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“Patriarch, what should we do?”

Uchiha Fugaku, who returned to the Uchiha tribe, heard the clansmen’s inquiry.

“Let’s choose the right decision.”

Uchiha Fugaku said firmly after thinking for a while.

Because he is not optimistic about Konoha Village, and in order to protect the Uchiha family, he can only turn to the enemy outside!

Instead of dying inexplicably in the village, it’s better to give it a go.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fugaku naturally cleared the family of those who disappeared from time to time, and where he went, originally in order to let the masters live better in the village, he chose to forget about this matter.

But if there was a chance to turn over their family at most, then he really didn’t recommend pressing Uchiha all over that glimmer of hope.

“Summon all the ninjas in the Uchiha family, I have something to announce that they will all return within five minutes.”

Uchiha Fugaku said heavily.


A ninja from the Uchiha family said excitedly.

Now there is an enemy invasion outside the village, and they have also directly issued a threat order to the entire village, except surrender or death, let them choose.

He didn’t think that the patriarch would let them die directly, of course, more importantly, he knew the character of the patriarch very well, and the Uchiha family must not be destroyed.

Since the Uchiha family cannot be destroyed, and they cannot be defeated, then they can only choose to surrender.

Why did they choose to rebel in Konoha?

It is nothing more than being treated unfairly, unjustly. But what if you turn to other forces? With the Sharingan of their Uchiha family, I believe that they can still compete for a place, so they and the branch family will definitely not appear in this unfair and unfair treatment in Konoha Village.

They don’t want any particularly big rights, or just simple leaders, who can be fair to them, just a little more, really that’s all.


“Guys, you must know what I called you here for.”

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the clansmen gathered together and said heavily.

“I know.”

Hundreds of Uchiha ninjas said loudly.

When they looked at Uchiha Fugaku, their eyes were filled with a hint of excitement.

The shinobi who informed them naturally passed on all the news she knew to these people who were coming to the meeting.

Their Uchiha family is finally going to rebel against Konoha’s unfair and unjust treatment!

Although the way to choose to resist is to betray the whole of Konoha and join a new force.

But what feelings do they have for this Konoha village? Since the establishment of the village, their Uchiha family has suffered unfair and unjust treatment, and if it were not for a more stable life, they would have chosen to betray the village.

Now Konoha Village will face the most dangerous crisis in history, maybe it will disappear directly into this world, so is it wrong for them to separate from the entire Konoha Village?

“Very good, since you know, then the identity of the patriarch of the Uchiha family announces that our Uchiha family has left Konoha Village!”

After Uchiha Fugaku said this sentence, he instantly felt a burst of relief.

Perhaps because the knot in my heart has been untied, there is no need to wander between the village and the family.

“Pack everything that can be packed, don’t bring those things that can’t be carried, we have to hurry to the gate of the village before the ten minutes have arrived, otherwise if Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo find out, I’m afraid we won’t be as we wish.”

Uchiha Fugaku ordered directly.

If their current scheme is really discovered by Yuan Feiri and the people of other families, I am afraid that they will come to stop themselves at the first time, after all, their own behavior is a naked betrayal in the eyes of their group of people who are deeply shrouded in the will of fire!


All of Uchiha’s clansmen said loudly.

Yinghui, who was at the gate of Konoha Village, looked at the scene of Konoha Village in front of him and ordered directly.

“Bow and arrow ready!”

Huan Hui directly ordered the soldiers under his command.

Knowing the plot, he naturally knew that if he said that it was okay to let Konoha Village pay compensation, but if he directly let the entire Konoha Village submit, it would mean that Konoha Village was directly gone, and the three generations of Hokage’s Ape Flying Sun Slash and the leader of the root tribe, Shimura Danzo, were the first to refuse.

He gave them ten minutes to prepare and prepare, if they really wanted to choose to join Daqin, they were already preparing their belongings.

However, Shimura Danzo, who is the leader of the root tribe, and Sarutobi Hibi, who is the third generation of Hokage, are estimated to be using all the forces they can to gather them all, and they will directly attack themselves and their soldiers later, although they do not have a slight chance of victory at present, but perhaps they may choose to fight to the death for the so-called will of fire.

But as time went by, the ten-minute deadline was fast approaching.


Winghui looked at Konoha Village, who still didn’t move, and ordered directly!

“Wait, wait, my lord.”

Suddenly, there were urgent voices from inside Konoha Village.

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