“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

“Now immediately withdraw all of them to me, all back to Chancheng, presumably you are also very familiar with the Great Wall.”

Winhui took out the communicator directly from his arms and began to order the general who was fighting on the continent of Europa.


The general, who was preparing to give the order to open the gun, listened to the order coming out of the communicator and couldn’t help but be stunned.

He had already occupied several cities in a row in these days, and now he was about to prepare to occupy the capital of this country, so suddenly their majesty was telling them to prepare to retreat and return to the place of the Great Wall.

The place of the Great Wall is familiar to him, after all, he is one of the 300,000 troops in the world.

But when acquaintance came to familiarity, why did His Majesty suddenly order them to return immediately? What happened, don’t you even want such a pleasant and vast land?

As he has experienced two worlds, he naturally knows how vast the territory of this entire Europa continent is, and he thinks he still knows very well about His Majesty’s form of wanting to occupy all the land, why is he suddenly giving up this piece of fat that is about to reach his mouth.

The general, he looked around at the soldiers he had ordered to stop and sighed.

“Return, to the Great Wall! Your Majesty’s order…”

In the end, the general chose to obey the order given by Winhui and give up the fat that was about to reach his mouth.

After all, for this group of Qin troops, His Majesty’s order is engraved in their bones, and they are respected.

“Collect the troops.”

With the issuance of one order after another, the soldiers who were ready to attack listened to their commander’s words in confusion, but after learning that this was an order from His Majesty, they could only put away their weapons and run towards the place where they gathered.

“Back to the Great Wall!”

The general of this legion composed of a torrent of steel, he looked at the soldiers who had all arrived, and ordered directly.

At the same time, the leader of this unknown small country listened to the words of his soldiers, and he was a little confused.

He is ready for the demise of the country, as long as the country dies, he is the first to lead the royal family to surrender directly, presumably with the name of his first surrender, although he will not get any practical benefits, but at least he can survive safely.

But he never expected that just when he was about to surrender, the mysterious army outside the national capital actually stopped fighting???

So he retreated, and if it hadn’t been reported recently, this soldier was a confidant among his henchmen, and he would probably have thought that this was a lie to him.

As long as he successfully conquered his city, then the whole country has completely returned to the mysterious legion outside, although his country is a little small, but it is also a decent country, so suddenly gave up, and seemed to listen to the soldier’s words as if directly towards the mysterious eastern land.

“Strange, strange.”

This king, sitting on his throne, couldn’t help but think.

For the super powerful legion that had just retreated, he learned that the races made up in that army were all the skin color of the mysterious eastern countries.

Then when retreating, this group of mysterious armies also retreated towards the mysterious eastern country, does this represent the rise of the mysterious orient again?

And the ambition has extended to the continent of Europa, which has been specially called, but this sudden retreat, does it mean that something happened in the mysterious eastern country?

The king of this small country sat on the throne, and his mind could not help but start thinking about it.

For the mysterious oriental country, although it was bullied by the world decades ago, he clearly knows from the royal family’s collection how glorious the history of the mysterious oriental country is, and the retreating army just now confirms that the eastern country seems to have risen.

“It seems that we may be ready for that mysterious eastern country to surrender when it invades again.”

The king sat on his throne and began to think secretly.


“This sword is for you.”

The Dragon Emperor handed a sword from his waist directly to Huan Hui.

“This is?”

Hui Hui took the Dragon Emperor’s sword and said suspiciously.

“I see a familiar feeling flowing in you, presumably it is the national fortune of Daqin, although it is fundamentally different from the national fortune of Daqin in my world, but the national fortune condensed by Daqin is still extremely familiar to me.”

The Dragon Emperor sensed the familiar luck on Hui Hui and said with a smile.

“This sword, following me to fight the world for many years, its sword has been completely dyed with the national fortune of Daqin, only the guy with the national fortune of Daqin can exert the maximum power of this sword, I see that you as the emperor of a country but do not have a weapon of your own, this sword will be given to you!”

The Dragon Emperor said with a smile.

He is still a little grateful for this winning, although it is not a world, but at least he let the Daqin of other worlds continue to continue, as the first emperor of the Daqin Empire, his mood is still extremely happy when he learns the news of the successful continuation of his empire, even if it is not a world, but it is Daqin after all!

“I took this sword.”

Huan Hui looked at the extremely gorgeous but sharp sword in the Dragon Emperor’s hand, and said cautiously.

“I have the tricks to control the national fortune here, and I will teach it to you too!”

The Dragon Emperor looked at Huan Hui and took the sword, and smiled slightly.

Then the Dragon Emperor directly sealed the seal in his hand for a moment, and a bright light directly emerged from the Dragon Emperor’s finger and instantly entered Huan Hui’s mind.

“Thank you.”

Yinghui said gratefully as he felt the knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind.

“No problem, you and I are both the lords of Daqin, and we help each other with normal things.”

The Dragon Emperor smiled and said.


Hui Hui nodded in response, but he knew that he owed the Dragon Emperor a lot of favors.

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