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“Haha, two, with your allegiance, I believe that my journey to unification will become more rapid,”

Huan Hui laughed at Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes.

Their words do not hide their ambitions at all, after all, they have all chosen to surrender to themselves, so why not say their ambitious words?

Besides, who would give allegiance to an emperor who only knows how to be conservative? Only the kind of emperor full of ambition will make them loyal to this group of guys with special skills, because only these ambitious emperors can support them to show their ambitions and realize their hearts’ wishes.


“So it is, no wonder, no wonder.”

Huan Hui looked at the words in the book in his hand, and instantly had a deeper understanding of the whole world.

At the same time, for the ownership of the entire world, he can be completely sure that this world belongs to him!

In a world where the Haotian God of the Heavenly Court and the Angel God of the West have left one after another, if he can’t unify the whole world, then he can really find a piece of tofu and kill it.

The reason why he was forced to leave in the last Dragon Emperor World was none other than because he was afraid of the heavenly court and heaven in the sky, after all, even if that world was not as powerful as the legend, it was still not something he could fight against, but now this world is different.

According to the scriptures, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became thin, that is, when the so-called era of the last law came, the heavenly court directly flew far away to other worlds to continue to rule.

After all, the Haotian God of this world probably at least has the power of immortal gods, crossing the world barrier to other worlds, for this level of existence, it is still extremely simple, not to mention not to go to some very powerful world, but to just an ordinary world.

Therefore, there are no immortals in the Heavenly Court of this world today, only the Earth Mansion is still running, but the most important existences of the Earth House have all followed the Heavenly Court to other worlds, so the legendary characters in the Earth Court of this world are just legendary existences that left this world at the beginning, and they are just a doppelgänger of differentiation.

In this world where immortal gods and demons do not exist, if he can’t fight it, then he is really ashamed of his title as the lord of the world with two worlds.

The current world’s basically highest strength, that is, the existence of the so-called Yuan Infant Realm, is even the kind that is old and dead, and almost goes to the prefecture in one step.

In the face of this kind of world, Winhui can confidently say that he can still fight down.

The half-dead Yuan Baby will definitely not be able to move his hand, after all, if he does it, their already scarce life expectancy will definitely be greatly reduced, then it is basically one step closer to death, so if it is not a last resort, they will definitely not make a move, so basically the most powerful strong person in the whole world is the Jindan realm, in the face of the existence of that Jindan realm, he does not believe that the missile can kill him???

Maybe he can resist one missile, two missiles, or even three missiles, but what number of missiles does he have?

It can be said that there are countless of them, after all, the last world is a pure scientific and technological world, as long as you have materials to mass-produce missiles, such a lethal weapon is still quite simple.

In the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, the supply of materials to the previous world of science and technology to mass-manufacture countless missiles, is it not simple?

Even nuclear weapons are easy, and in the first, second, or even third time they have, the so-called nuclear weapons basically only need enough materials, plus some time to create the ultimate killer of mankind.

He didn’t believe it, could those guys in the Jindan realm be able to withstand these injuries?

Maybe those guys in the Yuan Infant realm can truly appear in the form of souls from the body, so they can directly avoid this kind of damage, but the existence of the Yuan Infant Realm is a few after all, more or even just the Foundation Building Realm, with his legion composed of steel torrents, the whole world, who can stop him?

“You can prepare to summon some things first, maybe you can wait for the body of that old lady Ren to dig up, and observe the so-called zombies up close to directly summon the army to push the world.”

After reading the introduction of the book in his hand, Huan Hui couldn’t help but think.

Even he had a bold idea. ”

War is bloody, but the existence of zombies can achieve the effect of enhancing their strength by sucking blood, so the blood shed by the Daqin army while attacking other countries can directly supply the zombie army.

In this way, you can occupy the territory and completely form the zombie army, which is a double kill!


Early the next morning, Ninth Uncle went to the town at the request of Ren Fa, the lord of Ren Mansion, to drink the so-called Yang tea, and by the way discussed about his father’s grave relocation.

“The plot begins, it’s time to prepare.”

Hui Hui stood in front of the door and looked at the Ninth Uncle who was invited out, and said calmly.

He knew that when the Ninth Uncle was invited to discuss the grave of Ren Fa’s father in the town, it would already represent the real beginning of the plot, and those zombie demons and other things would appear directly in front of him.

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