Under the crazy killing of the soldiers, there were very few zombies that came out of the first city in the Western Realm by Winhui and his soldiers.

As for those zombies that are still coming out, the number has plummeted from hundreds to dozens or even a few together.

After all, this is just a small city, with only a hundred thousand permanent residents, and after the zombie virus outbreak around the world, this small city fled some people, and then some people were not infected, hiding in all corners of these cities, and those houses. The remaining residents who were infected with zombies were about 780,000.

After slashing and killing for several hours, the zombies in the city that came out because they heard the sound of the Hui Hui convoy had also been chopped to the same extent.

So Winhui decided to occupy the small city in front of him.

After all, the zombies of this small city have been cleaned up by their own subordinates, is it possible that they are still good people?

It’s hard to clean up the zombies in this city, and the soldiers under his command are tired like this, can they still make them tired for nothing?

Of course, even if these soldiers under his command don’t mind that he can’t get by in his heart, not to mention that the people in this city are technically alien to them.


At the same time, the people hiding in the city, listening to the zombies outside, suddenly stopped roaring, originally they wanted to go out to see what the reason was, was it the previous convoy that led all these zombies away?

But then they heard a loud noise, as if it was the sound of many people stepping on the ground in unison.

This instantly dispelled their thoughts of wanting to go out.

Although this voice is a little strange from the previous one, not the roar of zombies, but in these two months, their guts have been tempered by zombies.

“Go, give me all the gold in the gold shop in this city!” After Winhui’s soldiers captured the entire city, Winhui directly ordered the soldiers under his command.

He wants to collect all the resources in this city and summon them.

At the same time, Winhui personally led a large group of soldiers to begin to search house to house.

“Whoareyou? Whatareyoudoinginmyhouse? Dontmove.Thatsmystuff! ”

Winhui looked at the gringo with a frown, and felt awkward listening to her words.

As a guy who only knows 26 letters and some everyday words in English, he is confused when it comes to connecting words and this kind of daily conversation.

“Take away!” Winhui waved his hand and said calmly.

Whether he can understand or not, he just came to scavenge for supplies and directly arrest this person.

“Donttouchme! Letmego! Letmego! ”

At this time, Su Di looked at these guys wearing ancient oriental armor, and was actually going to catch her, and suddenly exclaimed.

“Heh, I didn’t expect this guy’s family to be quite rich.” Winhui opened all the cabinets and found a gold that weighed almost a pound and clicked.

“I didn’t expect that this guy who lives in an apartment actually has so much gold in his home, which is really surprising.” Winhui couldn’t help but mutter.

“Take away, go to the next one!” Winfly recycles the looted gold directly into the system.

At the same time, the residents of the surrounding several people also understood after hearing the English-speaking woman who had just escorted Hui Hui, it seemed that those footsteps like an army did not seem to be zombies.

“Jack, shall we open the door and take a look?” A woman on the side said after listening to the sound of turning things outside.

This kind of sound of turning things is also common on weekdays, after all, there are always some people who do not have enough food savings in their homes, so they only secretly lurk in other people’s homes to get those other people’s food.

So they directly ignore these sounds of turning things, but the problem is that what happened today is a little too fantastical.

First there was an inexplicable sound of a car, and it sounded like a car army, and then the entire city was attracted to the zombies, and finally they didn’t know what happened.

Then there was a sound in the city, like the uniform voice of many people, and with it, many people’s homes were directly violently opened, and then directly snatched away many things.

In particular, the sound was around their house, so they wanted to see what was going on outside.

Did the country’s army fight? Came to rescue them?

“Okay, then I’ll open the door and take a look!” The guy called Jack hesitated for a moment and then said firmly.

They are in this oppressive environment every day, and one day something will happen. Especially there is not much food at home, since there is no zombie roar outside, and there are many uniform sounds, if Jack heard correctly, this should be the sound of the troops marching and running, but due to the horror of the zombies before, he did not open the door to be sure.

“Click.” As Jack slowly opened the door, he secretly looked out into the hallway.

“Mary, come out, the zombies raised by the bitches are gone.” Jack said to his girlfriend in the house with some joy.

“Omaga, what are those?” When Mary walked out the door and looked at the zombies that disappeared in the corridor, she suddenly looked at the guys in armor downstairs and said in surprise.

“Well, Mary, these guys don’t seem to be our country’s army, and looking at the armor they are wearing, it looks like the Chinese armor in the Kyushu National Kung Fu film!” Jack looked at the soldiers of Daqin downstairs and said hesitantly.

“Hurry up, there’s someone here.” At the same time, the Daqin soldiers in this building suddenly heard the sound of opening the door and the words that did not know what bird language was, and the language suddenly called a few people, ready to take those people away directly.

“Don’t move!” The soldiers of Daqin looked at the aliens in the corridor holding a sword and said. He doesn’t have much patience for such aliens.

“Okok,youdontmove,youdontmove,wesurrender!” Jack looked at the sudden appearance of the suspected ancient soldier of the East and shouted loudly, raising his hands directly above his head.


“The new book sets sail”, “asking for flowers”, “asking for rewards”, “asking for collections”, “asking for monthly passes”

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