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“Chief, extinguished.”

The ruling minister of the Sichuan Kingdom said silently to the leader who was sitting on the side waiting for news.

When the army encountered enemy targets, they sent them a telegram clearly stating that they had encountered the enemy.

Then just now he received another telegram, sent by a soldier in a city before he died.

They say that their cities have been attacked by at least hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, and their cities have fallen.

Together with the advance party they sent, there has not even been a message to answer so far, and finally the telegrams from the rest of the cities, which undoubtedly indicates to the fact that the advance party they sent out has been destroyed.

Then those large detachments like demons are now occupying the territory of their country, especially when they pass through the country’s army, all sent out to fight the enemy, resulting in the soldiers of all cities basically disappeared.

If you insist that there is a defensive force, there are only those families’ private soldiers, but those capital families are not loyal to the entire Sichuan country at all, so is it their own people at this critical juncture?

So he understood that the future of the Sichuan Kingdom was doomed, and it was already doomed when all armed forces were eliminated.

“Oh, are those soldiers so fierce?! I didn’t expect that the Daqin soldiers, who were rumored outside, were so vulnerable. ”

After hearing the words of the ruling minister, the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom was instantly stunned, and then said with great joy.

“Hahaha, our chance has come!”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom instantly realized that this was a great opportunity, taking advantage of the fact that the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire in the Far East were all on the Europa Continent and the Sakura Country, and the only army was destroyed by their brave soldiers of the Sichuan Country, so could they take advantage of this great opportunity to directly colonize the entire Great Qin Empire?

To know how vast the territory of the Great Qin Empire is and how huge the population it has, if their Sichuan Kingdom successfully colonizes the entire Daqin Empire, then he believes that his name will be forever remembered in the history of the entire Sichuan Kingdom, and may even surpass Lincoln!!!

“Chief, you heard it wrong, it was not the army of Daqin that was destroyed, but the advance team sent out by us.”

The ruling minister said desperately.

“What? What did you say?! ”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom was instantly stunned after hearing the words of the ruling minister.

It turned out that it was they who were destroyed, and the advance party they sent out was destroyed.

“It’s over. Our Sichuan country is over. ”

The leader of Kawatani closed his eyes in despair.


“General, someone has come to us.” An adjutant general ran to the main general and said strangely.

“We don’t accept any surrender, kill them!”

After hearing the adjutant’s words, the main general directly waved his hand and said.

Is their Daqin’s situation still letting others come to them? They can press the entire window to the ground and hit it without anyone at all.

“No, General, the main thing is that the guys who came to join are not people.”

The deputy general said.

“It’s not human, what is that?”

The main general listened to the deputy general’s words with a strange face, and asked strangely.

“I heard them say they call themselves werewolves and vampires.”

The adjutant general immediately spoke out about the group of races that were about to turn over.

“They said that they had lost all confidence in the damned capitalists in their country, and they just wanted a safe place to live, so they led all their clansmen to come to our Daqin and ask us to accept them, and they could fight for our Daqin.”

The adjutant general immediately put together the words spoken by the leaders of the races who had come to join them.

“Werewolves and vampires, if that’s the case, it’s not unacceptable to accept their surrender.”

After listening to these words, the Lord General couldn’t help but think for a while before gladly agreeing.

Vampires and werewolves should literally be blood-sucking with their zombies, and that werewolf should be a wolf cultivated into a monster.

Anyway, as long as they joined Daqin, he was confident that this group of guys could not betray.

Didn’t they say to themselves, they want a stable place where they can live, although I don’t know if their words are true or false, but Daqin has this place where they live.

If they really had a different intention, they Daqin would do their best to kill them wherever they hid. Their Daqin can be said to be in a period of high and stable development at present, and after experiencing one world after another, they Daqin believes that it is not a problem to be promoted to become the legendary Heavenly Court.

So for Daqin, he is really not afraid of the betrayal of those guys, but if they betray, they Daqin can make them live worse than death!

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