“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

Early the next morning, Winhui led a group of men and horses to search the capital that originally belonged to the Ottoman state.

He thoroughly swept up the so-called nobles and the palace, and the results of the sweep made him very satisfied.

The same 5,000 soldiers were summoned, and in many cases, they were directly integrated into the million-strong army to which they belonged.

Therefore, although it is said to be a million-strong army, its final number has increased by 100,000 on the original basis.

After a few days of repair, the million-strong Qin army, led by Huan Hui, launched another attack towards the west.

It’s still a familiar look, it’s still a familiar routine.

Whenever the million-strong Qin army led by Hui Hui encountered a city, the city lord of that city immediately gave the order to surrender after seeing the number of their army, as well as the magnificent momentum and exquisite armor.

In this way, after leading a million Qin troops in this unknown small country for dozens of days, the country once again declared its demise.

And the demise of this country frightened the kings of the remaining countries on the continent of Europa.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a terrible empire from the East, how long has it been? It actually digested the Ottoman Empire completely so quickly, and also laid down another kingdom.

As a result, the ties between the kings became closer.

In the end, all the countries on the entire Europa continent united and called the Ten Nations Alliance, just because ten countries were the strongest among the coalition forces, but the real country was no less than two dozen.

In the end, the coalition of ten nations combined up to 800,000.

In the end, the 800,000 allied troops of the Ten Nations gathered far away from the Qin army, and they were waiting for the arrival of the Qin army.

As the saying goes, the best offense is defense, because they know that instead of letting the enemy choose to attack and gain priority in attack, they are afraid that they will all be in a weak position, so they directly choose to meet the enemy.


“Oh, the Ten Nations Alliance?!”

Sitting on the throne of an unknown country, Yinghui listened to the report of the Western merchant below, and couldn’t help but smile playfully.

Unexpectedly, in order to resist his invasion, the Europa continent of this world chose to form the so-called Ten-Nation Alliance.

Hundreds of years after a normal period of time history, the countries of the Europa continent formed an eight-nation alliance to invade the Central Plains, but in this world that he has demonized, the countries of the Europa continent formed a ten-nation alliance to fight him, and I have to say that he really felt so funny.

“Crush them!”

“I want to let all the countries of the entire Europa understand a truth, since the northern golden family hundreds of years ago can make the entire Europa panic, then hundreds of years later, the Han people in the Central Plains can also make them panic, fall into destruction, conquer all the countries of the entire Europa continent, let them completely submit, and the land race to my Daqin!”

Sitting on the throne, the momentum of the Grandmaster realm and the majesty of that emperor burst out in an instant.

All the warriors in this hall, looking at the emperor on the throne, they felt that they were facing the gaze of the gods and demons. It was so grand, so majestic, under that majestic momentum, they seemed to feel an ancient fierce beast looking directly at him in front of their eyes.

“Long live my emperor, long live long live!”

In an instant, everyone shouted respectfully.


A million-strong army rode on war horses and was dressed in heavy armor, trampling mercilessly on this vast land.

The grass on the ground was trampled by this endless army, and even the roots disappeared.

After a while, Huan Hui led a million Qin troops, and soon saw the army of the Ten Nations Alliance that had been waiting for a long time in front of him.

In an instant, this vast plain land was directly divided into two halves, half of which were a million Qin troops wearing black heavy armor, and half of which were a variety of ten-nation coalition troops. And the separation belt in the middle is the last line of defense.


“It really deserves to be the army of the Eastern Empire.”

A general among the ten-nation coalition forces couldn’t help but say solemnly looking at the mighty black torrent in front of him.

“Now I can understand the fear that my ancestors faced hundreds of years ago, this is simply a demon from hell.”

One of the generals looked at the million Qin troops in front of him in fear and couldn’t help but say.

He originally thought that in the history books of various countries, the description of the hundreds of Eastern Empires that defeated them was too exaggerated, but now after seeing the Qin army troops in front of him, he found that it was not only not exaggerating, but trying to make that war as small as possible.

As a general who was promoted from the battlefield, he could naturally clearly distinguish which were the appearance goods and which were the real divisions of a hundred battles.

Obviously, the million-strong army in front of them who came from the Eastern Empire was the elite of the elite, the division of a hundred battles that had experienced the baptism of blood.

For a moment, a feeling of melancholy and panic slowed down in the army of the Ten Nations Alliance.

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