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“Boom, boom, boom!”

The Daqin soldiers sitting in the tanks could ignore the aliens in the city.

The main purpose of their coming to this city is to first cut down a wave of zombies in that city. When their shells were almost finished, it would be the turn of their colleagues behind them.

They are very satisfied with the current situation, although they cannot prove to kill the enemy, but sitting in the tank and manipulating the tank can also make some contribution to His Majesty’s plan.

After dozens of minutes of shelling the city in front of the tank, after all the shells they were carrying, the soldiers sitting in the tank immediately controlled the tank to drive towards the camp not far away.

At the same time, in the shelled city, the remaining survivors trembled and watched the departing tank corps collapse on the ground, not knowing what they were thinking.

But undoubtedly, the most is that even they don’t know what they are thinking, after all, in the past few tens of minutes, they have witnessed those guys who fled with them directly killed by shells, their bodies directly exploded in their eyes, and blood soaked all over their bodies.

Now they don’t know what’s going on in their heads, maybe they don’t know what to think at all, the only thing they can know is that it seems that the tank corps does not belong to the government army.

Because if it belongs to the government army, then they will not dare to shell the city with tanks so openly, unless they want to accept the crusade of the whole world after the end.

Because this is a violation of human rights, this is the status quo that sees life as an ant, and the national army that is supposed to protect mankind openly harms its people, which is an act that all human beings despise. That’s why they are sure that this is not the army of their national government.


While they were thinking about life, a gunshot interrupted their thoughts.

Their originally dim eyes shone again. Although they already knew that this might not be a government army but a private army, after they rescued them, or after being captured, they no longer had to worry about their superiors in the city, and they didn’t have to worry about waking up every day to see those demon-like zombies in his eyes ready to devour him.

“These dog scraps!”

An angry scolding sounded among the Great Qin army.

I saw countless Daqin soldiers holding submachine guns and shooting forward over and over again.

But those zombies who are not afraid of death do not pay attention to the pain in their bodies, or they do not have the concept of pain at all.

The zombies in the entire city were attracted by the huge sound of the tank legion shelling just now, so these Daqin soldiers faced the zombies of the entire city.

Although the weapons in their hands can attack from thousands of meters, but this kind of hitting the other party, the other party will not fall, only those zombies that hit their brains can completely fall, in addition to the zombies shot by these bullets, the body of the zombies is undoubtedly equivalent to the river entering the sea.

“Fire fuel bombs!”

A certain general looked at the countless zombies, and couldn’t help but say irritably in his heart.

These undead ants really annoyed him.

Therefore, after hitting at least tens of thousands of bullets, he did not hesitate to choose to use fuel bombs that could not be found from a certain national military base. It is said that when this fuel bomb is launched and attacks the target, it will form a sea of fire.

In this dense group of zombies, if he wants to attack them and launch fuel bombs, I am afraid that basically all zombies will be involved.

Then, according to his ideas, boxes of fuel bombs were transported from behind.

“Use all these fuel bombs! Beat all these dog scraps back! ”

He looked at the boxes of fuel bombs, nodded slightly, and said loudly.


Then, according to his ideas, one fuel bomb after another was directly installed by the Daqin soldiers and directly launched.


One fuel bomb after another burst into the air, and then directly hit the unconscious zombie troops.


Red and purple flames erupted among these blood-stained zombie troops.

The shabby clothes worn by these zombies provide fuel bombs with combustible fuel.

In an instant, a sea of fire descended in this group of zombies.


The majestic fire exploded the mutilated zombies.

Even the painless zombies couldn’t help but feel a trace of heat when passing through this endless fire, but the zombies like wild beasts did not understand any danger, they only knew that there was a large group of food waiting for them in front of them.

In this way, the Daqin soldiers directly watched as the fire burned one zombie after another.

After a while, hundreds of thousands of zombie troops were burned, leaving only some corpses like charcoal.

“Occupy the city ahead.”

A general looked at the destroyed zombie army and ordered directly.


The soldiers watching the destruction of the zombie army immediately responded.

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