Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 359 [Full Of Evil, Massacre On A Rainy Night]

Fei Zhong You Hun was full of bad things, and his eyes were rolling when he saw things happening. He was so proud that even Daji behind him couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

It’s not her who is defending the city anyway, Daji, why bother competing with them?

They are all bad guys anyway, so don’t laugh at anyone.

Suddenly the whole Chaoge was wailing, but what could be done? King Zhou of Shang gave the order, and they could only defend the city.

The ministers who were greedy for life and fearful of death were all guarding the city gates. They would not fight a war. They held white chess pieces in their hands and waited for the Xiqi people to attack and shake coffee.

On the other hand, Xiqi's soldiers were also a little confused. King Zhou of Shang was indeed extremely cruel, but no one expected that Lord Zhou could let all his ministers garrison the city.

Is this an attack or not?

Ji Chang stroked his chin and didn't know what to do. He was really a little frightened that there was something big happening behind King Zhou of Shang. After all, this was not a loss he suffered just once.

It is said that King Zhou of Shang still has a fine man behind him. If he really acts rashly, he may hurt many of his soldiers, and it is said that Xiqi is short of men now.

Don't act rashly!

Seeing through the concerns of the person in front of him at a glance, Jiang Ziya twirled his beard and shook his whisk, stepped forward and glanced at Ji Chang reassuringly. This was the person he was talking about.

With a plan in mind, Jiang Ziya already had good countermeasures.

"Xiqi is indeed short of soldiers, and it is not easy to recruit them now. It is better to find a way to make Zhaoge and others switch sides to my subordinates. In this way...

What a brilliant idea!

Ji Chang's eyes widened, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

Now King Zhou of Shang is too ignorant and has sent many ministers to the battlefield. This move is undoubtedly destroying the city wall. But those ministers are greedy for life and afraid of death [can you really work for them?

If they pretend to conquer the city and ministers, they can do so without spending a single soldier, but if they really take down the greedy guy, can they still fight?

No need to worry!

Jiang Ziya had already made a decision in his heart. He swung his robe and sat in front of Ji Chang. He opened his lips and said, "If the general is incompetent, the soldiers will definitely not surrender, and what we want are soldiers.

Nodding, Ji Chang understood what Jiang Ziya meant. He hurriedly asked people to go down and take care of the matter. It would be really interesting to get Zhaoge's troops and give King Zhou of Shang a general.

His heart was bulging, and he almost laughed proudly.

By the way, there were gusts of cold wind in the sky, black clouds were pressing overhead, and crackling lightning exploded overhead, which was really scary. A certain minister stationed on the city muttered to himself hoping that he would not be targeted by the Xiqi people, but unfortunately Ji Chang wanted to use him to make a splash.

The bright dagger was pressed against his neck, and he knelt on the ground tremblingly, begging for mercy a lot, but it seemed that the Xiqi people did not want to let him go.

The banging magnetic head was nothing in the eyes of the Xiqi people in front of him. Although he was the youngest disciple of the School of Enlightenment, (lucky King Qian), he was like a god at this moment.

This is not only the case in the Great Primordial, but also in the Human Race.

The disciple of School of Enlightenment looked a little proud. He ignored Jiang Ziya's instructions and thought he was capable. He stepped forward and cut off the minister's neck.

Suddenly, thunder crackled down in the sky, the blood was washed away by the rain, and the fishy smell was buried in the soil. It really is a perfect day to kill people, steal goods and hide corpses!

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