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Subsequently, a shipload of soldiers, a shipload of weapons and a shipload of tanks headed for the country of cherry blossoms.

At the same time, because the warship bound for Sakura Country did not have any cover, it was loaded from the pier in a bright way.

Black-and-white photos of elite soldiers and massive weapons, plus tanks that were only rudimentary in various countries, but had been clearly optimized and optimized in the other party’s Daqin, appeared in the offices of the heads of various countries.

The leaders of various countries looked at the photos on the table with pain, feeling extremely helpless.

They knew that there was some gap between them and the Great Qin in the Far East, after all, the other party’s ability to defeat the million-strong army of the Xuanlong Kingdom, which was not weak, in one day, had already said it all.

But what they didn’t expect was that the other party’s weapons and equipment could actually be refined to this extent.

After all, the current era is very close to the time after the last world war, and their group of leaders who would not have paid attention to military affairs in the past have also begun to pay attention to the military, so they can naturally recognize the gap between their country’s military strength and the Great Qin in the Far East.

You must know that when these countries were in the Qing Dynasty, they bullied them fiercely, and their country’s museums now have treasures from each other’s palace treasuries.

They don’t think that the other party will directly choose to tolerate this matter when they have great strength, you must know that they have also been to that country, and in the face of those ordinary people, they can naturally clearly see the hatred in their eyes, but because of their strength, there is no expression.

But now that a powerful court has risen in their country, can they, the foreigners who did everything evil in the past, still be able to act recklessly on the land of the Far East?

As for the cherry blossom country that is about to be destroyed to the country, they are too lazy to care now, they now have to discuss with themselves how to face the sudden rise of Daqin, where will they still have time to care about the cherry blossom country?

They are not stupid, this matter in front of them is a matter of certainty, and it is a sure thing that the cherry blossom country will be destroyed by that Great Qin.

Instead of choosing to help the Sakura Country tide over the difficulties at this juncture, it is better to choose how to consider how to face it when it is targeted by the Great Qin troops in the future.

“Give me the royal family that connects all the countries, and I will discuss something with them.”

The current king of the Eagle Empire ordered directly to the guards on the side.

Although they had just fought a battle not long ago, and the fight was quite fierce, it is better to choose to calm down and discuss how to face the crisis at this time.

You must know that they are relatives, and they should unite to fight when foreign enemies enter.


The guards who were always on guard responded directly and respectfully after hearing their king’s order.

Who doesn’t know about the relationship between the royal families of all the countries on the continent of Europa?

Now there are people outside who want to bully the people inside this family, and the people inside the family must unite.

So he was not at all surprised that their king wanted to invite the royal families of all the countries on the continent of Europa to discuss things.

Just as the kings of the continent were preparing to discuss things in Europa, the capitalists of the Sichuan country on the other side of the ocean mainly gathered together for a while to discuss and decide on something.

That is to sell weapons to the Sakura Country that is about to be destroyed, and take advantage of the fact that the Sakura Country is destroyed before it is destroyed, if they don’t hurry up, then when the Sakura Country is really destroyed, then they really won’t get anything.

It is necessary to know that the national development history of the entire Sichuan country is basically developed by selling weapons to the outside world and making war money.

Therefore, for the soon-to-be-destroyed cherry blossom country to choose to sell weapons, for those capitalists in Sichuan country, it is the best time.

As for whether it will be targeted by that Daqin, this is really not something that those capitalists have to worry about, people who are worried about this matter, that should be pushed out by their various capital families, the leader of the Sichuan country to solve the matter, you must know that these capitalists have handed over power to the leader of the Sichuan country, if such a little thing is not solved well, what do they want the leader of the Sichuan country to do?


Finally, after Daqin’s fleet sailed on the sea for a while, it arrived at the cherry blossom country of the island country.

“Here they are.”

The temporary emperor who was in the capital of the cherry blossom country, that is, a prince who had not survived in the capital of the cherry blossom country before, a yin-yang master suddenly opened his eyes and said lightly.

“Okay, let’s also ask Lord An Pei to lead the domestic Yin-Yang Division to fight against that vicious Great Qin!”

The Temporary Emperor next to him said respectfully to the Onmyoji next to him.

Now he can only rely on the domestic Onmyoji, and the moment he became the temporary emperor, he directly found those mysterious forces in the country, that is, the Onmyoji in folklore, and he directly found the Ampere family, that is, the direct family of the legendary Onmyoji of Ampei Jingming.

He could only count on these Yin-Yang Master families now to fight against those coming Great Qin.

Although the price of asking them to do it is a little painful, it is still worth it for the entire Sakura Country, after all, as long as this group of Onmyoji solves the Great Qing Shi soldiers who are about to arrive in the Sakura Country, then he may transform into a real emperor and become the new emperor of the Sakura Country.

“Wait for my news.”

An Pei Onmyoji on the side looked at the temporary emperor beside him and said lightly.

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