"Okay, I'll give you a drop of my blood essence to help you recover!"

Ancestral Dragon did not think that Ao Qing was lying to him at this time.

Ao Qing's words were half true and half false, and he had the Primordial Bead of Chaos as a disguise, and Ancestral Dragon was concerned about the current situation of the dragon clan outside. Who would have thought that Ao Qing was so insidious that he would defraud him of his blood essence.

Ancestral Dragon pricked the most tender part of his skin with his claws, squeezed out a drop of blood, and handed it to Ao Qing.

"Take it quickly and get me out of here!"

"Don't worry, I won't pursue you after I get out!"

"You are a child after all, and it is inevitable to make mistakes!"

"Let's repel the attacks of the Phoenix and Qilin tribes first."

Ancestral Dragon appeases Ao Qing.

However, in fact, he was thinking that as soon as he left the Primordial Bead of Chaos, he would immediately slap Ao Qing's tail to death.

Ao Qing, a rebellious son, dared to imprison him?

Absolutely unforgivable!

If Ao Qing is not killed, where is his majesty?

Ao Qing received this drop of essence and blood, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he withdrew from Laoyuan in a swish. His near-death state disappeared instantly, and he became full of energy.

"Haha...Dad, you were deceived!"

"I'm not hurt, I'm fine!"

"The Dragon Clan is doing well now. Although the Phoenix and Qilin Tribes did come to attack, they were repelled by me!"

"I lied to you with this drop of blood essence to open up the dragon clan's treasure house so that I can go out and spend money!"

"From now on, you will give birth to children here honestly and continue the dragon bloodline. Leave all the outside matters to me!"

"Under my leadership, the dragon race will definitely become the most powerful race in the Great Primordial!"


When Ancestral Dragon heard Ao Qing's words, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and his huge body couldn't stop shaking.

"You...you rebellious son..."

"Not only did he want to imprison me here, he actually deceived me and wanted to get his hands on my treasure house!"

"I tore you apart!"

Ancestral Dragon let out a shocking roar, and the chaotic wind around it was shaken by the roar and scattered in all directions.

He rushed towards Ao Qing suddenly.

However, Ao Qing suddenly left the world of Primordial Bead of Chaos.

"Dad, have a good time and have a good baby!"

"It's been three hundred years and you still haven't given me a younger brother. You can't do that!"

"Are you getting old and no longer useful?"

"Would you like me to get you some kidney treasure to replenish your body?"

Ao Qing's voice came from all directions.


"You... the traitor..."

The Ancestral Dragon was so angry that it roared to the sky again, and then fainted directly. The huge dragon body hit the ground hard, causing the women to scream and dodge in a hurry.

Those who couldn't dodge were directly killed by the Ancestral Dragon.

Ao Qing took the essence and blood of Ancestral Dragon, hummed a tune, and came to the front of the treasure house's formation.

With this drop of essence and blood opening the way, sure enough, the defensive barriers on the outside of the formation shone with rays of light and runes, naturally separated, and a passage appeared.

Ao Qing entered it and found that there were huge caves scattered inside, and a small magic circle was set up at the entrance of each cave.

"This Ancestral Dragon is really a miser. There are even formations set up at the door inside!"

"With these formations, wouldn't it be good for you to use them in the battle between the three clans?"

Ao Qing shook her head for a while.

Ao Qing held up the Ancestral Dragon essence and blood and opened the door to the first treasure house.

The two sides of the Dao Yun Law at the door were separated. Ao Qing stepped in and was stunned.

The entire cave was larger than ten football fields. It was piled high with all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual herbs. The rich spiritual energy filled the entire cave and almost turned into a liquid state.

"Rub, so much?"

"Moreover, these years are at least ten thousand years old, and some are even one hundred thousand years old or one million years old!"

"This is too trenchant!"

Ao Qing couldn't help but sigh, this dragon clan is really too tough.

This is just the first treasure house!

No wonder, even in the Westward Journey's Tribulation of Reckoning period, the Dragon Clan is still the richest in the Three Realms. Even the Jade Emperor covets the Dragon Clan's wealth.

Ao Qing took a deep breath and headed to the second treasure house.

The second treasure house still contains all kinds of precious old spiritual fruits and spiritual herbs. If any one is taken outside, it can be regarded as a treasure by ordinary innate beings and become the key to promotion.

But here, it is piled up like garbage.

Going further inside, Ao Qing began to discover some warehouses for storing treasures, which were filled with acquired treasures.

Acquired Spirit Treasure, an acquired treasure, is like scrap metal from a scrap yard, just piled on the ground haphazardly, waiting to collect dust.

The same is true for several treasure troves inside later.

The number of acquired treasures is simply uncountable!

Go further inside and the Innate Spirit Treasure starts to appear.

Innate Spirit Treasures are not piled randomly on the ground like acquired treasures, but are placed on neat shelves.

The number of Innate Spirit Treasures is also terrifying.

Although they are basically Low Grade Innate Spirit Treasures, they are still amazing!

How many Innate Spirit Treasures are there in the entire Great Primordial?

Now that I can have the power of Innate Spirit Treasure, I can count them all.

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