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“But as far as I know, today’s emperor doesn’t seem to be worthy of our Maoshan faction!”

Four eyes said to the Ninth Uncle suspiciously.

Fulong Court, is that emperor in the palace still worth the support sent by them Maoshan?

That guy has already been abolished as the emperor, and being able to let him continue to live in the emperor’s word can already be regarded as a great grace to him by the leader of the Xuanlong Kingdom today, so can’t the emperor in that imperial word drag someone to impress his senior brother and let them make a bet?

As for the head of the newly established country, he did not think about it, after all, that guy had completely abolished the title of emperor, and his wings were already full, and it was not worth their bets at all.

Therefore, he was extremely curious about what his senior brother said about the Fulong Court, what other emperor in the world today can be worthy of their Maoshan faction’s allegiance, and worthy of their Maoshan faction’s complete submission to the imperial court?

“This matter is a long story, but what I am sure and sure of is that perhaps the existence of the emperor of the ancients will be completely revealed to the world!”

Ninth Uncle said heavily.

“No matter how bad it is, it can be successful, and it can be compared with Qin Shi Huang!”

“Become an emperor-like existence through the ages.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the four eyes and said lightly.

After all, the Qi Luck True Dragon represents everything, and the Qi Luck True Dragon that will only appear in the world when the empire reaches its peak is enough to represent everything.

That strange emperor was in the period of division in the current Xuanlong Land, and daring to be alone with only a few dozen guards dared to probe the intelligence and investigate the truth is enough to explain everything.

That strange emperor probably already had an idea about the Xuanlong Land that was divided today.

From the words of that strange emperor, as well as the dress, and even the race, it can be shown that he is a serious Xuanlong people of the Xuanlong nation, although it is said that he created an empire overseas, but as long as it is a person of the Xuanlong nation, as an overseas Xuanlong emperor, it is indispensable to the idea that the land of the Central Plains may be peeping.

Therefore, for an emperor who is also a guy of the Xuanlong nation and wants to have ideas about the divided Xuanlong land, their Maoshan faction has this obligation, or responsibility, to support the overseas emperor to unify the Chinese land.

The Xuanlong Land cannot withstand the division for too long, and looking at the current situation, this state of division will continue for many years, which is undoubtedly an ordeal and torture for ordinary people today.


Shimoku held up his glasses and looked at his senior brother and said solemnly.

Obviously, his senior brother was pulling him to make a monstrous gamble for the future of the Maoshan Sect.

As long as the two of them decided to support the existence that Senior Brother said could be called the Emperor of the Ancients, then I am afraid that the entire Maoshan Sect would basically agree.

This is also the reason why he asked for a reason for his senior brother, it is impossible for him to decide to support his senior brother just because of his words, he needs a reason to impress him and convince him that the bet he is about to make is correct.

“Qi Luck Golden Dragon shows that the purple micro emperor qi surrounds, can it be a reason?!”

Ninth Uncle recalled the scene he had seen when he used the Hope Qi Technique, and said lightly.

“Purple Wei Emperor Qi surrounds, Qi Luck Golden Dragon manifests…”

Shimoku listened to his senior brother’s words and couldn’t help but be stunned.

With these two points alone, I am afraid that in the thousands of years of Xuanlong history, only the original Qin Shi Huang Emperor of the Ancient Emperor can do it, right?

Ziwei Emperor Qi basically as long as it is an emperor will have it, but the Qi Luck True Dragon manifests, that is, unless the national strength reaches a peak and is a deterrent existence, the Qi Luck True Dragon can appear.

The original Hanwu Emperor and Emperor Taizong of Tang and even Ming Taizu were a little bit worse, and these terrifying emperors who left a name in the history of Xuanlong were just Ziwei Emperor Qi surrounding the blessing of Emperor Qi, but the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck really did not have it.

But with the existence of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, do they still need to be sent by Maoshan to support it?

This is completely a peak empire, can you see their Maoshan faction? Or is it really necessary for them to support the Maoshan faction?

And how did he not know that there was such a existence in the world today???

Is his news too far behind? Or was there already such turmoil in the whole world just when he lost his access to outside sources?

Has the capital of the Xuanlong Kingdom once again entered an Ancient Emperor?

“An existence of the Xuanlong Nation has successfully created an empire overseas, and can already show that he has already developed an idea about the Central Plains, so should the Maoshan Sect make a bet? I’ve already decided to go to Fulong Court, it’s up to you…”

Ninth Uncle looked at the very puzzled four eyes and explained.

“Overseas emperors! Qi Luck Golden Dragon manifested! Fulong Garden! ”

These words were constantly echoing in the mind of the four purposes.

“Now that the emperor is already in my Yizhuang, go and take a look, maybe you can make up your mind with more certainty.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the junior brother whose eyes were constantly flashing, and said calmly.

Although his words have touched the heart of his junior brother, only the final personal meeting can make him more sure of what he said, after all, hearing is nothing, seeing is believing.

All the words could not help but meet in person.

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