nezha left, Yin Shiniang's body became thinner and thinner, she didn't think about food and tea, her whole body lost weight, and her eyes were extremely haggard.

Li Jing would not come to care about Yin Shiniang. He felt that Yin Shiniang should not waste time and money for a rebellious son.

Every time Yin Shiniang asked Li Jing what happened that day, he kept silent.

There were many times when Yin Shiniang would cry to Li Jing at night, but every time she got beaten and scolded by him.

Because of Nezha's incident, the couple is no longer as harmonious as before, and they even often fight each other. .

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