Great Primordial: The Treacherous Son Of The Dragon Clan, Imprisoning The Ancestral Dragon At The Be

Chapter 65 Kowloon Pulls The Bed And Heads To The Palace Of Purple Firmament!

"The time has finally come!"

"The Great Primordial is going to be lively again!"

Ao Qing immediately summoned Ao Lie, Ao Zhan and other powerful dragons, as well as the illegitimate sons of Ancestral Dragon such as Qi Niu and Yaizhen, and prepared to go to the Palace of Purple Firmament to listen to the sermon.

Of course, Xi and Chang Xi are indispensable, and Xiao Kong Xuan should also be brought.

"This time I went to the Palace of Purple Firmament to listen to the sermon. As the largest clan in the Great Primordial, our dragon clan must show the power of the largest clan!"

Ao Qing looked at Ao Lie, Ao Zhan and other dragons and said with a very serious expression.


Ao Lie and others all bowed to respond.

The three former clans, the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan, have completely withdrawn from the stage of the Great Primordial. Their Dragon clan is the first overlord of the Great Primordial.

Naturally, there should be a corresponding momentum, and it should not be looked down upon.

"So, I decided... this time I will sit on this dragon bed and let you pull me to the Palace of Purple Firmament!"

"Kowloon broaching, there is no more impressive way to appear than this!"

Ao Qing continued.


When Ao Lie and others heard Ao Qing's words, their noses suddenly became angry.

Isn't this dandy dragon really humiliating?

After all, they are all high-level bloodlines among the dragon clan, five-clawed golden dragons, late-stage Golden Immortal of the Great Way, and even peak existences.

Ao Qing actually asked them to pull the bed for Ao Qing, which was simply unbearable!

"Ninth Prince, you are simply humiliating us!"

"We seriously protest!"

The tough-minded Ao Zhan was the first to stand up, willing to die rather than surrender.

"Although we are your subordinates, we are also dignified dragon warriors. We can die on the battlefield, but we can never act as mounts."

"If you insist on humiliating us like this, we would rather die!"

"Yes, Ninth Prince, there should be a limit to your nonsense!"

Ao Qin also said coldly.

"We have all shed blood for the Dragon Clan, and now you are doing this to us!"

"Aren't you afraid that the other dragons will be heartbroken when they see it?"

“Pull to the Palace of Purple Firmament and get a Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure each!”

Ao Qing said calmly.

"Ninth Prince, do you think you can bribe us with the spirit treasure?"

Tiegu Zhengzheng Ao Zhan became even more furious.

"This is a matter of dignity!"

"You are the ninth prince of our Dragon Clan. Now that you represent the Dragon Clan, you represent the face of our Dragon Clan. Now when you go to the Palace of Purple Firmament to listen to sermons, you should reflect the Dragon Clan's momentum!"

"If you don't even have a car, how can you show the dignity of the Dragon Clan?"

"I think your dragon bed is good. I'll drag you there. This will show the power of my dragon clan, the Great Primordial!"


When Ao Lie and others heard what Ao Zhan said, they all burst into laughter.

This Ao Zhan is so shameless!

For a piece of Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure, I even sold my dignity!

As expected, it was the ‘iron-bone’ Ao Zhan!

They must strongly condemn and despise this shameless behavior.

So, they all said: "What Ao Zhan said makes sense!"

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, when you go to the Palace of Purple Firmament to listen to sermons this time, you must show the power of our Dragon Clan!"

"Sit down, we will take you there now!"

"I'm at the front of the line!"


"Why are you at the front of the line?"

"I should be at the front!"

After some debate, Nine Dragons finally determined their position.

Ao Qing waved his hand and gave each of them a Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure.

All these Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasures would be a waste if they were kept here by Ao Qing. It would be better to reward them.

The nine dragons pulled up Ao Qing's dragon bed, instantly broke through the space, rushed out of the East Sea, and headed towards the Palace of Purple Firmament.

At the same time, the powerful powers of the Great Primordial began to gather at the Palace of Purple Firmament.

For example, the Three Pure Ones transformed by Pangu primordial spirit, Emperor Jun Taiyi from Sun Star, Twelve Ancestral Witch under Mt. Buzhoushan, Fu Xi Nuwa, Prince of East Queen Mother of the West, Hongyun, Zhen Yuan'zi, Kunpeng Ming He, etc. people.

East Sea is not close to the Palace of Purple Firmament, and Ao Lie and the others have to drag Ao Qing with them, so they can't go fast, so it's not too early for them to arrive.

Some Great Primordial powers were stunned when they saw the dragons coming from a distance.

"What's happening here?"

"What did I see?"

"Nine dragons? Pulling a cart?"

"No, that's not a car, that's a bed!"

"I'll go, is there any way to play like this?"

"Let nine dragons pull a bed out?"

"This is too dandy!"

"Wait a minute, these nine dragons... are all in the Golden Immortal of the Great Way realm?"

"Who is that on the dragon bed? Such a big deal?"

"Who else could it be?"

"It must be the notorious dandy dragon of the Dragon Clan!"

"What? Is it him?"

"No wonder there is such a pomp!"

"The Dragon Clan is really unlucky to meet such a playboy!"

"He actually asked a dragon from the realm of the Golden Immortal of the Great Way to pull his cart, oh no, his bed. It's simply humiliating!"

"Let's leave quickly and don't offend this dandy dragon, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

These powers quickly began to penetrate the chaos and arrived in front of the Palace of Purple Firmament.

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