Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 368 [Returning A Favor By Cutting Flesh To Pieces] Ao Bing Blocks It]

At this moment, Nezha looked into Li Jing's eyes like a murderous god. He wanted to avenge Yin Shiniang, and guilt surged into his heart.

Mother, it's all your son's fault that you died for your son so early. Your son will definitely avenge you.

Huntian Ling tightened suddenly, Li Jing's face turned red and was unable to resist Nezha's ability. He wanted to curse but could only make a grunting sound.


A shout made Nezha suddenly clear. He suddenly turned around and looked at his master Daoist Yuding without daring to move any more. The demonic barrier in his heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead suddenly, he suddenly felt that he was almost possessed by a demonic barrier just now. Fortunately, the master's ten shouts came.

Nezha looked at Li Jing in front of him and didn't know what to do. Finally, he let go of him, took a few steps back and stood behind Daoist Yuding.

Taking a deep breath, Daoist Yuding was also a little embarrassed. If he really let Nezha kill his own father, wouldn't that be treason? It seems that Li Jing can really escape today.

With a wave of the fly whisk, Daoist Yuding let Li Jing go. He didn't care about the ant-like Li Jing, especially since Li Jing would no longer be diligent, he instantly felt boring.

Daoist Yuding took Nezha by the collar and threw him into the tent. Daoist Yuding was originally a detached cultivator. He was always indifferent, and there was nothing that could appease Nezha.

Shrinking herself into a small ball, the scene of her mother's death was always in Nezha's mind. He covered his ears desperately, always feeling that he could hear his mother's shouts. It seemed that everything happened because of him. If it hadn't been for his birth, his mother would not have died.

Strange voices rang in his ears. Nezha picked up the dagger in his hand and cut his wrist with the knife. The knife was so deep that the bone was visible.

Blood dripped down, and Nezha's entire left arm had completely turned into white bones. All that could be seen in his eyes was blurred flesh and blood.

"Well, it really hurts. Mother, today my son will cut off his flesh and return it to his mother, and his bones to his father, so that I can return all the gifts of childbirth to you."

How deep must the injury be to make such a young man do such a thing? His bloody flesh was not completely dead, and he was still hesitating on the ground.

"Ugh!" The irritated sound of vomiting sounded, and Ao Bing got out from behind the tent. He was wearing a soldier's armor picked up from the ground and tried hard to pretend to be a Xiqi man.

He was captured by Zhu Long just now, but he didn't know why he kept thinking about Nezha, so he escaped again. Wasn't it? It really made him see a shocking scene.

"Are you crazy? Why do you want to cut your own flesh and blood? If you want to repay your parents' kindness, do you think they deserve it? Do you think your mother won't feel distressed when she sees you?"

After muttering for a long time, he took out the medicine from his storage bag and sprinkled it on Nezha's arm. The color on the white bones was a little better, but his medicine could not help the white bones to regenerate muscles.

Scarlet eyes suddenly opened, Nezha bared his teeth and looked at Ao Bing in front of him. They were obviously enemies before, but I don't know when this boy started to care about him.

Well, he has been very active since he was a child. At this moment, he actually wanted to recognize him as a friend. For a moment, he didn't say anything bad to Ao Bing. .

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