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With the first shot fired by Yue Buqun, the Daqin soldiers behind him also began to use their submachine guns to attack the shelter in front.

“Damn, fight back!”

The former national leader in the shelter was woken up by this gunshot in his sleep, and then looked at the brightly lit scene outside, and immediately roared loudly in fright.


In an instant, the soldiers who were woken up, listening to the sound of unrest outside, immediately picked up the weapons placed by the wall and began to fight back.

When they saw the Daqin soldiers in black armor, they immediately took their guns and started shooting.

However, after the bullets they sent hit the Daqin soldiers, they only made a popping sound at the armor on the Daqin soldiers.

The armor itself made of steel has the defensive power of some soldiers who have practiced internal strength, and it plays a good protective role in this bullet-ridden battlefield.

With the ferocious attack of 10,000 Qin Monarchs, the soldiers of those shelters themselves seemed very hasty when they took up arms to counterattack, coupled with firepower problems, and this confused state in the middle of the night caused the soldiers of this shelter to be beaten and could only retreat.

“How did you guys do it?!”

The supreme commander of the shelter, who was the original leader of the country, watched more and more soldiers being beaten back, and couldn’t help but shout loudly at the military leaders on the side.

“How did you become so weak? Or do you guys never train with Ben on weekdays? How do you talk about regaining the land like this? ”

The leader of the shelter shouted loudly to the head of the army on the side.

“Chief, this is not that we are too weak, but that the real enemy is too strong.”

The head of the army on a plate said with a bitter face.

“Those enemies attacked in the middle of the night, apparently taking advantage of our worst energy in the middle of the night. The enemy attacks in the middle of the night, which means that they are energetic, and our soldiers are extremely lacking in energy, and the two sides cannot be compared at all! ”

The leader of the shelter, after watching the death of more and more soldiers in the surveillance, finally fell into a trace of fear.

He can still enjoy this kind of power and luxury life in the last day, relying on the soldiers who are being slaughtered on the screen.

If those soldiers are not there, not to mention his status above ten thousand people and the luxurious life, whether others can survive or not is a question.

As for the idea of escaping, he gave up at the first time, after all, out of this shelter, the entire Europa continent was full of that kind of terrifying zombies.

Does he think he can kill many zombies, it is not bad if he is not killed back, what else to talk about killing?

“So what can you do?!”

The supreme leader looked at the military chief beside him and said in a panic.

“There’s nothing I can do about it.”

The military commander listened to the words of the supreme leader and said in frustration.

Time passed in their silence.


After the army led by Yue Buqun directly killed all the armed forces that could be seen in the shelter, he immediately came to a place where people who looked like the top layer of the entire shelter lived.

Then, immediately against the gate, he directly used internal force to punch through.

The sturdy gate directly supported this punch containing internal power, but cracks appeared on the body surface of the gate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the supreme leader and military commander in this luxurious room were immediately awakened after listening to the loud noise outside the door.

They looked at each other and saw the fear in each other’s eyes.

They know what this loud bang represents, that their lives have come to an end…

“Oh, it’s pretty strong.”

Yue Buqun looked at the gate that had suffered his own blow, it was actually not broken, but only cracks appeared, and he couldn’t help but be surprised by how strong this gate was.

But since one punch doesn’t work, then he will punch again!

“Drink, ha.”

Yue Buqun encouraged the internal force in his body to attach all of them to his fist, directly towards the crack-filled gate, and once again slammed his punch over.


After withstanding such a terrifying attack, the cracked gate was instantly accompanied by that crack, and suddenly covered the entire gate, and instantly turned into pieces scattered on the ground.


Yue Buqun looked at the gate that had been shattered by him, and directly ordered the army behind him with an expressionless face.

“It turns out that this is internal force.”

Zhang Han, who was on the side, looked at Yue Buqun’s behavior and the result, and then said to himself thoughtfully.

Originally, he thought that this internal force was just to enhance strength and sensitivity, but he never expected that the effect of internal force was far beyond his imagination.

He thought that even he could not smash the door in front of him with two punches.

“It seems that after going back, you can ask Your Majesty what this internal force cultivation method looks like.”

After watching a famous soldier enter it and accompanied by one scream, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but say lightly in his heart.

“Clean up the entire shelter and we’ll go back to the camp early in the morning.”

Yue Buqun looked at the soldiers who came out and directly ordered all the soldiers.


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