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“From today onwards, I will be your supreme officer, and of course, you can also call me Your Majesty.”

The figure of Yinghui appeared on the screen of the entire Dragon Kingdom, telling it flatly.

“I believe you will definitely be angry at the order given by your previous supreme commander, after all, in your eyes, he betrayed the entire Dragon Kingdom, but the choice he made may be the best choice for the entire Dragon Kingdom.”

Winhui looked at the machine in front of him that was recording the screen and said flatly.

“In short, from today onwards, my order is the order of the entire Daqin.”

After Winhui finally said a word, the live broadcast was instantly cut off.

“Uh, Your Majesty.”

The staff who were recording the screen looked at Huan Hui, who was slowly walking over, and after hesitating for a while, they still shouted honestly and respectfully.

Seriously, he actually wanted to know why the previous Supreme Governor of the Dragon Country would issue such a ridiculous order, although the entire Dragon Country disappeared by hundreds of millions after the previous wave of zombie virus outbreaks, but the current Dragon Country is still a country with a population of three or four hundred million, and the soldiers in it have nearly a million troops after these months of recruitment.

Therefore, according to the thoughts in his heart, if the Dragon Kingdom and the so-called Great Qin carry a hard wave, it is difficult to say who will really win and who will lose.

Of course, after a few days, he will feel embarrassed by his current thoughts, nearly a million troops, for the entire Dragon Kingdom now, it is really only a small number.

You must know that the Dragon Kingdom has an army of more than three million in this world, and if you add that smiling world of rivers and lakes, I am afraid that tens of millions of troops will not be a problem.

“Well, you’re busy.”

Huan Hui looked at the staff who were slightly embarrassed, and ordered with a flat wave of his hand.

He also knew that these guys in the Dragon Kingdom felt uncomfortable, but they always had to adapt, so a transition was still necessary.


“If hundreds of thousands of troops want to reach the other side of the ocean, how long will it take to build the ships used?”

Winhui personally came to the shipyard and asked the engineer.

For the supreme leader of the Sichuan Kingdom who wanted to assassinate him, he has not forgotten it until now.

Yu Gong’s point of view, he wants to rule the whole world, the country on the other side of the ocean must be destroyed, in private, since that guy chose to assassinate him, then he must give the most terrible devastating blow, such as destroying the entire Sichuan country.

“Well, if you want to provide hundreds of thousands of troops across the ocean and reach the ships of the Sichuan country on the other side of the ocean, I am afraid it will take about a month to build. And this is still a state of full dedication. ”

The engineer of the shipyard looked at His Majesty who asked him the question, thought for a while in his heart, and then replied affirmatively.

Through the words of the other party just now, he had to admit that the ambition of this newly appointed majesty was huge and explosive, and he wanted to bear hundreds of thousands of troops to reach that Sichuan country, so his purpose still need to be said, this needless to say.

That is to destroy and even unify the country of the so-called world police that was clamoring all over the world before the outbreak of the apocalyptic world.

According to his current news, the newly appointed emperor has unified the entire Europa continent, plus the current Dragon Kingdom has unified the entire Asia, then it means that the other party is now unified, and the Europa continent plus the two continents of Asia.

If you reach that Sichuan region, I am afraid that the three major continents in the world will be ruled by each other.

After ruling these three continents, will the remaining continents be spared? What’s more, as long as these three continents are ruled, then the national forces on the remaining continents are not worth mentioning at all.


Winhui nodded in satisfaction after hearing that it only took a month.

He could afford to wait for only a month, not to mention that he could also use this month to integrate the Dragon Kingdom that he had just taken over.

“I’ll trouble you next.”

“Oh, by the way, you go and contact the other shipfoundries and let them all cast ships that can carry people for me, and I will be of great use in a month.”

Winhui reached out and patted the engineer’s shoulder and said encouragingly.


The engineer who was entrusted with the heavy responsibility looked at Winhui’s encouraging eyes and could only bite the bullet and take on the task.


“Your Majesty.”

On the way to the palace, the officials passing by respectfully stepped forward to greet them one by one after seeing that it was Winhui.

After the words of the former supreme governor in the previous log, they already knew what kind of role this Great Qin was to rule them.

In the face of such a terrifying Great Qin, these guys who are officials must be respectful to this new emperor, otherwise they have nowhere to reason when they are randomly pinched to death by the other party.

After all, they are clear about what the word emperor represents, who has made countless such emperors appear in their history, and what kind of rights the emperor has, can they not know?


Winhui responded one by one.

In the end, Winhui arrived at the palace of this world and began to give orders to the generals below.

“It is enough to transfer all the soldiers on the continent of Europa, it is enough to keep a few thousand soldiers in each camp, and I will send all the rest to this land.” And the armies south of the Yangtze River were all dispatched. ”

Winhui began to give orders one after another.

Since he could build a ship to reach Sichuan Country in almost a month, he must have prepared early, such as letting the soldiers who were going to fight come first.


With the order of Yinghui, the standing generals responded one by one respectfully.

They also knew what their emperor’s order represented, that a new war was coming, and that it could be the kind of war that unified, the kind that unified the world!

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