Great Primordial: The Treacherous Son Of The Dragon Clan, Imprisoning The Ancestral Dragon At The Be

Chapter 77 She Is Indeed A Beast, Even The Queen Mother Of The West Will Not Be Spared!

Of course, Twelve Ancestral Witch is the exception.

Twelve Ancestral Witch has no primordial spirit, does not practice Dao Method, does not respect Heavenly Dao, and Hongjun’s sermon has nothing to do with them.

They came this time just to see what the Palace of Purple Firmament sermon was all about.

From now on, they will never come again!

All of them were drowsy after listening to it. Only Houtu didn't understand, but he still listened attentively!

This also laid the foundation for Houtu to transform into Samsara.

In the blink of an eye, three thousand years passed by.

"Three thousand years have passed and this sermon is over!"

Hongjun held back the divine voice and spoke slowly.

Suddenly, all the powerful people woke up from their immersion in Grand Dao, slowly opened their eyes, and their faces were filled with joy.

This sermon was of great significance to them.

Originally, their cultivation relied on their own enlightenment based on their own characteristics, and they did not understand what the Grand Dao was.

Now, Hongjun's sermon helped them truly understand what Grand Dao is and what practice is.

Let their cultivation no longer be blind and have a program.

In this way, their cultivation levels suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

In fact, Yan Ren directly broke through a small realm at the scene.

They all regretted that three thousand years was too short. It would have been nice if Hongjun had talked about three thousand more years. "910"

However, since Hongjun has already announced the end of this sermon, it is naturally impossible.


At this moment, a powerful force of law suddenly erupted in the Palace of Purple Firmament. In an instant, there were many strange phenomena in the Palace of Purple Firmament, purple energy lingered, golden lotuses surged from the ground, endless fairy sounds curled up, and spiritual energy fell like rain.

“This………………what’s going on?”

"Someone has broken through the realm!"

"The vision of breaking through the realm is too big, right?"

"This seems to be... breaking through the Pseudo Saint!"

"What? Pseudo Saint?"

"Today's sermon by Dao Ancestor was just the Tao of the Golden Immortal of the Great Way, not the Tao of the Pseudo Saint!"

"How did he break through?"

"who is it?"

Everyone quickly searched around, and then they saw that the center of the vision was exactly where Ao Qing was.


"It's him?"

"This dandy dragon?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes almost dropped, filled with disbelief.

A dude who relied on the crowd to attack others, even holding a Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure like Twelve Petal World Cleansing White Lotus as a brick wall, was actually the first to break through the realm of Pseudo Saint?

Moreover, this was before Zu Hongjun taught the way of Pseudo Saint.

Emperor Jun Taiyi couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw this scene.

Originally, they had benefited a lot from Hongjun's Sermon just now. They thought that after going back to practice hard, their strength would definitely increase greatly, and they would be able to become the first person under Hongjun.

Then gather the Demon Race from all over the world, establish the Demon Race Heavenly Court, fight against the Dragon Clan, and wait for the opportunity to avenge being beaten by the group.

Unexpectedly, Ao Qing broke through the Pseudo Saint realm so quickly and became the first person under Hongjun before them. .

They were beaten by the Dragon Clan before, and they thought that the Dragon Clan relied on strength in numbers, and that Ao Qing, a dude, didn't have much ability.

Unexpectedly, this dude was not as bad as they thought!

"Sure enough, I said, this Ao Qing looks dandy, but in fact he is not simple!"

When Lao'zi saw this scene, the law in his eyes flickered and he nodded slightly.

"What's this?"

"It's just relying on the bloodline of Ancestral Dragon and the dragon clan's treasure map of heaven and earth!"

"If I also have Pangu Essence and Blood, Dao Method Rules, and Yellow Core Plum, I can also break through Pseudo Saint!"

But soon, someone on the scene made a sound of disdain.

Although there is a lot of sourness in it, many people agree.

Looking at Ao Qing's previous prodigal attitude, you can know how wealthy the Dragon Clan is.

The fragments of Pangu Essence and Blood, Yellow Core Plum, and Dao Method can be freely given away, indicating that the Dragon Clan has far more than these.

There are so many good things, plus Ao Qing itself is the direct bloodline of Ancestral Dragon, and it is not surprising that he was promoted to Pseudo Saint.

As for Hongjun not telling the way of Pseudo Saint, it is difficult for others, but not Ao Qing.

Because Ancestral Dragon itself is Pseudo Saint!

Ao, please give me some enlightenment!

Therefore, in the end, everyone was just envious and jealous, and did not look at Ao Qing highly because of it.

It's just like when everyone sees the success of the son of a certain rich man, they take it for granted. It's not that the son is great, it's just that the family is too wealthy and has paved the way for him.

Even if you put any idiot in that position, you can still succeed.

Hongjun glanced at Ao Qing in slight surprise, but in the end he thought the same as everyone else and didn't pay much attention to Ao Qing.

Ao Qing has the bloodline of Ancestral Dragon, and has accumulated many good things over the years.

Ancestral Dragon itself is also a Pseudo Saint, and there is nothing surprising about Ao Qing's breakthrough.

A Pseudo Saint that doesn't kill three corpses is a half-baked Pseudo Saint at best, and doesn't deserve too much attention.

Ao Qing was also a little surprised about his breakthrough. Unexpectedly, after listening to Hongjun's sermon and integrating it with his previous Chaos Sutra, he suddenly had an epiphany and achieved a breakthrough.

I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to.

Originally, he didn't want to be so high-profile.

But fortunately, because the image of a playboy he created is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, others think that he only achieved Pseudo Saint by relying on the accumulation of endless resources.

I didn't think he was really that powerful.

"At the end of this sermon, I have one more thing to announce!"

After everyone in the Palace of Purple Firmament calmed down, Hongjun slowly spoke again.

"Hear Dao Ancestor's decree!"

Everyone bowed.

"Now that the Great Primordial Heavenly Dao is incomplete, the development of the Great Primordial still needs someone to lead it!"

Hongjun said calmly.

"Prince of East, Queen Mother of the West, you two come forward!"



“Prince of East meets Dao Ancestor!”

"Queen Mother of the West meets Dao Ancestor!"

The Prince of East and the Queen Mother of the West were overjoyed when they heard what Hongjun meant. It was obvious that a heavy responsibility was going to fall on their shoulders, and they hurried forward to receive the seal.

"From now on, you two will be the Head of Male Immortals and the Head of Female Immortals respectively, carrying out heaven's punishment and commanding the Great Primordial!"

"Great Primordial Ten Thousand Immortals, you should be respected!"

"Prince of East, I give you this Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure dragon head staff!"

"Queen Mother of the West, I give you this Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure Luofeng Hairpin!"

"With this Law Treasure, I shall hold the token of the Great Primordial for you!"

Hongjun waved his sleeves, took out two treasures, and flew towards the Prince of East and Queen Mother of the West.

"Thank you Dao Ancestor for your support. The two of us will do our best to lead the Great Primordial!"

The Prince of East Queen Mother of the West received the dragon-headed staff and the falling phoenix hairpin, her excitement was palpable and she expressed her loyalty.

"What? Make them the Head of Female Immortals?"

The powerful people present were shocked when they heard this.

Many people became unconvinced on the spot.

"What virtue do both of them have to control the Great Primordial?"

"Please Dao Ancestor take back his life!"

Emperor Jun and Taiyi in the corner were the most unhappy.

In what way can the Prince of East and Queen Mother of the West compare with his two brothers?

Dao Ancestor actually named them the Great Primordial. I really don’t know what Dao Ancestor thinks.O

The title of the Head of Male Immortals, Head of Female Immortals, is very big.

Nowadays, the Great Primordial, unless the Pseudo Saint is achieved, the Golden Immortal of the Great Way is also an immortal, and it will be bound by the Prince of East and Queen Mother of the West.

Even Pan Qi's Three Pure Ones must obey orders.

How can these powerful men with pure blood, noble feet, and outstanding strength be convinced?

"Hmph, you want me to wait and listen to his Prince of East's instructions and dream!"

"What's his heel?"

“Comparable to my Three Pure Ones?”

Yuanshi was about to get angry on the spot, but was restrained by Lao'zi.

"Second brother, this is the canonization of Dao Ancestor, you must not make mistakes!"

Yuanshi snorted, fearing that Hongjun was still there, so he didn't say anything, but it was obvious that he didn't recognize Prince of East, the leader of male immortals, at all.

"I have made up my mind!"

Hongjun, however, waved his sleeve regardless of the dissatisfaction of the powerful people present.

"The sermon at the Palace of Purple Firmament has been completed, you can leave!"

"Three thousand years later, the Palace of Purple Firmament reopens, telling the story of how to cut three feet to become a Pseudo Saint!"

The next moment, everyone felt a flash of law, and they had appeared outside the Palace of Purple Firmament.

And the Palace of Purple Firmament, which originally stood tall and commanded the heavens, has disappeared without a trace.

"Dear Daoist Friends, I will rely on you all to work together in the future to manage this Great Primordial!"

Prince of East was extremely proud at this time, holding the Dragon Head Crutch in his hand and clasping his fists at the powerful players present.

Most of the 3,000 world of mortals guests at the scene snorted and didn't care about Prince of East at all.

However, there are also some people who feel that since Prince of East is the first male immortal canonized by Dao Ancestor, his future must be limitless, so following Prince of East, it is very likely that he will rise to great heights, so they stepped forward to say hello to Prince of East.

When Ao Qing saw this, he knew that this was the beginning of the tragedy of Prince of East.

As the saying goes, if virtue is not matched, there will be disaster!

You, Prince of East, don't have the strength to force yourself to be the leader of the male immortals. So what if you are canonized by Dao Ancestor?

If you cannot bear this burden, you will eventually crush yourself to death.

But the Head of Female Immortals Queen Mother of the West, well, I didn't see her hiding in any corner just now.

Now that I see it, if I don’t tease him, wouldn’t I be sorry for my reputation as a 5.0 playboy?

So, Ao Qing came to the Queen Mother of the West with a whoosh.

"Queen Mother of the West Daoist Friend, why didn't I see you just now?"

"You are so beautiful and beautiful, you should be among the stars. I can only see you at the first sight!"

"Are you trying to avoid me?"

Queen Mother of the West saw Ao Qing standing in front of her and forced a smile.

Ao Qing's guess was correct. The reason why Ao Qing did not see her before the sermon was because she was afraid that she would be harassed by this dandy dragon, so she hid.

Unexpectedly, I am not entangled now!

This dandy dragon is really a devil of lust, and he won't let go of women.

Although there were many powerful men at the scene who wished they were born as girls so that they could get treasures from Ao Qing.

However, she was unwilling.

No matter how valuable those treasures are, she is naturally noble and would not want to call others "good brother" in a cooing manner.

She is the Lord of West Kunlun, she controls the whole place, and there are many treasures around her. How can she flatter others?

Everyone at the scene could not help but twitch their mouths when they saw this scene.

Sure enough, this dandy dragon will not let go of any female!

What a beast!

Dragon nature is extremely obscene!

This sentence was taken to its extreme in his case!

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