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Soon a month passed quietly, and after the fierce Daqin army saw the city, without saying a word, the tank corps opened the way first, and after firing thousands of shells, the cavalry legions attacked again.

In this way, the zombies in the entire city were first bombarded by tank shells for several rounds, and then the surviving zombies dragged their broken bodies and were cut in half by Daqin’s cavalry legion.

And those survivors in the city were first given to God by the shelling of the first round of tank corps.

In the end, it was the turn of the Great Qin army to take over the territory.

Basically, receiving a city in a day is a routine operation, and even the faster Daqin army is not a problem to receive a small country in one day.

A month passed quietly like this, and the continent below the Sichuan Kingdom was completely occupied in the passing month.

“Well, the strength has improved a little more.”

Sensing the blessing in his own luck, Huan Hui suddenly knew that the continent to the south should have been completely unified.

“It’s time to go back, after I go back, I will also occupy that black state, maybe after occupying that black state and the independent continent in the Pacific Ocean, my strength can reach the peak realm of the Great Master.”

Sitting in place, Hui thought to Nobha.

Now he basically fully understood, even if he occupied a whole complete continent, but the population above was so little, how much luck could he expect to provide him?

It is already good to have a trace of luck, this is still up to the will of the heavens on a complete continent to hand over the luck of this continent to him.

Fortunately, Winhui had only such a little luck to occupy a complete continent, so when he occupied a continent and obtained such a little luck, he had no waves in his heart.

“Leave some soldiers to garrison this continent, and the rest follow me back to the Central Plains.”

Hui Hui looked at the generals who had gathered again and immediately ordered.

He wants to go back as soon as possible, after he goes back, he will occupy the other two continents, as long as the two continents are occupied, he will achieve true unity in this world, and then he can go to other worlds to open up territory.

For the ability of the system to traverse the world, Winfly basically knows how to use it.

The ability of this system to traverse is basically up to itself.

For example, his strength came to this doomsday world without a mysterious side when he just left the original sound Daqin, and then crossed to the smiling world with some internal strength, so according to these worlds, Winhui has basically concluded that the crossing ability of this system can be regarded as the kind of behavior that rises step by step, and will not suddenly cross into the low-martial world today and cross-over to the high-martial world tomorrow.

It is precisely because of this that Winhui is so eager to quickly unify this world, and after he wants to go to other worlds.


After hearing Hui Hui’s words, the general in the entire shed immediately surrendered his hand.

Later, immediately after the meeting, some people were selected from the army they led to form a garrison army directly and stayed on the continent.


“Zhang Handan, you led an army of 500,000 to Heizhou, do you have the confidence to unify the entire Heizhou?”

Hui Hui sat in the palace and looked at Zhang Wei below and couldn’t help asking.

“Your Majesty, Minister, have faith.”

Zhang Wei responded respectfully.


After hearing the satisfactory result, Winhui nodded.

“Li Wei, do you have the confidence to unify that kangaroo country?”

“I will give you the same army of 500,000.”

Winhui asked the other general.

Li Wei responded equally respectfully after hearing Winhui’s words.

“Your Majesty, Minister, have faith.”

After getting his satisfactory response, Winhui nodded with the same smile.

“Then generals, go to war!”

“Good news awaits you.”

Huan Hui stood up and looked at the generals below and said majestically.


A kind of generals below resisted His Majesty, who had returned again with a sense of majesty, and responded respectfully.

In just a few months, the independent kangaroo country was fully occupied by an army of 500,000 led by Li Wei. That would be a full-scale occupation by the 500,000-strong army led by the same Zhang Wei in the Black State below the continent of Europa.

When Hui Hui Xing, sitting in the realm of the palace, feeling the feeling of instantly blessing on him in the sky, he knew that the order he had given to the two generals was completed.

At the same time, Hui Hui once again sensed the scarce so-called heaven and earth spiritual energy around him, and directly poured into his body.

After occupying the continent of the Sichuan Country and the continent below the Sichuan Country, the strength broke through from the middle stage to the late stage of Winhui, and at this moment, the strength instantly reached the peak realm of the Great Master!

“It’s an amazing feeling to improve your strength.”

Hui Hui felt the strength in her body and smiled slightly, she looked at the golden palaces around her, and he had a feeling that under his full strength, this palace would be directly destroyed by himself.

And this is not an illusion, but a real feeling.

“I’m looking forward to the next world.”

Winhui smiled slightly.

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