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After hacking that Konoha Shangnin to death, the rest of the Daqin soldiers said guiltily to their captain.

After all, at that moment, they felt distracted, you must know that for them this loss of concentration is the lowest level of mistakes, but they did not expect that they let go of this lowest level of mistakes, which made them feel a sense of shame when they usually described themselves as elite soldiers.

“It’s okay, after all, at the moment just now, I also felt a moment of loss of concentration.”

The captain waved his hand and said flatly.

He didn’t blame the soldiers for their sense of distraction, knowing that just now he also felt a loss of concentration.

After all, they really hadn’t met a guy who could spit flames since they were summoned by Hui Hui, but when they saw this scene, their hearts were still extremely shocked.

“This, can you tell us everything you know?!”

The captain of the elite squad then looked at the guy who was surrounded by them in the middle and said flatly.

You must know that the guy who was just killed by them is obviously coming to chase the guy in front of him, and it is obvious that this guy has some secrets, or chose to defect or the like before being hunted down.

So for those of them who want to get some world intelligence, just to get some information from this guy who seems to have some secrets.

“I said, I said it all.”

The ninja of Yunyin Village, who was also the spy lurking in Konoha Village, swallowed and said.

God knows how much shock that scene just now caused him, these guys who were suspected to be samurai could actually slash a large fireball, this scene really caused him a great shock.

You must know that that guy is an upper ninja in the dark part of Konoha, although it is said that after a burst of consumption just now and a lot of chakra broke out in order to catch up with him, he is still an upper ninja.

The other party can actually resist the attack of Shangnin, although the strength of the other party is definitely not reaching Shangnin, but it is definitely easy to clean up his own guy who is in Shinobi.

So in order to survive, he can now be described as extremely honest.

“I got the news that the four generations of Hokage in Konoha Village sacrificed themselves and their souls were devoured by the Shinigami in order to resist the attack of the Nine Tails, and before dying, the four generations of Hokage sealed the Nine Tails into their children, and their children are now called Naruto Uzumaki.”

“And the current strength of Konoha is still the most tired after the attack of the Nine Tails, so I am going to Yunyin Village to tell Lord Leikage the news, and then I was detected by the guys in the dark part of Konoha, and then it is what you see, my lord.”

This spy installed in Konoha Village in Yunyin Village honestly told all the news he knew.

“Konoha Village, weakened by the attack of a guy named Nine Tails, and then Yunyin Village. In the end, Hokage and Thunder Kage should be their leaders. ”

The captain of the elite squad filtered the words of the surrendered guy in his mind, and directly analyzed several key points.

“Konoha Village, Yunyin Village should be the forces of this world, and Hokage and Thunder Shadow should be the masters of the two forces in front.”

The captain of this elite squad couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Okay, you can go and meet your so-called Lord Thunder Shadow.”

The captain of this elite squad said flatly.


This guy from Yunyin Village was stunned.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this unknown strong man.”

After he reacted, he directly thanked him loudly.

Originally, he thought that he might be imprisoned, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be so generous, although he directly released him and left.


Just when he was excited, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

“You you you!”

The ninja of Yunyin Village trembled and pointed his finger at the Daqin soldiers behind him and said angrily.

Didn’t you say that you want to let him go? Why did it suddenly change?

“Yes, I said that I would let you go to see your Lord Thunder Shadow, but I was just sending your soul to meet your Lord Thunder Shadow.”

The captain, who was wiping the weapon in his hand, looked at the fallen corpse and said lightly.

How could he possibly do such a fool’s thing by letting an unknown enemy go?

What’s more, if they let this guy go, then speechlessness will expose their location, which is undoubtedly the most unacceptable thing compared to them today, so in order to avoid their exposure, killing an insignificant guy is an extremely normal thing.

What’s more, they also got the intelligence they wanted, the intelligence of the initial understanding of this world, so it was still important for him to keep it?


“Keep a living mouth.”

After waiting in the back as the vice captain watched their captain kill the two guys surrounded by them, he gave orders directly to these seven people surrounded by them.

Subsequently, the Daqin soldiers directly wrapped the internal force in their bodies and launched an attack on the dark ninja of Konoha Village surrounded by them.

After all, they have just seen clearly, this group of guys can spit flame-like existence, so for safety insurance, they can only bless their whole body with internal strength to protect their own safety.


The seven Konoha ninjas who were surrounded watched as they watched the people who surrounded them, their speed instantly increased, and the weapons in their hands became sharper, and they looked directly at themselves and the others, and suddenly shouted in fright.

After all, although this group of Konoha ninjas are a group of ninjas, they are probably a crispy mage, and when the crispy mage meets the melee fighter, then most of the crispy mages have only one end.


“Assemble, prepare to evacuate this world.”

The captain of the elite squad looked at the assembled team members and the one who was caught, and immediately ordered.

After all, the guy sent by the so-called Konoha Village to hunt down and kill Yunyin Village disappeared in the realm of this mountain, then Konoha Village would definitely send more people to check why their Konoha Village disappeared.

So if they don’t retreat, they may be discovered by the forces of Konoha Village in this world, anyway, they also got it, they want the biggest news, and they also grabbed a living mouth, if they don’t retreat at this moment, then when will they wait?

Immediately, they activated a round ball condensed by qi luck that Hui Hui handed them, and crushed it.


Hui Hui, who was sitting on the throne, instantly felt that the luck he had handed over to those reconnaissance teams was crushed, and immediately directly relied on those Daqin soldiers to summon a crossing gate and appeared in front of the Daqin soldiers who were in the Hokage World.

“Go, go back.”

The Daqin soldiers shouted directly when they saw the light gate that appeared, and then stepped in one by one.

After all the Daqin soldiers stepped in, this gate of light disappeared into this world.

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