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“That’s Luck True Dragon!!!”

At the same time, in a small village outside this forest, a Daoist who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the golden dragon in the distance that rushed into the sky, and said tremblingly.

Luck True Dragon, has this thing not appeared in this world for hundreds of years or thousands of years?

He only knew that according to the texts in the sect, the last time he appeared in the world was during the Qin Dynasty, the period of Qin Shi Huang, and since then, the Qi Luck True Dragon, a symbol representing the prosperity of a country, has never appeared in the world again, and even the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty have not appeared in the legendary existence of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

Unexpectedly, today, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, which represents the heyday of an empire, appeared under his nose, and looked at the lifelike appearance of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, which was not just born, but an existence that had been born for a long time.

“I’m coming!”

The mind of the Daoist who was cultivating flashed through the sect’s introduction to automobile finance, and after struggling for a while, he directly chose to enter the forest in front.

There is an existence in that forest whose strength is about to reach the realm of the ghost king, he can’t help the ghost general in the forest, and the ghost general in the forest can’t help him, and it is precisely because it can be settled down in a hundred miles, and he doesn’t go to the territory of the ghost general in the forest on weekdays.

At the same time, it was precisely because of its existence that the ghost general in the forest could not absorb the yang qi for him to break through, and it was precisely because he could not absorb the yang qi that he could not break through to the ghost king realm.

Therefore, the ghost’s resentment towards him can be said to break through the sky, but it is helpless.

So the ghost general in the forest formed a strange balance with her, the ghost would not enter the town where he was stationed, and he would not enter the forest of the ghost general.

But now that the Luck True Dragon is here, he must enter that forest to investigate!


“Great, spare us, we were also forced by that guy, spare us.”

A group of powerful ghosts and evil ghosts who had just followed behind the ghost general couldn’t help but kneel on the ground and cry bitterly at this moment.

They are not stupid, their strongest leader is the guy who has just been destroyed, but the strength of the ghost general realm, about to advance to the existence of the ghost king, but the existence that is about to advance to the ghost king, just like this, it was directly destroyed by the breath emitted by a dragon that emerged from the human body, how not to make them panic?

Just the breath that emanated could destroy the existence of a ghost general realm, and what if that dragon personally attacked their group of imps who had not even reached the ghost general advanced level.

Even if they don’t have to guess, they can predict that they and their former king, that is, the guy who has just been destroyed, will directly disappear, and there is no chance to even reincarnate, so in order to survive, their performance of kneeling and begging for mercy is normal.

Know that once they die, they really die. If a person dies, they can still exist as ghosts, but if their group of guys who are already ghosts die, they are really dead.

“Luck True Dragon…”

When Hui looked at those ghosts that were emitted by the Qi Luck True Dragon that emerged from his body, he and the others could not help but mutter.

For those ghosts who were kneeling and begging for mercy, he didn’t bother to listen to them, and his current mind directly switched to the introduction and manipulation of the golden dragon of luck that the Dragon Emperor had engraved in his mind.

“So that is to say, when a guy with a Qi Luck True Dragon encounters an invincible, even an evil creature, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon in his body will manifest itself on his own to deter those beings with bad intentions.”

More importantly, the power displayed by the Qi Luck Golden Dragon has a lot to do with the strength of the realm of the user.

If the country is strong, then the power of the Qi Luck True Dragon is strong, if the country is relatively weak, then this Qi Luck True Dragon is at most a talisman like an existence.

This time, Hui Hui looked in more detail at the exercises that the Dragon Emperor had transmitted to him.

Compared with his own technique of casting the Holy Court to collect the world’s qi luck and enhance his strength, this one will call him the Human Emperor Sutra for the time being.

The main thing about this person’s imperial scripture is to make the existence of the Qi Luck True Dragon on his body more perfect to control the Qi Luck True Dragon, even if he is not in his own country, he can still summon the Qi Luck True Dragon to ward off the enemy, and if necessary, he can even directly merge with the summoned Qi Luck Golden Dragon, although this is the same as the one that casts the Holy Court. However, the Human Emperor Sutra can summon the Qi Luck True Dragon blessing on itself no matter where you are.

This is a little different from the Qi Luck True Dragon that can only be summoned in the country to which it belongs. One is wherever it is, and the other can only be in its own country, and this difference is reflected.

“It seems that when I didn’t successfully create a Daqin in this world, this defense means already existed, since there are these ghosts, then it means that there are many ghosts, and their own luck true dragons can destroy them at any time.”

After all, the strength of the Qi Luck True Dragon summoned by this Human Emperor Sutra depends on the strength and weakness of the user’s country, and Yinghui is full of complete confidence in this.

However, as the existence of the lord of two worlds, and the people under his command also have billions, it is completely fine to protect his own life.

“Kill these guys.”

After thoroughly understanding how wonderful the Emperor Sutra was given to him by the Dragon Emperor, and even powerful, Huan Hui came back to his senses, looked at the several ghosts who tried to harm him, and gave the first order directly to the Qi Luck True Dragon hovering above him.


With Hui Hui’s order, Tang Xuan’s Qi Luck Golden Dragon in mid-air directly burned the group of evil spirits kneeling on the ground in an instant with a breath.

Hui Hui and his group looked at the golden true dragon in the sky like this, and directly killed those legendary ghosts with a breath, the kind that disappeared in ashes.

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