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“Wen Cai Wen Cai, why did you sleep so late today?”

As the morning sun rose, a slightly handsome young man looked at the master who had not yet woken up and Wen Cai couldn’t help but complain.

On weekdays, Wen Cai’s guy should have woken up a long time ago, and he was cleaning, and the master’s words would be fine, after all, his master often went out in the middle of the night to remove demons, so sometimes it is common to just sleep in the morning, it is estimated that he is still sleeping, but Wen Cai got up so late that he really didn’t understand a little.

“Up, up, the sun is on your ass!”

Qiu Sheng went directly into Wen Cai’s room, tugged at his ear and said.

“Don’t argue, don’t move.”

Wen Cai listened to these familiar words, and immediately knew that it was Qiusheng’s guy, and directly waved his hand to signal not to move himself.

I cleaned all the guest rooms in the entire Yizhuang last night, almost tired and half dead, finally able to fall asleep, this is just lying down for a few hours?

Trying to get yourself up right now, that’s absolutely impossible!

“Master called you!”

Qiu Sheng listened to Wen Cai’s lazy words and said helplessly.

“What, call me again!”

The sleepy Wen Cai’s eyes instantly opened and the boss said desperately.

“That’s right, that’s right, the master is calling you.”

Qiu Sheng covered his mouth and secretly laughed.

For this little thing of deceiving Wen Cai, he just said that this is not a matter at all, after so many years, this Wen Cai is not the first time he has been deceived by himself, but every time he says something, he believes that he really doesn’t blame himself.


Wen Cai shouted in despair with a pillow covering his head.

Finally, after struggling for a while, Wen began to get dressed in a appointed manner.


“Qiu Sheng, you lied to me again!!!”

A desperate word echoed over the entire Yizhuang.

“Oh, is Qiu born.”

Hui Hui, who was meditating and studying the Casting Saint Court and the Human Emperor Sutra, listened to Wen Cai’s desperate words and couldn’t help but say with interest.

Ninth Uncle, Wen Cai Qiusheng, these three beings completely carry the zombie series.

“First go and contact them, see where the plot has developed, familiarize yourself with the plot, and finally prepare to summon an army to occupy this world.”

Winhui began to mutter.

Compared with the Dragon Emperor World of the previous world, this world is a little weaker, after all, the Dragon Emperor World is a heavenly heaven and the existence of the Heavenly Court with the Eight Classics, although in the world of this zombie series, it is estimated that there are also those existences, but it is estimated that compared to the Dragon Emperor’s world’s heaven and heavenly court, this world will seem a little weak.

It can be seen from the plot that the vampires of the Western world were directly beaten by the ninth uncle on this land, although the vampire did not recover to the strength of the peak, but it can still be speculated that the strength of the ninth uncle exists in the whole world.

After all, the ninth uncle can directly leave the soul, and can also directly enter the prefecture, and the cause, yin difference and black and white impermanence of those prefectures are extremely polite to a guy of the strength of the ninth uncle, so it objectively shows that although this world has the existence of the heavenly court and the earthly mansion, the real world level is not very high, and for himself, it is just an existence that can be captured.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yinghui is ready to directly occupy a certain country and directly establish Daqin, steal the position of human emperor in this world, and then occupy the entire world in the name of human emperor, I believe that the group of immortals in the sky do not dare to say more.

There are three ways of heaven and earth, and humanity is among them, which is enough to explain everything.

The Heavenly Court can control the world, which is nothing more than that there is no existence in the world that can be compared with the heaven and the earth, but once the human emperor appears in the world, hehe, then it is embarrassing, as an existence with equal status, the Heavenly Emperor really has no way to interfere with the actions of the human emperor.

At the same time, Winhui also began to have a sense of curiosity about those zombies in this world, not afraid of swords, guns and fire, and his physical strength is infinite, the only shortcoming, or can only be said to be afraid of sunlight and sucking blood, but in the eyes of Winhui at this level, these are not weaknesses, compared to the zombie’s kind of no life limit, and is a natural meat shield and berserker.

As long as he has this kind of true undead legion, then no matter which world he goes to, he can completely achieve power with the legion composed of zombies.

So this is why he needs to be familiar with where the plot develops, so that he can seek the best interests of this world.

At the same time, for the all-round talent of Ninth Uncle, Yinghui definitely can’t let it go.

“So to contact Uncle Nine, the best thing is to directly include it under your command, serve yourself, and create a zombie army loyal to you!”

Huan Hui slowly got up and said flatly.


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