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Hui Hui casually slashed an enemy soldier to death, and then looked at the dozens of soldiers who had run for a distance, and could only put them down for the time being.

Isn’t it just a tip-off, he still doesn’t believe it, even if the Ottoman Empire knows about him?

Could it be that the Ottoman Empire could still solve his million cavalry troops?

You must know that he is still a heavy armored cavalry, the number is as high as one million, in any dynasty or any country, his number cannot be ignored.

If he guessed correctly, this army of hundreds of thousands should be the entire army of the Ottoman Empire, since the main forces of the Ottoman Empire have crippled themselves, then no matter what kind of armed forces the Ottoman Empire is gathering behind, they can no longer pose any threat to him, even the slightest possibility.

With the passage of time, the army of the Ottoman Empire, which was already in a weak position to be eliminated, was quickly wiped out in front of the crazy Daqin army.

But after the last Ottoman soldier was killed by the soldiers of Daqin, there was no longer a standing Ottoman soldier on the entire battlefield, all of them were lying on the ground.

“Clean up the battlefield and then continue to occupy the entire Ottoman Empire.”

Winhui immediately ordered.

Time is life, this phrase is particularly obvious on the battlefield.

Even if it is him, this can be said to be armed to the teeth of the Great Qin army under the crazy attack of the Ottoman Empire, still died some people, even if only a thousand people died, the number of these thousand or so people seems so small under the number of his million army, but it still can’t hide the fact that people are dead.

What he wants to fight now is this time difference, and before the high-level officials of the Ottoman empires have not yet received news, he takes advantage of this time period to clean up the entire Ottoman Empire as quickly as possible, and if possible, the best fight is only the capital of the Ottoman Empire.


Subsequently, the Qin army, under the leadership of Huan Hui, basically had one city for two days, which was the basic operation.

And each time they hit a city, they will choose to loot their treasure directly in place, and then choose to summon it.

As a result, every city occupied by Daqin is guarded by five thousand soldiers, and there are surplus troops directly integrated into the million-strong army, if anyone is responsible for all this, then it is undoubtedly the nobles in those cities.

Because it was precisely because of the financial support of these nobles that he could summon such a large army.

“Sure enough, fighting to support war is king, and obscene development is ultimately a conservative policy, and the only way to develop quickly is through the violent means of plunder.”

Huan Hui rode his war horse and looked at the endless army behind him, and couldn’t help but sigh.

I think that when he left in his original Daqin world, he was only 300,000 troops, but now it has skyrocketed to more than two million, and the hardships in this are not just words.

“According to the words inside the Casting Saint Court, coupled with the feeling in the underworld, it seems that only by unifying the entire world can I establish the most basic dynasty in the Casting Saint Court in this world.”

Hui Hui thought back to the contents of the Casting Saint Court in his heart, and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

Since he wanted to cultivate this great Qin with the luck of the heavens, then he must offend all the strong people in the ten thousand worlds, and if he wanted to resist them, he could only be strong himself.

“Now that I have basically unified the whole of Asia, my strength has directly reached the late innate stage, maybe if I defeat this Ottoman Empire and devour its national fortune, maybe my strength will directly reach the realm of grandmasters.”

Winhui said in a voice that only he could hear.

“Ottoman Empire, I have destroyed you.”

Hui Hui took a deep breath and said calmly.

After a long journey of more than a month, Hui Hui led the Daqin army to crisscross the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and also received its territory during this period of crisscrossing the Ottoman Empire.

In the Ottoman Empire, which had lost 200,000 troops, there was no longer any existence that could resist the Great Qin army.

Just the thousands of soldiers in each city, when facing the millions of the Daqin army, there were some city lords loyal to the Ottoman Empire who chose to resist to the death, of course, these guys who chose to resist to the death ended up with no corpses.

But more than that, the moment they saw the Daqin army, they chose to surrender without hesitation.

The news of these city lords is very widespread, not to mention that the Daqin army under Hui Hui has never thought of any cover-up.

So when they know that there are millions of troops crisscrossing their Ottoman territory, and their Ottoman army is directly defeated, it is normal for them to choose their own lives.

What’s more, these rest of the territory of the Ottoman Empire that had not been conquered was like a group of ants, and when this group of ants encountered Daqin like a monstrous flood, those ants chose to give up.

This is a normal thing, after all, the gap between strengths is not so easy to bridge.

In just over a month, Huan Hui finally led the Daqin army to the Ottoman Empire, the last place that was not captured by them.

This last place that they did not fall to was the capital of the Ottoman Empire.


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