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With a sound of cannons, a sufficient number of shells directly bombarded the entire mountain.

Tens of thousands of bullets were directly vented mercilessly.


Thunder and lightning slashed directly from the sky.

Directly hit the tank, which was bombing the entire mountain.

“You are from the Maoshan faction!”

The old man, covered in blood, roared angrily at the familiar costumes at the bottom of the mountain.

“You guys colluded with the imperial court to actually dare to attack the entire cultivation world!”

The ancestor of this unknown force looked at this scene, and it was better to understand what happened.

Originally, he was performing a dive cultivation in the forbidden land, but he didn’t expect that a cannonball directly hit the place where he was diving.

If it weren’t for his relatively strong strength, I am afraid that he would be directly killed by that shell in the first time.

But after not blowing him up, this old monster whose strength had reached the Yuan Infant realm instantly became furious.

Although he said that he had never seen this kind of shell, it must be only in today’s imperial army. But now it has directly entered his sect, what does this mean? This means that the imperial court is washing his sect in blood!

But what he never expected was that the moment it flew out, he saw the guys from the Maoshan faction mixed in the strange army.

He still knew the clothes of the Maoshan faction, and it was precisely because of his knowledge that he was so angry.

I didn’t expect that the honest Maoshan faction in the past actually dared to collude with the imperial court at this moment, and still colluded with the imperial court so openly, and I am afraid that this is directly defecting to the imperial court and becoming the eagle dog of the imperial court.


Ninth Uncle looked at the guy flying in mid-air and ordered directly.

After choosing to attack the sect closest to the Maoshan faction, he had already ordered the missile team to launch missiles as soon as he gave an order.

“Worthy of being the ancestor of the infant, a lightning strike can actually directly destroy a tank, and it is still the kind that does not even have slag left.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the place where he was just struck by lightning on the battlefield, and now it was a pitch-black scrap iron place, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

But that’s all, the old ancestor level guy of the Yuan Infant realm is very strong, which is recognized, and in today’s era, the ancestor of the Yuan Infant realm can already be regarded as a figure above the ceiling.

But sorry, it has such a big killer as a missile.

With the order of the ninth uncle, the missile team that had been waiting for a long time directly launched the missile in the launch state in an instant.


The Yuan Infant Old Ancestor, who was raging in mid-air, suddenly felt a burst of danger attack, and subconsciously roared.

Then it flew directly towards the rest of the place.


At the moment when he flew sideways, the missile that was supposed to hit it directly hit a mountain below him.

“This, this, this!”

This Yuan Infant Old Ancestor looked at a huge mountain that had been bombed to pieces and instantly felt a pang of fear.

“It’s the power of that iron pimple.”

This Yuan Infant Old Ancestor looked at one of the special squads in the Great Qin team that came to invade, and instantly felt a pang of fear.

Although it was just a direct smash of a mountain, he could do it.

However, this attack can directly consume the life-sustaining mana in his body.

It is precisely because of this that he will feel a tremor of fear, if he is not blind, he can naturally see the iron pimple just now, and the other party has many, many more.

“I didn’t shoot, it’s okay, there’s still here.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the Yuan Infant Old Ancestor who flew to the other side in an instant and said with a smile.

He had long expected that the other party might dodge this missile, after all, if he could become the existence of the ancestor, how could he be directly killed by a missile?

But if one doesn’t work, then use two, and if two don’t work, use three, in short, it’s to bombard this old monster-level guy!

“Old Ancestor, hurry up and escape!”

At the same time, the sect leader who was fighting with the Great Qin army below looked at the ancestor in mid-air and roared instantly.

It doesn’t matter if his sect is destroyed, as long as Lao Zu can escape, then as long as Lao Zu is given a little time, the sect will be recreated.

And as long as the ancestor escapes, then he can inform all the sects that the Maoshan faction has become a court eagle dog and is leading an army to attack the sect in the cultivation world.

It is believed that under the all-out alliance of this Maoshan faction and the army of that imperial court, they will definitely be beaten to scum.

“Yes, yes, yes, I’m going to escape.”

After hearing the words of the sect leader below, the Yuan Infant Old Ancestor in the middle of the air instantly understood what his main thing was doing.

That’s right, as long as he can survive and the cannon sect is destroyed, he can still re-establish the sect elsewhere.

But if he dies in this war, then there is nothing, let alone rebuild the sect, and it is a question of whether anyone will remember her sect in the future.

“Brush brush brush!”

The missile combat vehicle below directly shot out all the missiles.

These missile-launching soldiers, for this strategic weapon, can be said to be completely undistressed, after all, they know that the number of this thing is basically endless, as long as needed can be created, so in order to ensure the power of the attack, they chose to be merciless.

“Boom la la !!!”

“Boom !!!”

A loud sound was made in mid-air and was directly detonated.

Since he would escape in advance before the missile hit that Yuan Ying Lao Zu, then these Daqin soldiers did not stop and directly detonated in mid-air when they did not hit the Yuan Infant Old Ancestor.

In an instant, this infant ancestor felt a terrifying strangulation current, bursting out from mid-air, and this terrifying heat current was destroying his body at an extremely fast speed, he wanted to use the mana in his body for defense, but all the air around him had been washed away by this terrifying heat flow, and he wanted to use a trace of mana to directly introduce the heat flow in the air into his body, then the result was that he would die faster.

“Now I don’t believe you’re not dead.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the Yuan Infant Old Ancestor who was at the center of the explosion in mid-air and said lightly.

The terrifying power in mid-air, he felt a trace of trembling, this power was much more terrifying than the all-out blow of any of the Yuan Infant Old Ancestors in his impression.

Therefore, this ancestor has no possibility of surviving in so many missile explosions.

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