
Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Konoha village in front of him and couldn’t help but swallow.

This was simply amazing, and Uchiha Fugaku couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised by his surrender.

If he had accidentally executed the title just now, then I am afraid that the Uchiha family would also be under the blow of that overwhelming bow and arrow.

Although his strength as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan is close to the shadow level, if he faces such an overwhelming blow, sorry, even he is not sure that he can save his life safely and unhindered.

“Gee, I really hope that the two guys of Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo can die under this wave of bows and arrows.”

Uchiha Fugaku couldn’t help but curse the three generations of Hokage and the Root Leader who were suffering in the village.

On weekdays, it is these two guys who acquiesce to the unfair and unjust treatment of them by the entire Konoha Village, so if he has the opportunity, he can’t kill them, although he can’t kill those two guys, but he is also killed by his new forces.

Especially in front of yourself, this sour feeling is simply inhumane.

“Find all the living guys.”

Wenhui looked at Konoha Village, which was filled with bows and arrows, and ordered lightly.

Although the number of his attacks in one wave is extremely large, the targets he killed in the end may only be those most ordinary villagers and shinobi, or maybe if he is lucky, he can kill a middle ninja.

But those upper Shinobi and the patriarchs of various families are definitely not so easy to die.

Of course, even if they are not dead, the Chakra in their bodies is estimated to be consumed under this wave of attacks.

In short, now all the ninjas in the entire Konoha village are already in the situation of strong bows and crossbows.

Now is the best time to capture them, and it is best to capture the ninjas of the entire Konoha village when they are injured under this wave of blows.


The soldiers of Daqin, who surrounded the entire Konoha Village, after receiving their Majesty’s order, directly took out the weapons on their waists and cautiously marched towards the Konoha Village that was filled with bows and arrows.

An army of 500,000 is basically every 100, or even 1,000 soldiers, searching in one direction.

As a result, even if there are surviving ninjas, they want to launch a counterattack against the Daqin soldiers, but in the face of such a large number of Daqin soldiers, it can only be the result of being counter-killed.

In the end, a ninja was dragged out of every corner by the soldiers of Daqin.

“Don’t move me, you can try again!!!”

A dark-looking guy threatened the Daqin soldiers who dragged him out.

“Shimura Danzo, hahahaha! I didn’t expect you to have today! ”

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Shimura Danzo, who was being escorted by many Daqin soldiers, and laughed instantly.

I didn’t expect that Shimura Danzo, one of the culprits who suppressed their Uchiha family on weekdays, would also have today.

It’s really an eye-opener.

“Uchiha Fugaku!”

The dark-looking guy looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who was smiling arrogantly in front of him, and instantly understood the origin of everything.

“Sure enough, your Uchiha family are all evil guys, and if I knew this, I should have eradicated you and the Uchiha family one by one earlier!” What Master said is really not wrong, you are all a bunch of evil guys!!! ”

Danzo cursed directly at Uchiha Fugaku.

In his heart, it was definitely this evil family who betrayed Konoha, and the one who led these samurai armies was the patriarch of this evil family, Uchiha Fugaku!

Sure enough, what Master Zun said is not wrong, the Uchiha family is really a group of evil guys!

“Hahaha, damn Tuanzo, say whatever you want, as early as when you chose to suppress our Uchiha family, you should have expected that there would be this result today. Otherwise, we might choose to go along with Konoha, but unfortunately. ”

Uchiha Fugaku smiled coldly at Danzo.

“Please, and ask our root leader to call himself a team battle and go where you should go!”

Uchiha Fugaku said lightly.


Tuanzo roared angrily.

“Don’t move, you can move again!”

The Great Qin soldier who suppressed Shimura Danzo looked at this damn captive, and actually dared to threaten them, the so-called Uchiha family who had just defected to them, and instantly stabbed the long sword in their hands into Shimura Danzo’s body.


Tuan Zang instantly felt a pain in his waist, and looked at the so-called Daqin who pressed him down, and clenched his teeth fiercely in his heart.

He vowed that as soon as he got out of trouble, he would kill all these damn guys!

“Oh, I didn’t expect to survive, so many children.”

Hui Hui looked at the guys who were being searched one by one, and many young children felt strange for a moment.

Those adults themselves could not survive, and they could still protect their children, which had to make him feel a little surprised.

“Your children will be raised by my Daqin, so you can go with peace of mind.”

Hui Hui looked at the dead corpse and said lightly.

He killed them himself and took their children captive, and if they wanted to rule them completely, they were just raising their children, and if the children of these ninjas grow up in the future, they might be able to feed Daqin to contribute.

And his actions in raising children can be regarded as the last conscience in his heart.


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